This game honestly takes some of the shittiest design decisions I've ever seen

This game honestly takes some of the shittiest design decisions I've ever seen.

It's almost impossible to get anything besides a Stone award at every level because the game literally punishes your score for healing yourself in the middle of a level with items while barely providing any healing orbs.

As if they weren't rare enough, healing orbs restore maybe the same or LESS health than a standard enemy attack. You get to find 5 healing orbs throughout an entire level if you're lucky. And if you retry more than once, you automatically get a stone award, and if you use items for more than the total of your health bar, it is counted as a death in the chapter overview.
It's not even that the game is hard, because if you die in a fight, you'll start it from the beginning with full HP, it's just incredibly annoying to get anything other than the LOWEST score because they didn't balance healing orbs

Other urls found in this thread:

git gud

The games MAIN mechanic is dodging and you wonder why it punished you for not using the tools they gave you?


She's ugly as fuck.


>still generating tons of fucking salt
What did we do to deserve such a based queen?

The only bullshit is those instant death QTE’s


Playing MGR before Bayo is better tutorial than the in-game one

this is the game that introduced me to dubstep:


git gud.
I used to get stones liek you, but then I took the time to understand the mechanics of the game and then i was getting golds and platinums ez.
Also there are a lot more healing orbs in the game, they're just scattered and in areas where you think they wouldn't be/

This is completely irrelevant. I get that you would need to be perfect at dodging to get the best score, but we're talking about getting THE WORST score because you didn't dodge literally every attack thrown at you, it's called a binary extreme.

It's like having Heaven and hell as the default DMC difficulty

Stop getting hit if you want non-shit ranks

if you're really bothered by the pointless trophies that much just play easy mode until you unironically get good. I would take off the accessory they give you in easy mode though if you actually want to improve.

>Get gold or above on every individual stage
>Get stone for the chapter

Who cares about designs and shit when she's GORGEOUS af

That's honestly my biggest complain about the game.

>Developers didn't account for Bayo's normal moving speed
>You're constantly thrown into situations like a bridge falling right as soon as you step on it, being unable to back away/jump to safety
>all of a sudden, some platforms actually don't fall down and you hit an invisible wall when trying to leave it and fall to you death because you were supposed to fight the enemies in the platform that didn't fall down

Every game with a scoring system scores you negatively if you get hit.

This was me when I first played bayo

fuck off

"Don't get hit not even once" shouldn't be a requirement to get anything above the literal lowest rank. Bet you would be crying like a bitch if every hack and slash game you played was like that

Assuming rules are abided by, that sticker chart is unironically an amazing deal.

Offically having "no nagging" is a goddamn godsend.

>It's almost impossible to get anything besides a Stone award at every level because the game literally punishes your score for healing yourself in the middle of a level with items while barely providing any healing orbs.
oh wow
you should stick to Dark Souls kid, Bayo might be too hardcore for you
thanks for the laff

yeah dumbass but they don't give you the WORST score if you don't dodge everything thrown at you. Bayo gives you shit score for not healing yourself and for retrying, with no mid level saves if you choose not to retry

Bayo1 scoring system was honestly the worst hack and slash scoring system i had seen before DmC desu

Im on chapter 3 right now, but literally haven't started it yet since I got stone award in chapter 2.
I have been autistically trying to improve the score whole weekend, but there would be always something that would bring score down.
Should I stop worrying about it and enjoy the game? Im just so fixated on it, even a silver award will do it for me.

I was turned off of this game for years because I thought it was fan-servicey and not actually a good game and I found Bayonetta's proportions to be too strange to enjoy her sex appeal.

I decided to buy it on a whim because I was reminded of it from all the Switch hubbub. Damn this shit is hilariously fun. I really wish I would have bought it years ago. Also OP I haven't gotten any stone rankings yet because I played a lot of NieR:A and got good at dodging but I agree there is a lack of health items.

Still can't get over how satisfying some of these wicked weaves are, I just about die laughing every time a giant foot comes out of the sky and utterly gibs my enemies. I can't remember the last time a game made me smile like this one, it's just so wacky.

