Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2

Last thread:
Last time:
>We started Chapter 18
>Orleans's wolf knights blocked our path
>We used the again staff to completely slaughter them except for Roshe, who we let run away
>Then we found the king of Orleans in a random village
>He apologized for his knights attacking, and gave us the life orb even though we massacred his army
>Then there were wyvern rider reinforcements
>However our archers and own wyvern riders took care of them
>Then we promoted both Linda and Merric
>Marth then seized the castle and found out that there was a attempted coup at Pales to overthrow God Emperor Hardin
>Of course it failed and most of the knights were executed
>Even so, Marth and his army hurries over to Pales to try and save Midia and all of the other royal sisters
>We starter chapter 19, which brought us right in front of Hardin's castle
>And there's a fucking huge army defending it
>But don't worry, according to Jeigan 27 damage paladins and siege magic bishops are "weak mercenaries"

And that's where we left off. This a blind ironman run done by me, from time to time I will ask you guys to make decisions such as who to deploy, what items to buy, which unit to use stat boosters on, etc. So far only Cain, Bantu, and Julian has died, but it was voted to reset for Julian because he's needed for the best ending.

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Time to continue where we left off.

So far only the thieves have moved towards us, the paladins don't seem to want to rush our position yet.

Speaking of which, did you kill all ten thieves last chapter?

Looks like Hardin's and Nina's marriage isn't working out so well.

I think so, they stopped spawning after a while.

>Oh deities
Confused face.

I just took a look at Samto's stats, Jesus Christ he's nearly Hardin tier.

Wanna try him out at the arena?

>Expecting a marriage to bring peace to the world
Fucking millenials i swear

Well, it's not like they thought marriage itself was gonna bring peace.
Oh shit it's Roshe!

How much of a bench warmer is he?

By the looks of these bases, a benched rear end motherfucker

But that what she said, then blame god, its fucking millenial behavior

Hilariously, he has the highest base HP out of all usable units in the game, at 36. But otherwise he's pretty useless. Least he comes with a Silver Lance to hold his own during this chapter.


Okay, I don't know what you're even talking about. Also, you're probably just as much a millennial as the people you condemn, given all it takes is to be born in the later half of the 90s.

Est caps her mounted strength stat!

Go away Fire Emblem Wikia

I'll admit they're stronger than average, but Abel had similar growths and higher bases at level 1.
Though that does get me thinking that Roshea is a vastly underused unit in Book 1 and FE11. Really shows just how better Cain, Abel and Hardin are in comparison.

Nah man, i still believe that you can do ok in life with hard work or blackmailing people

What should I get?

I'd say save the purchasing for after you've beaten the chapter.

silver axe

I want a dragonkiller

Alright, so when will these fuckers charge me?

We crashed the market so hard that no one is selling them anymore.

Head a little bit north. They'll start charging once you've gotten north of that right point in the diamond-shaped mountain range.
There's an extra-strong Paladin in the group who drops a Dracoshield, btw. Try to prioritize him.

Snacky should had been the main lord in Radiant Dawn

You weren't kidding. Don't worry, these """weak mercenaries""" are no challenge for us!

>2 levels higher than the boss

"But then that would mean Ike wouldn't be in FE10!"

Here they come. This could get ugly quickly.

Kinda makes me think that he should be a actual character or something other than a generic unit.

I think Feena is intentionally trying to not get put on the frontline.

Maybe this is what happened to Heimler in FE3.


>4 unique posters


Slow day today.

>when Sup Forums used to be good

Astria please

>deliphisage and nigger talk to eachother the thread.

He's not Nigger.

It's just crit after crit.

Well why don't you start some discussion then?

God damn, every single attack on these paladins so far has been a crit.

It's just a fucking massacre.


True. Nigger hated other tripfags.



He hated me because I kept trying to backseat game him, not because I was a tripfag.

And that's the dracoshield paladin down.
I do hate a lot of tripfags, especially a certain Mexican. But Delphi has been nothing but helpful to me in this run, so of course I'm not going to act like a dick to him.

>tripfags cocksucing each other
the state of nu-Sup Forums

I am in disbelief. Being married to this selfish, evil cunt didn't work out alright?

Sup CipherAnon. How many Nyna cards are there?

She doesn't look so evil to me.

i am actually happy that this rostie got a no-happy ending and Zeke got a total cutie to bang

Micaiah should have, and Ike should have been long gone.

And that's all of the paladin and mage brigade down.

Good to see you cipheranon. What's the new card today?

What does Zeke have to do with Nyna? They live in completely different continents.

t. micaiah fag

I still don't like how young Teeta's redesign is.

And here's Marth's final level up.

>skill and HP
Oh hi Roy.

Micaiah is objectively better than any GBA or [3]DS Lord.

