>No Vermintide thread
Ya'll better be playing the goddamn beta
is there a clear schedule on when each phase of the beta starts and ends?
Does the beta end at the end of tomorrow, or tonight when it flips over to tomorrow?
There's another beta that resets on the 22nd, then the final beta on the 28th in which progress carries over to release on march 8
the beta was boring. So was the first game. Thats why the playerbase died so fast
>10 more days
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros
So wait, if we start the 28th, we can keep all our unlocks into live??
yeah it's essentially a preorder only headstart
it'll all transfer
>when the highest level player is the worst
The rapier is so fun with the backup pistol. Are the other weapons even worthwhile?
How’s my boi Saltzpyre in this one
his alt fire rapier pistol has INFINITE AMMO
he's tip top
>play nightmare
>kill a gutter runner before it gets the chance to pounce
>hear another spawn
>Kerillian starts shouting about a catch-rat
>chaos sorceror starts chanting
>ratling gunner revs its gun
>slave swarm spawns
bretty gud
Witchhunter Captain is god tier with crits
Bounty Hunter has a lot of possible ranged builds
Zealot feels underwhelming to me.
The offhand pistol shot now has infinite ammo and it hits like a truck.
what are the best wizard staves
This game reminds me of this book so much. Please tell me i'm not the only one who's ever read it.
spawn director is fucking insane now even on hard went down a tunnel and it spawned to ratlings on either end
firestorm by far, especially on pyromancer with relevant talents
conflagration and beam are great too
The spawn points are currently utter shit. They can span literally where you're standing instead of trying to spawn out of sight. Also nurgle sorcerers casting from out of sight is aids.
I'm pretty trash at this game. Any tips?
>not enjoying the long range brapnados
block and push more
use dodge a lot
keep your ears open for special spawns and tag them as soon as you see them
Elf Butt
>play on normal with a friend who just got the game
>step 10 feet into the forest and laugh about how they give you so many potions early on here for no reason
>suddenly 3 separate units of plague rats spawn
>nine fucking plague rats
>then an assassin out of nowhere
>after we kill all them and a few more steps here comes a chaos spawn
thought the game put us on nightmare by accident
Pick a faster attacking weapon and spam the shit out of it to keep enemies stunlocked.
Learn what order your character swings in so you can alternate light attacks with heavy ones.
Dodge and jump when fighting, it makes it easier to hit enemy heads.
Look around yourself everyone once in a while so enemies don't sneak up on you.
I too enjoy Kerillian's new tights.
I wanna enter her temple!
Don't play elf.
I like the firestorm staff but I feel like I just blind my team every time I use it, it really rapes the shit out of hordes though and basically guarantees top kills just for that reason. Haven't tried the beam staff, maybe I'll give it a go in a few minutes when I boot up the game.
what's the shittiest class for Kruber at the moment? seems like Merc.
Rapier's real good if you can hit headshots, and has infinite pistol ammo on the alt-fire (that you can't rebind off of mouse4 right now, so it can be a little awkward to use). Dual pistols can do some crazy damage especially if you can nail consistent headshots on bosses.
Base class is actually pretty good. Blocking gives you full frontal immunity to light attacks, so you can actually hold off hoards and whatever the green-robed rats are called almost single-handedly. Instant death on anything hit with a crit headshot, which allows you to stack +crit chance bonuses and his activated ability to absolutely cleave through enemies with proper aim.
TL;DR if you can hit the head and stack crit, pretty good. Haven't experimented a lot with the other classes for him.
Are crits procced randomly?
I don't like huntsman even though I love bounty hunter saltz. It feels so underwhelming.
Merc is great with attack speed buffs and a halberd.
There are abilities that give you guaranteed crits, otherwise you have a base percentage (5%? 10%?) plus whatever bonsues you have from gear and talents.
your teamates don't see the full fire effect, the only thing to worry about is accidentally roasting them on nightmare
the firestorm staff causes the sound bug
Foot Knight.
so does conflag
is the elf cute under that mask?
She looks like a weird alienish elder scrolls type elf compared to LOTR looking warhammer total war elves.
I can get behind that
yes indeed
wait, the rapier DOES have a usable pistol but it's bound to m4 permanently? What if I don't have a m4 button (have an mmo mouse with the numpad on the inside)
Oh I've already figured that shit out.