Bro your going to suck the first time around. Just enjoy the ride and try not dying too much.

don't get hit nigga.
don't blame the game for your decaying reaction time, the enemies telegraph before they hit.
if you are having trouble, then play it on easy mode, it'll be your secret.

the two main things that annoy me are the camera and QTEs. Like during a scene where I can't do anything you get a second to hit something and if you don't you're score gets fucked and you go back.

Another motherfucker who thinks that "LOL DUDE YOU SHOULD NOT BE HIT A SINGLE TIME IF YOU WANT ANYTHING BETTER THAN STONE XD!" is a valid counter argument.

Fuck off and learn about proper game design.

She must really like blow jobs.
That chart is unbalanced as fuck.

That's cus you died a lot

lucky husband

I got all golds platinum's and even some rare pure platinum and maybe a super rare silver when i realy sucked the first time i played the game.
Maybe you just have to learn how to acualy play the game.
Becouse if you are chugging heeling items just to survive you are doing something obviously wrong.

Also just because something is hard for you doesn't mean its impossible.
Sometimes people do acualy suck at certain video games.

I don't get it, when you use a health potion does it really subtract it from your points?
I just got the game and I don't know how to use health potions yet.

you just mad cause yo ass is old.

You mean lucky wife.

It's threads like these that really remind me of how far I've come from when I first started the game 8 years ago to now where I've gotten all the Pure Platinums and done everything the game has to offer flawlessly

git gud

Eating the lollipops and dying destroys your score.

>chapter 2 boss
>die twice during it
>decide to just walk up to it and just mash X and A on the right side to see what happens
>only get hit once the whole fight and beat it

This isn't fucking Dark Souls where you can face tank bosses all the time and still come out on top. Healing is only there because you fucked up.

I'm not chugging healing items. I just don't heal myself and eventually die at one point and the score becomes stone because you can't die more than twice.

it's bad design because the game punishes you for dying, punishes for using healing item, but doesn't provides the heals that don't penalize your score.

DMC had plenty of green orbs throughout levels, as well as mid level saves that you could use to avoid retrying the entire level if you died

As per usual, FPBP.

>these are the same people that bitch about Zelda having Witch Time.


the game doesn't punish you at all, you just feel bad for playing like shit. you can die as many times as you want just continue spam through the game

Stop worrying. You basically CAN'T get good ranks on your first playthrough. You'll need to unlock more moves, abilities, weapons, and accessories to really open up the combat; this will allow you to get a better combo score WITHOUT totally exposing yourself to damage or sinking your time ranking to hell. Especially Bat Within and Moon of Mahaa Kalaa, which both make reducing incoming damage MUCH easier.

Also many of the optional fights you need to avoid stone-ranking the Chapter as a whole will require late-game abilities like panther within, crow within, etc. Some of the Alfheims are all but impossible without them

I'm sorry you can't git gud

Yes, normal with Kamiya games, using healing items absolutely ravages your score, I think that it's 1 used= 1 rank down

>playing this for the first time
>find the challenge portal in Chapter 2
>kill a Mini Boss while only ever throwing 7 Punches and Kicks and you can't use Guns

What in the FUCK

>it's bad design because the game punishes you for dying
You can't make this shit up.

It's not that extreme. There is room for middle ground but you're too unskilled to reach it.

>ranking system punishes you for taking damage
Stop the fucking presses

>Do pretty well for most of a stage
>Get absolutely shit on by some boss
>Go from deathless to maxing out the death counter



What a fag.

this wouldn't be a problem if you were gud

You can use guns

You can hold down the punch or kick button and Bayo will keep the pose while firing her guns. You can do this technique with every hit of a combo

I 100% promise you that if you Pure Plat your damage and time scores and complete all verses, having a Stone damage award on every verse and 1 item-use penalty will not lead to a stone rank for the chapter

You're just bad at the game.

I know
I just don't have the reaction time to pull it off.

Fire Durga or Kilgore and just do aerial charged attacks. trust me I'm a pro

Oh, so you start a combo and use guns until you have to dodge basically?

