i've only played this game for 2 hours but i fucking hate it already

Other urls found in this thread:


git gud


that's what they posted. and?


you mean she

It's because this is the sort of game where you need to learn the basic mechanics. Going in blind will lead to nothing.

>OP trying to to criticize the one game that cannot be criticized
Loving every laugh, Darkest Dungeon fags will just quote shit from the game and drown you the fuck out.
Guaranteed if this thread takes off you'll be snuffed out and they'll make it their general of choice.


Oh, sorry.


Remind yourself.


the salty nigga award of the year goes to you, faggot

Quit getting mad at video games


>thinking you're "gud" because of dice rolls

>scout a trap
>it goes off when you try to disarm it
great game



Begone thot!

do you like?

>2 hours

Theres your problem.

Youre pretty much guaranteed to suck shit for the first few hours, just tuff it out like a big boy and it'll get better. I know its daunting at the beginning

>it gets good 10 hours in meme

>Have to thoroughly read outside sourced info-guides in order to make any progress in a single player game.

I think I'll pass.

user, keep in mind that this is a game where you can't brute force your way through it.
Your attacks should not miss much - upgrade your skills and weapons. Don't take say, a level 1 character to a level 3 dungeon.
If you have no heroes to go a high level dungeon, just take a few on a low level expedition.

Heart attacks? Yeah, don't pick any heroes wit 30 stress or more for dungeons. That solves that problem.

Resist... resist what? Stat effects? Some enemies have high resists. Don't use Waifu Plague Doctor against enemies with high blight resist.

Trap? user, please, scout

Is it worth turning on the dlc for a first run? I heard there was a debuff that makes shit super annoying from the start

IT doesn't get good after a few hours, YOU get good after a few hours.

>Not knowing how to manage risk and prepare for failure
Git gud

>level up a character i like
>game wont let me use him anymore
shit game let that is difficult to be difficult rather than fun

It isn't, your first run will likely go terribly and you might have to reset. Turning on crimson court will only make that happen faster.


not canon

>Trap? user, please, scout

>not having a hero in your party with 90% trap disarm skill

>30min till work, can do one more dungeon
>take 25min to make a team
Every time


Was literally just about to post this exact same video.

I've heard that houndmasters are pretty good

I want to fuck plague doctor

Use 4 Abominations if you want the most brain dead easy play through

You'll probably fuck even that up tho

How solid is a Occultist/Archer/Doggo/Jango?

very so
put arbalest in 4th though, and bring her heal

In that order? Not very.

This, don't forget to give Occultist his knife stab, so he always has something to do

Try getting good instead of blaming the game.

This is what babbys actually believe

I like that her and doggo can self heal pretty well so occultist can focus healing BH or someone who takes a huge hit.

>First dungeon fuck up and everyone is stressed or dead.
>only people available is a plague doctor, jester, vestal and abomination
>Can't make a party of 4 anymore and both the jester and plague doctor cant attack because their move list
I have the worse luck.

Stay salty. I get to enjoy my husbando.

About to post

Arbalist can't self heal tho

Why does this game get so much circle jerking in here? Its so fucking primitive and shallow dice roll game only a true brainblet would deem it worth his time. If you want risk management and tactical gameplay go play XCOM - a game nobody ever praises in here. It beats DD into the dirt in every field except maybe "b-but I like lovecraftian!"...

Are you sure? Pretty sure I've done it before. She has to be in position 3 to do it I think.

>tfw the few times I use Arbalest she always finds a way to fuck up and die
>tfw a god damn reskin always saves my ass
Further proof that Musketeer is waifu

Oh yeah, that makes sense. I think I never ever let her get out of 4 so in my mind she can't self heal

I'm pretty sure same people who like DD also like X Com, so I'm not sure who you are bating here, sweety

>pours soylent on you
what did they mean by this?

Yea and people who play Dota also play Lol. No.


gtfo child

>The early game is shit because all your heroes are weak and it's almost entirely RNG based whether you'll get a decent crop of character
>The mid game is shit because all you do is send your teams out to easy dungeons grinding for money/experience that they can't possible fail over and over again.
>The end game is shit because the penultimate "Darkest Dungeon" forces you to use new teams every time you want to attempt the Darkest Dungeon again. Did you waste four hours getting a Crusader up to max level with great trinkets? Well fuck you cunt, go grind up another one because he's not beating the game for you.