How did you guys know it was me?

Exactly one. It actually doesn't look bad.

No reveals on weekends! Yesterday was a special case because of the livestream. We'll have a new card to gawk at in about five hours.


That isn't Roy, he's actually useful in the final maps without a promotion.

You better not be implying that she's better than the Chadlord Marth.

I am intrigued, how so?

Nobody else posts Cipher cards on this thread.

All that's left are some ballistas, bishops, and a couple knights.

This went by faster than I thought it would.

Surely that can't be true!

I like that Bantu looks so badass but he's hilariously fucking weak, the worst manakete of them all

Try to prioritize getting exp for Julian while the rest of your units block up the forts. You go near the palace unprepared, and you'll regret it.

>putting Julian near forts
After what happened last time, I'm not sure I want to do that.

What are the reiforcements?

Maybe hop Julian from fort to fort to maximize evasion. The reinforcements won't spawn unless you go adjacent to the palace. Heck, you can even kill the boss before the reinforcements spawn if you attack from 2 spaces below him.

>Chadlord Marth.
I am not.
desu, its moreso that Eirika/Lyn/Wood are so fucking boring. At least with Roy they tried to make him interesting.

Micaiah actually has shit going for her, and is actually flawed. FUCKING BLOODPACTS probably had a decent concept on paper, but since ISIS is retarded they didn't bother to explain shit, so Micaiah's actions come up as stupid (lol spies). Micaiah was forced to do terrible shit, and had it been Corrin or Ephraim, they would have just asspulled their way out. Micaiah couldn't, and I liked that.

Alright, I'll stay out of that box and have Julian kill the ballistas and bishops.

To be fair, Ephraim trying to asspull his way out of a situation gets his scared stone broken.

>Eirika/Lyn/Wood are so fucking boring
People see what they want to see, dude. If you want to see X as interesting and Y as boring, your brain will do whatever it takes to make that perspective correct in your eyes.

i'm willing to admit i love eirika and eliwood and find them interesting in their own way.

but i'm still the number one micaiah white knight of Sup Forums.

>Ephraim trying to asspull his way out of a situation gets his scared stone broken.
That is literally the ONLY time Ephraim ever faces consequences for his actions. Despite the lip service Seth gives him during his route and in Chapter 16's outro, Ephraim is never painted as anything other than a selfless superhero throughout the entire game. Most of his relationships don't have to do with his personality, but rather how people react to his completely overpowered flawlessness. It's part of the double standard that makes me feel like FE8 is sexist.

Nice mental gymnastics

>but i'm still the number one micaiah white knight of Sup Forums.
Nice try. I don't see a MichaiahAnon trip anywhere on you.

>Ephraim is portrayed as superman
>Eirika is just your typical dumb woman
I dont see anything wrong here

Picking off a few of the ballistas and bishops so it isn't stupidly unsafe for Julian.

Honestly I think that's why I like Ephraim. He's so stupidly perfect it's endearing. At least for me.

that exists? also i stopped using tripcodes after my /m/ days

Is there any way I can respond to this post that won't get me labeled a Jew?

There is only 10 posters, go for it

Alriight, to Pales then.


>another /m/an galavants around these threads
I'll be dipped.

Okay then.

Your joke is boring.

Buy some Dragon killers, they might come handy soon.

Final Archanea game with Marth/Caeda/Alm/Celica protagonists where Marth finally gets a promotion when

>He's so stupidly perfect it's endearing. At least for me.
Can relate. I fucking love Ayesha from Atelier. Her game was way too comfy.

He already has a lot of them. And there's another shop in Chapter 21 where he can buy them far more easily.

I'm fine with the perfection to some degree. I just don't like what it does to Eirika.

small world eh? its embarrassing to look back on but i don't regret it, better i get being a tripfaggot out of the way when i'm younger then when i'm older

I mean, he has a promotion. It's just not in any of his games.

There's more than you'd think.

Picking off more of the ballistas and bishops.

Est also got a empty level that went by too fast to cap.

Well Eirika is a sheltered princess while Ephraim trained himself up into a soldier.

He deserves better. And a joint Archanea Valentia game would be sick as hell if they limited the cast to the allstars of each continent.

Speedy girl.

So what? If the game was fair, the narrative would've highlighed Ephraim's flaws more while giving Eirika some traits that make her stand out from under her brother's shadow, like with Celica in Chapter 2 of FE15.

Skillful girl

I'll admit that Eirika is pretty bland. I hope we get a really good female lord in the future, but knowing IS that probably won't happen.

checking those tracian digits

Does it really matter when both twins are quite popular in the fanbase regardless of their flaws?

>Is there any way I can respond to this post that won't get me labeled a Jew?

Dorias or August