>Make a mechanic that rewards timing dodges perfectly
>This mechanic effectively ruins any NG+ runs because without it the game doesn't count your dodges unless you do them early instead of the exact frame resulting in you getting hit by dumb shit you would've bat within'd anyway

I want everything unlocked fuck this

Bosses (except the final one) are always their own standalone Chapter, don't fucking lie.

yeah and you get shit score, which is not the objective here.

Cool but have you considered gitting gud

More or less. It's pretty easy to do with Punch>Kick>Punch as that results in a quick wicked weave as well. It also helps if you activate witch time AND then do your combos


Sorry user you’re just shit, getting stones doesn’t affect your ability to proceed so it’s not a problem design wise. Even learn the game or make peace with stones.

Dying twice is very average and yet in game it means 100% stone

I didn't know you had a fucking sword and shotguns until the 4th chapter

Even better to dodge 2-3 times between hits; this extends the bullet spray of your Dodge Offset and maximizes damage output per attack

Not OP but are there hidden verses? I keep beating levels and seeing a bunch of black empty spots in the middle of verses

Dude just git gud

>i get bad scores for getting hit and playing like shit

do you just want the game to hand you good rankings

Look man these levels are short once you cut out cutscenes. If you're dying twice then stop and evaluate what you're doing wrong.

Maybe try and go back to older stages and track down bonus portal for more health and magic. Considering this is a skill based game you could even consult a guide for collectible locations since you seem to have trouble gitting gud

Use only charge moves and short but powerful combos that mix between legs and punches.
Shotguns help.

Plenty of hack'n'slash do that though
There are a lot of missions in DMC3 where you can't get hit if you want an SS rank
In MNM in NG you'll be dying in 1-2 hits

Yes, both fights and alfheims. Protip: Many of the hidden alfheims you need to backtrack for in the back 2/3rds of the game can be seen from when you unlock them at if you pan the camera back to the earlier parts of the level

Bayo and Bayo 2 are two and three on the Switch Eshop respectively, pretty neat. Also they're having a sale on Bayo 2 digital

alfheims, they're secret missions. Some are just turn around and look for a glowing portal

others are make it half way through the level, backtrack to the beginning, jump on a random ledge and hop across a fucking gap into a small alcove to find it.

Like fuck, one of them is in the climax of the game and requires you to basically go back to a section you would've assumed got destroyed

>Guy comes with legit criticism about Bayo
>Some other user comes and says the "git gud" meme
>Any chances of serious discussion is killed, because people are too afraid of admitting that maybe it is a design flaw.

I swear I have not hated a meme more...

No they're not having a sale. Look closer. Since you have Bayo 1 digital you get Bayo 2 for 40% off.

For this go up the goddess rocket up to exactly the clavicle of the statue then turn around and go back to the base beneath her feet

You know what I'm gonna say.

that's like one of the hardest Alfhiem challenges in the game. If it's your first playthough just skip it and come back to it later.

Its always been pretty hilarious to me how riled up people get over a single player game shit talking them when it doesn't actually affect the gameplay, story or anything aside from the 10 second end of chapter screen. I can't imagine what happens when these people play something online and actual people shit talk them.

No, dying twice lowers your rank twice. It's only "guaranteed Stone" if you'd have a Silver rank or lower otherwise.

Ahhh, you're right user. For some reason I assumed the Physical pack in digital code wouldn't apply for it

Yes. Found in secret areas, by backtracking, and also Alfheim portals

No I want the game to hand me average rankings for playing average, not getting handed stone rankings for not playing perfectly.

>getting the highest score on each of the SCORED parts will get you the best awards xD

no fucking shit

Okay OP, but the score not giving you a gold star for failing isn't a bad thing.

Alfheims are really better left alone until you have more weapons and accessories in your arsenal. That particular one is best with Sergey's Lover

Op is full of shit. Bayonetta is an extremely forgiving game. The higher rank trophies exist for people willing to make the effort to learn the game’s mechanic.


And what everyone is telling you is that you're not playing average, you're playing poorly. The game is also telling you this, but instead of getting better at it you just decided to come here and bitch that the game isn't giving you a trophy for you barely getting by each stage.