To top all this off there's no way to actually fail the game, just buy more heroes for a pittance from the wagon and start grinding again. Imagine if XCOM had no fail state and you could just keep throwing soldiers at the enemy until you finally beat the game. Fucking retarded

>*blocks your character progression*
>*forces u 2 dismiss them*
Has there ever been a DLC that's made the game THIS unfun before?

Blood isn't even hard to come by after the farming quests in the courtyard.

Like a baby.

the whole point of the game is to learn how to minimize bad situations you sperg

Wish the devs spent less time whining about social justice and more time making shit like this.

You can stall out a fight if you have a stunner, just kill the big threats, and spam stun on the other guys while you heal HP/stress.

You'll be fine user, you just gotta sack up.

tfw the one guy who beat stygian in 16 weeks with 2 doggos and 2 abominations at lvl 1 each in dd1

Darkest Dungeon is the epitome of bullshit rng and artificial difficulty, no idea why Sup Forums loves it so much.

I'm about to start a new campaign because the DLC is gay as fuck. Just extends the grind by forcing you to get rid of the people infected and purposefully throws the blood monsters at you, instead of the area specific ones.

How hard is the Countess compared to Viscount and Baron? What build would work for her?

Get bleeds.
Flag and hellion are good.

Ripostes usually do well against bosses with multiple turns.

Because it's honest with it by telling you more than once that the game is about bullshit situations and that the goal isn't about outmatching them, it's about mitigating them.

>dude it's bad on purpose lmao

Not bad, hard. Unfair, even. But that's the appeal: that the unfair bullshit can be beaten, it can be pushed back.

Still not good game design

Enjoy your AIDS.

If you don't enjoy that kind of thing, sure. But without challenge, what's the appeal? Might as well play cookie clicker if you want a game that plays itself.

>not wanting to play purposely unfair rng simulators = wanting to play cookie clicker
what is middle ground

Just play radiant, shitter

>using basic attack on the 4 heroes against dodge and armor enemies like a shitty rpg maker game.

If all that shit happened to you in just two hours you must be absolutely awful at the game.

It's not about the rng, it's about challenge. Anything that has a challenging non-human opponent is inherently unfair.

ah my wife returns after all these years

>I want to play games where learning curve reaches maximum at 5 minutes of gameplay
you might enjoy these ones

Just uninstall user, if it's not fun for the first two hours, it's not gonna be fun ever.
>Every user who says gitgud
You can play as the safest motherfucker in the world and this game will still screw you over for the sake of it, there is no gitting gud at RNG.

This game is actually at its best after 2 hours or so. Then again after 20 hours you just get bored because the game stops showing you anything new and the gameplay is not engaging enough to justify the grind.

>there is no gitting gud at RNG.

Agreed, but you can get better at putting yourself in a position where the RNG won't fuck you as hard. Learn what comps work, mess around with trinkets, learn to manage stress over the course of a dungeon, etc and when you get the inevitable three misses in a row or your occultist 0-Bleed heals your guys will be in better shape to handle it than if you hadn't.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled his game 6 times in the past year or so. I keep coming back because of the challenge, but no other game has triggered me to turn it off and uninstall...sometimes the RNG is such a cunt and you get 6 shit rolls back to back.

>tfw RNG masochist and love this shit
I only just got the game a week ago on Switch with both DLCs and I'm fucking loving this. You're either the kind of person who can enjoy the thrill of the gamble and know how to take the shit with the good, or you're not and seeing the appeal in any of this may as well be impossible.

>Playing indie shit
there's your problem.

Manage your ACC and enemy Dodge
MaA can do all that easily.
Do not let stress build up. A Jester can do that.
Upgrade skills, use trinkets, that buff base chance, do not use skills against enemies that are next to immune to it: do not try to make skeletons bleed, etc.
Increase your scouting chance.

There, I've beaten the RNG for you.

I remember playing this game fairly early in development. I ran into an enounter with 2 musket bandits and 2 knife bandits. I got surprised, ate 2 full rounds of crits from their hit everyone attack, and my entire party died before I got a single action.

I'm glad nothing like that has happened since then. That was the worst fucking thing.

You don't, those are only there for retards that can't think beyond throwing their heads at a wall and impatient folk not wanting to spend any time learning to play through the game.

>not wanting to spend any time learning to play through the game
You do realize that just translates into "not wanting to grind new characters over and over again" right? Why waste your time when you can """learn""" from someone else.


T. Retard



not an argument