Rydia has the best design out of all of the female Final Fantasy characters

Rydia has the best design out of all of the female Final Fantasy characters.
Prove me wrong.

>prove me wrong

But you're correct.

We literally can't, OP.

JustinRPG agrees

No, I won't. Fuck you.

Shouldn't her name be Lydia? Why'd they never correct this? They changed Aeris to Aerith but decided to leave this obvious mistake?

>older rydia
you posted the wrong rydia, OP

>Rydia has the best design out of all of the female Final Fantasy characters.
And then she grew up.


That's easy.


>I-I'm not a pedo, officer

You know Relm's a good girl if Edgar's into her.

the line created by the thigh and the hips makes me harder than diamonds


What girls is he not into?

Isn't he getting released this year?

Does she have the best chest in Final Fantasy?

What's wrong with being a pedo?

She's a contender


A Krile is fine, too. Also, there will never be another playable loli in any Final Fantasy game.

>there will never be another playable loli in any Final Fantasy game.
You know, you're probably right. What an awful timeline.


Green is certainly nice but Eiko's the girl for me.


Oh hello, I just dropped in


What is it about this pose that makes it better than anything explicit?


Why do people draw her with big tits?


Because they are nice

While I like her design, but at the same time its so inconsistent with how many versions there are


Fan art of the girls is better than actually playing the games


i prefer front swoop hairstyle rydia
no long green hair yuna rydia


>green hair
Like a cherry on top

Cecil should have dumped Rosa for Rydia to be honest family.

My waifu has this problem too.



Is this a character from the Key and Peele football player names sketch?

The perfect final fantasy girl.

rydia is a QT, but im kinda troubled by the implication of fugging a grown woman with the mind of a 7 year old

>Thaddeus Lewis McMichael
>Michigan State Police Headquarters

Well, it didn't stop Edge.

Not much different from...aww fuck it that's too easy

Doesnt she age normally in wherever she went? I havent played ff4 in over a decade so i dont remember a lot of it.

>grown woman with the mind of a 7 year old
But she mentally older, she just isn't a mature person

The truth is that Cecil actually orchestrated the entire plot so that Rydia would age to her adult form so he could tap that.

Are there even laws against such relations in that world?
If not, why do we impress modern values to it?

She aged normally, time just moved differently in the other dimension.

So why didn't Cecil fug her?
Shit taste?

the game said he needed to be with Rosa the blank slate

Why did they make her design after she ages into an adult so skimpy?

t. game informer journalist, asking the hard hitting questions

Rosa is beautiful, elegant, and is wifu material is the perfect wife for Cecil

shut the fuck up Kain

I love Rydia, but Rosa saves my ass so many times that I can't decide, who is the best girl

>Can carry you through a significant chunk of the game
How does anyone not like Agrias?

I always really liked Faris' sprite design, or at least the interpretation of it. Sadly her 'canon' design is the shitty Amano design.

Is also really great though

Having special NPC characters in a strategy game is dumb as hell.

fuck off mustadio

>mfw I found out he made an account on a pokemon forum I frequented as a kid

How did they not realize this guy was fucked in the head when he posted his reshiram marriage?

>Edward loses his entire kingdom and his gf shields him from death
>child Rydia gives him shit for crying

>Edge, who adultish Rydia just met, is determined to fight that fiend again even if it means death
>she cries

I never got over how much of a bitch she was in the first scene desu. The second one doesn’t help.

Edward was a cuck who deserved it and Edge was just a goofy bastard whom Rydia was wet for

Fuck off Edge, go back to your shitty underground kingdom, faggot

>Edge was just a goofy bastard whom Rydia was wet for
He was the one wet for her actually. Considering they never got together or anything, I don't think she cared that much for him.

TAF Rydia > Adult Rydia > Loli Rydia

go prep your best friend's cock for Rosa pussy, dragon cuck

Edward was so useless, so who cares?

>Edward was a KEK
>gf literally gave her life for him, comes back from the grave momentarily to cheer him on over speaking to her own father or something like that

Go betray another friend, Kain

nothing in that post had anything to do with party member strength

Fuck you guys, It was Golbez fault

ff4 brainwashing requires there to be ill thoughts to begin with. Kain is THAT jealous.

You even got cucked by your best friend's big brother LMAO

*Zemus' fault

>Fan art always slaps melons on her
Things like this make me sick.

Kill yourself then, you retarded fucking faggot.

it's hard to find art of rydia that gets her hair the way i want it
but there are a few artists who understand my position

Piss off, fatfag.

original ff4 is practically 8 bit, and as nice of artist the concept art guy is, you really cant make his designs out half the time for characters. full imagination license is in play here.


is the after years any good




I like Faris

oh i still have that rydia drawing Sup Forums's own allyson did for me
i bet no newfag remembers her

Adult Rydia porn is the only redeeming factor of that dumpster fire of a game.

What about Rosa porn


That's not my FFXIV character


why does rydia wear such slutty clothing

Because she secretly wants to get bred by monsters.

You know Leviathan hit that.