Under Night

Chilling with some UNIST tonight, having a blast playing this game.
Between online and training mode, I'm considering playing through the arcades and the chronicles, is the story in this any good? Any lore experts around?

Oh, I guess I will throw up a lobby since this thread exists, it's my birthday and I have nothing to do for 2 hours. Keyword is vee.
Anyway I finished the Chronicle mode a couple days ago, took me forever. I think it's pretty fun. It's certainly there, so you may as well give it a shot.

Is the Chronicle Mode like a visual novel or are there matches scattered in between?

It's a visual novel, there's absolutely no fights in Chronicle Mode whatsoever. I mean, you see them talk about people fighting, but there's no matches. Just dialogue.

Ah, okay. I heard Chronicle Mode was like a prequel to things that happen in the Arcade Mode so I was wondering.

Just starteed playing through Chronicles. There is A LOT of dialogue! It's an info dump! I suppose this is what I need if I wanna know the characters

Yeah, all the episodes on Chronicle Mode take place chronologically after one another, starting from "THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO" to "the day before the events of Arcade Mode", but it does that stupid thing where you unlock episodes in different places in the timeline so you might get out of place. It's not a big deal though, most of the chapters are just backstory specific to the character featured in it, and they explain frequent terms multiple times.

>Any lore experts around?
Hi, what would like to know?
Before [st], there was hardly anything aside from random bits of dialogue in the arcade mode runs so FB listened to fans and finally made a concrete story mode but it's mostly an enormous prologue that explains what every character was up to.

UNIST was unironically the most fun I've ever had with a fighting game. I'm glad I picked it up.

me on the left

i just beat chapter 1 of ories story and have like 4 more chapters to go. that 1 chapter was like 20 minutes of exposition
im gonna need a whole weekend for this one

I was starting to wonder if anyone would show up

It's extremely lengthy but that's what FB really had to get through since they had 4 years of world-building on the side to finally get down on paper.

lol she looks exactly like Mechanica from Arms

I loved the Chronicle mode. They did a great job with all the characters.

I have homework but I'm about to join the lobby. I'll passively spectate for now, maybe play a few to take breaks, if nobody minds. I'll leave if it starts to get full.

Don't worry, I'm closing it in like an hour and a half anyway, maybe sooner. I gotta go then.

Are there people who play off the vita version online? Might actually pick this up on mine.

Did I say an hour and a half? I meant like... 20 minutes. I don't know what people are planning. Maybe I'll be on later, maybe not, depends on when I get back.

I'm trying to do this one Yuzu combo. I know I can do it, it's just getting the timing right for the first part that I hate.

Somewhat. It's the same amount as the online for the PS3/PS4 online except not as serious. People will join the room and stay regardless of whether they're winning or not because it's just fun, and people in the vita general are always willing to play fighting games, including UNIST (and if you want, AH3 is also still big there).
Not an exaggeration. I was in a room with a few newbies earlier today and went 21/0 playing for hours
They added me to their friends list after

Sorry bout my connection, don't know what happened.

Are any of the colors actually references? I've seen people claim they are but the only one I could see was Enkidu and Geese. Also, maybe it's just me, but inputs feel a little off in this game to me, I tend to fuck up inputs as simple as quarter circles at times. I might just be doing them too fast, but has anyone else had that issue?

If anything, I found this game to be easier for inputs. Maybe I'm just getting better though but whereas I would struggle with the 623 input in combos, I can do them flawlessly in UNIST.

What in the world was that

sorry hydro that got ugly at the end there

Damn, both rounds were close. Good game Pargon

Thanks, i'll probably be picking this up on vita then. Besides i've been meaning to get into the lore.

One of Enkidu's is Kouma from Melty Blood. Linne has one for Ciel too.

Why is Mechanica in a weebshit game?

Eh the room won't be up by the time it gets back to my turn, I gotta go to something, still don't know what, you guys make one if you want
Jesus the lag is bad tonight though.

This game's older than that game.

You're too dead to mash, blue

Bad habits start coming out when I panic, I think.


Okay but for real though the room is closing after this one. I just wanted to give hippie one.

Anyone else want to make a room?