Around elves watch yourselves.
>Elf player going solo because he thinks he is hot shit
>Hoards potions for himself doesn't share
>I get killed by an assassin out of nowhere losing a grimoire
>"Why you hoard the potions"
>"Im obviously busy next time tell me :)"
>There is a fucking hud that tells you the fucking health of your party
Not all elf players are faggots like him but i think that elf players act like tough shit because they pick the class that its obviously superior.
Also fuck this texture shit that happens when you go in 3d person.
Best taste
Skaven are NOT for cute. STOP!
saltzpyre should be able to shave his head and become a warrior priest
day of the catcher fucking when
When they start sending Plague Monks constantly its a bit ridiculous
please post more skaven memes
I'd love to catch all the ratties. with my pipe.
>Vermintide 2 coming out next month
>No Orc, High Elf, or Lizardmen playable characters coming out
But why though
Then you fucked, boyo.
But user? why dont they balance the classes then?
>high elf
really big stretch to have one though the excuse for one being there is easy
>mage priest awakens and demands tendies + named lizardman
fucking what
>lizardmen in the old world
>high elves not being fags
>orc teaming up with dawi
Might as well ask for a tomb king, disgruntled beastman and a chorf, they're about as likely.
They obviously have an agenda.
Not the best thread picture OP.
Can't see shit as a thumbnail. NP though.
Pre-order, play closed beta --> refund.
Or you can sign up on the website for the next closed beta starting on the 22nd. But no guarantee you'll be chosen there.
If you want.
Unknown what everything, except the Soundtrack, are/looks like.
Hoping the "Helmgart Heraldry Themed Skins" are clothes cosmetics. Hats are end-game content after all.
Here you go.
Elf butttt.
Breaking the NDA, Sigmar be kind.
>Bounty Hunter is capable of regening 10 health every 8 seconds just by shooting something, and can opt to get additional temporary health health on top of that.
Pffft, elf's passive regen looks so much worse after looking at the BH's skill tree.
>obviously superior
Since they took away her aimbot bow i don't think she's superior anymore. Her talent tree skills are not as good as foot knight kruber's or ironbreaker bardin's.
Also she will never be as cool as pic related.
>no alternate mode with Beastman, Orc, Lizardman, Tomb King, and deviant Chaos follower characters
>all of their voicelines are intense bickering and threatening to kill each other
reminder that elf has terrible posture and is a shit-tier waifu because of it
>rest of the group being homos
>kruber at the back getting actual work done
good man
She has good talents, 70% of everyone skill tree is generic tough.
She can "almost" solo a boss without too much effort and it also might be the fact that the class i pick requires aiming down while a bunch of shit is happening around and its complicated for me (not counting the lag that also makes enemies die a bit after they where supposed to die even landing a hit on me), still my point in the post was the player being a shitter who doesn't pay attention to the team.
if it's logitech reprogam a button to mouse function "back"
Elf is not a hussy, delete this.
Improving the base looks when? my boi victor deserves a better place to sleep
>Last night was finally having some fun with Zealot and had somehow avoided the bug
>Now it crashes if I try to enter a game with Zealot equipped
They get their own rooms at level ten.
Its pretty easy to shoot on the game, thing looks more like a modern rifle than a bow. (but then, some people do suck at fps.)
Saltzpyre is so incredibly moe.
man it would be cool if you could decorate these somewhat. like choosing which paintings to hang on the walls, putting up trophies and shit
I can see a high elf but nothing else.
you can change the paintings currently
You can choose paintings. Trophies/more shit as you level up might come later.
>Moving castle drachenfal hallways
>Rat nigger spawns on one end
>gunner on the other endd
>the fucking ogre knocks you into the gunner and the gunner knocks you into the ogre.
>like choosing which paintings to hang on the walls
You can do exactly that.
oh its the dirty dozen warhammer edition.
I don't care if its just a ripoff of the dirty dozen, its literally my favorite thing to ever come out of the warhammer IP
I don't suck at FPS in general it's just that im not good at anything that has too much shit going on and moving too fast i can control mobs at far distances but when the horde is on i have a hard time to get headshots.
>Find Victor Room
>Hang a picture of himself
You would probably get used to it then.
Yeah? Only read Guardians of the Forest and the first 4 Felix&Gotrek books
Also what is better overall damage of the weapon or crit stats