Seriously, is this game worth it? I've seen lots of people saying it has improved tremendously since launch, and I kinda want to enjoy a long, comfy MMO. What does Sup Forums think of it?
Seriously, is this game worth it? I've seen lots of people saying it has improved tremendously since launch...
I get mad at this game a lot.
I only just started playing it this month, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Combat-wise, I think it's leagues better than the other ES games, and that's enough to get me hooked.
I've been playing since vanilla and it has gotten better with every addition. The combat is fast and isn't 12341234, some skills you can spam but the need to block and dodge is there. Any class is viable for anything almost and dispite the MMO aspect it holds up as a decent Elder Scrolls. If you're super into the lore you might get annoyed because apparently they raped it. Check out the beginners guide on the /vg/ thread. It covers the mechanics and if it sounds like you'll enjoy it you can't go wrong.
Play with friends for the love of god
One Tamriel level scaling and faction border removal was the biggest change this game has ever had. It was also the best, since going from one overpopulated leveling area to the next was tedious as fuck. Now you can go from 1-50 in what used to be the low level zones since they scale to you.
Not sure what you mean by a long game though. The main quest is pretty short and terrible. Getting to 50/CP160 is quick too. Getting to high CP will take ages however, even with Enlightenment bonus.
The combat is better than default TES combat but it's still a MMO.
I quite enjoyed the severely limited trade system that encourages trading guilds but that was about it. I grew bored out of it quickly.
Bought it 3 months ago on PS4 for £10 and still haven't installed it, make a judgement on that
Get it on sale if any thing. Decent for a mmo biggest flaw is that the devs arent great at balancing. They've gotten a bit better but not much. It has some pretty alright end game content if you can find the people who can do it.
If you really like Elder Scrolls you'll likely find some enjoyment out of ESO. It goes for pretty damn cheap on sale regularly so it's worth picking up the vanilla game to see if you like it. There is tons of content even in just the base game so you wont have to touch any DLC for a while.
I own the game and I'm not even sure if it's worth it. It has some amusing quests and writing, the graphics are alright, and there seems like a good amount of customization but holy hell it's a pain in the ass to try to learn without feeling like you're irreparably fucking your character up after spending 500 hours leveling. Speaking of which, people who know what they're doing will hit the level cap in a couple hours. If you don't know what you're doing and just play quests and have fun you'll get around level 30 in 150 hours.
I'm glad I got the base game for "Free" by trading for it and Morrowind for like $11 because I still have no fucking idea if I even like it.
So you impulse bought the game and never bothered to try it so you have no opinion. Good to know faggot.
I felt the same exact way, having regrets for the class i'm playing and feeling like i'm playing it completely wrong.
>irreparably fucking your character up after spending 500 hours leveling
Respecs are relatively cheap and easy. Only morphs really matter, and as far as attributes go you always want to go all in one or the other unless you're a tank. The only way to fuck up is by picking a class you don't like.
Dumb frogposter.
About all I've picked up is that DPS is the only thing that matters until you hit the level cap, and apparently nightblades are the best because of it. Unfortunately I went into it thinking "I will play this like any other TES" and did my usual heavy armor/weapons/restoration nord paladin dude which feels pretty awful.
They may be cheap and easy if you know what you're doing, but I have a hard time just scraping together gold for bag spaces. And I sure as shit don't have the kind of gold to daily upgrade a horse.
Yeah nah don't do that m8, Min Max.
Is this still subscription based
No, it's been buy to play for a year or two now.
Stop repairing your armor if you can survive w/ broke armor it will save you money, Research Light/Med or heavy armor so towards end of game you can create your own armor if you desire a crafted armor set. Farm materials in Bal Foyen or any other small starting zone to sell for coin to other players (you can farm mats anywhere just find the easiest spot for you). PvP makes hardly any money so yeah I suggest selling alchemy ingredients or finding a trade in game you are interested in and try make cash that way. If you just wanna grind levels all day you can selll trash from the mobs for gold but if doing this over and over don't repair your armor. Effective w/ mana builds because they can use wards to protect from DAM so the armor rating isn't important.
but half the content is unavailable unless you subscribe? just a guess
The stuff labeled as "DLC" is blocked unless you buy it or subscribe, and the Morrowind expansion has to be bought, but all of that was added after launch. All of the quests and content that was in the base game is buy to play for the base game itself, as well as all the patches and some of the free shit they've added like player housing.
For all my complaints about ESO I can't knock them on their buy to play model.
the game is trash. admittedly i did have fun with the thieving which was surprisingly fun for an mmo. it was enjoyable going from town to town stealing shit. everything else is garbage. pvp is straight up trash and i suspect the "best" players used macros
If you can get into a guild trader you can sell stuff fairly easy to aquire for a nice profit. The main towns are Mournhold, Wayrest, Rawl'Kha, Belkarth and the big elf tree city (Forgot the name) use the guild traders located in these towns as a base for the price you will charge for stuff. If you don't have add ons this is how you check retail prices for stuff in game.
I've asked a few times but I've never gotten into a trade guild. I also hear that guilds shower newbies with training gear for faster leveling, but again never got a guild and never got training gear and I haven't found cheap low level training gear on guild merchants either.
if you actually pay for the whole game (and by that I mean all the DLC) it's enjoyable. If not, you just run into paywall after paywall. Also "Tamriel unlimited" my ass, it has like 4 regions, you CAN'T just walk through them and most of it is, yep, you guessed it, behind paywalls.
I know right, don't be dis-couraged though if you get talking to a vet player just tell em ''hey I could use a trader and some training gear if you have the time'' I play XBNA server and could help you w/ training gear but if you on PC or another server/platform I am sure in /TESOG/ general thread you could ask if there is anyone who can help you, or join there TESOG Sup Forums ESO guild maybe.
Also people who try profit off selling training gear to nubs are cunts. In craglorn there is a place where low levels get power leveled called SkyReach Catacombs swing past this area now and then and see if anyone can help. there are a lot of nice helpful people out there so don't stress, Somebody will help you out eventually but in the meantime put in some work just questing or something chill.
it could have been great.
>try profit off selling training gear to nubs are cunts.
What's wrong with wanting to make some money? You some kind of N'wah commie?
My brother has invested 5000 hours into the pvp alone. He's been emperor like 20 times or something.
I really don't understand how, the game doesn't have that much depth.
I guess it scratches the same itch as Runescape pvp or something similar.
Nothing wrong with being a cunt, sit down.
PvP is trash in ESO yet I spend all my time there anyway, your brother must be very enthusiastic about the PvP aspect or heavily medicated to not have become bored of it. There is the social aspect too if he just pwns w/ his friends all day even on a shit game it is still satisfying.
Truthfully the most fun I've ever had in PVP
Fells like a war when your mob runs into another mob and its just a massive shitstorm.
I think he likes it. Whenever I see him play it's a literal slideshow the amount of people on screen. I remember having a fun time when the battles were pretty huge, and when there was a fair amount of tactics, but I got bored.
From what I understand he's pretty well known in game. Or at least is a heavy hitter or something.
His character is Greyskin McGee if you have ever seen him
But yeah I don't really see the fun in the pvp. But it's there for some people I guess.