Lobby is going back up at the regular time?

rip room, ggs all. might b back if theres another

I can keep playing right now, guess i'll make one

I told you I had to go. I'll start using Eltnum less in these lobbies and go back to Linne, I just wanted to get more comfortable with her since I didn't play her in the last game

I had no idea enkidu could whiff cancel that

Gonna remake the room, I put rematch settings on.

It said the data timed out

I don't think I can play with waifustealer, getting the same connection issues I got with wolfie a while back. I just can't see connection bars on him at all, not even a 0. Not sure what the cause is.

I did get UNIEL for ps3 but I got way too lost, had no idea how anything worked and there was not a single tutorial in it

UNIST has a very in depth tutorial that teaches you all of its mechanics, as well as mission mode for learning what combos characters are capable of.

Probably just distance.

I'm not certain it's that, because even with that Yuzuriha player from Europe I was getting a 0 and could play with him. Hippie is playing with waifustealer now with no issue, and I can play with Hippie with no issue.

I mean. Me and hippie's connection isn't the best, really. I've also fought you before (I think?) so I'm not sure what the problem is now.

Just wondering Hippie, how long did it take you to get that 66C>214A>66C>214B Wagner combo down? I tried it in training room for a couple hours at least and could not land the second 66C fast enough even one time unless my dummy was cornered.

That was like the second combo I came up with her.

Also, please stop doing the follow-up for 236 without a buff. You're also letting it end early and not letting all the hits land.

Well, guess I just need to keep at it. And noted.

I really need to take a look at Seth's frame data. Not used to him at all

I criminally underutilized all my light attacks because I'm too used to fighting Merk/Hilda/Yuzuriha

Right. Really surprised about that dashb beating out my 2C for oki. Is it really fast?

Lags getting worse against you, blue

Dash B is amazing but it's unsafe as shit on block.

Got it. It's cool that it vortexes

In that case I'll call it for the night. I have to confess I've been using wifi for a while now but I'm getting an ethernet cable delivered tomorrow so hopefully things won't be as bad going forward. I'll look at these replays later too, thanks for the advice again.

Lobby up?



Finally, a Hyde player.

Well that went as expected.

nice to meet you all

Is he rare or something?


I'm the only one that plays him around here, aside from one other player who shows up from time to time.

How big is the lobby? I need a brake from my small practice session but don't wanna wait too long.

4 people so far

I think that eltnum 421b > IC6B combo drops on Hyde, Linne, and Hilda

I can pass for a bit if you'd like.

Are Gordeau and Chaos lovers?

I can probably 1 or two then.

Orbiter on Eltnum is not free, got it. Ouch.

Close Friends

Can't attack even with 5a after a close HU HU SHINPO, noted.

Akatsuki's tatsu is fucking retarded

You absolutely can.
It's only safe if I do a risky reflector or dp.

It looks punishable without CS but apparently I can still get countered even up close.


b tatsu is also free if you shield it

Where should I go if I want to learn how to play this game?

>Any lore experts around?
I don't want this to turn into the awful mess like GG threads

Mizuumi and the Discord are two good resources

We just need to avoid turning anyone into Jack-O/Baikenfags then.

Use the Tutorial

Okay that was fun. See you guys tomorrow night. Good matches all

Oh and sorry I bullied the new Hyde. I didn't notice your rank till second round.

Nah you're fine. It's all learning to me.

GGs man

I'm using the tutorial and I heard someone say it's pretty great, on par with SG

Yeah, don't be too afraid of my teleports. You'll get used to them soon.

>$10 cheaper on PS3
>free online with PS4 crossplay
Even P5 had free network functionality. I hope that doesn't change for the Catherine remake.

I actually wanted to see if I could 3c them at the very end. You were pretty high up there.

Just ask Hippie. He knows everything about how to punish my Yuzu.

Man, Wagner looks cool, i may have to try to learn her even though she's way of from my usual type of character.

3C has a ridiculous vertical hitbox. Anti-airs in this game are an absolute commitment though, you only gain head-invuln a couple frames after you try and throw it out. You really have to see it coming

Who are good characters for a beginner?

Yuzu or Hyde, probably Hyde

Gotcha. GGs either way.