So what was Eredin and the Wild Hunt's actual goal? I get that they needed Ciri's magical ability

So what was Eredin and the Wild Hunt's actual goal? I get that they needed Ciri's magical ability
but for what reason? I don't think it was ever really extrapolated on in the game

Other urls found in this thread:

Their world was about to be destroyed by the white Frost and they needed ciri to move all their asses over to her world.

They wanted Ciri to fuck an old elf king so she would give birth to an even more magically powerful child who would open a portal to another dimension to save them from the White Frost

So why didn't they just ask nicely

theyre assholes

Because humans probably dont want psychopathic xenophobic mass murderers to flood into their world

She didn't exactly have a great experience with them from the books, and the games didn't tell you, but the Wild Hunt liked to take humans for slaves and raid other dimensions with portals.

>psychopathic xenophobic mass murderers

But sorceresses already exist there

This. King of the Alders died though.
Now they just want her uterus.
Ciri's child is prophesied to be the most powerful in the bloodline. And then to be able to open up a proper large portal between worlds, that others can go through, en masse.
The Wild Hunt only uses some weak semi-dimetional magic shit to spectre-travel between worlds.

the game also glosses over how the whole plot is everyone, even her own father, trying to be the one to pop her cherry and raise a child destined to rule half the world

Why does Tywin Lannister care so much about fathering the child. Like, what difference does it make if it’s his grandson rather than son who fulfill the prophecy?

Firstly the world doesn't know he was the rightful heir to Cintra and secondarily if she's in his control she and her child will be his heir instead of someone else doing the deed in some other place that isn't Nilfgaard and the nobility is on the edge of ousting him because despite their steamrolling the north and everyone else they've conquered it's still a costly war that's bad for the economy

it was just mental gymnastics to hide the fact they wanted to fuck Ciri

If they can cross dimensions by themselves with portals why the fuck do they need Ciri?

Their portals are too small to transport entire armies. Ciri's children would be immensely powerful and could pull off giant portals to perform bigger attacks.

And people hate them with a passion..?

So were they just too retarded and impatient to move shit small scale? Doesn't seem that hard finding an uninhabited island and slowly bringing your shit over.

they need navigators to get small groups across planets. For huge armies, they could only do it "remotely", through spectres.

With Ciri's power they could just teleport the entire nation to the world at once.

>Witcher 3 was a muslim immigration analogue all along

Not just take humans as slaves, but literally degenerate them into another race to serve them. It was pretty fucked up and shocking in the books especially since you've previously seen humans doing similar things to elves.

Essentially this. They wanted Ciri to birth a "pure elf" child (well not pure, but bring the blood back to the elf side since the line went toward humans IIRC) and they needed the ability due to the frost (forgetting what it's called) infecting other planes/realms. When Geralt splits from that one elf and enters the elf world that is abandoned/dead due to the cold, that's one reason.

Their world was going to be nuked by the frost. Ciri's ability is to open portals between worlds. In the books she spends a decent amount of time just leaping (She goes to earth at one point actually). As other posters mentioned the navigators in the wild hunt can leap between worlds, but it takes a lot of effort and specific conditions need to be met, where as Ciri can just blink.

The wild hunt doesn't ask nicely because they're dicks, and view non elves (especially humans) as less than vermin. They would view just asking Ciri for help/working with the human kingdoms like talking to livestock. In the books Ciri spends some time in the elf world and any human left alive is a slave/pet.

Ciri doesn't want to help them because of the afore mentioned reasons, and because the wild hunt just roams worlds for slaves.

I don't think the wild hunt gives a shit about the prophecy about her child being ruler of half the world, but everyone in the wither-world is interested in her for that reason.

making portals takes them a lot of energy and they can only move like 5 people at once tops. Basically it would be too slow

I think their horses are unicorns in the books, which allowed them weak dimensional travel

they want to migrate their entire planet's population over, that number could be in the billions, their would would be destroyed before they bring everyone over
the most they've ever brought over is 3 guys (wild hunt generals) and their ship, the rest of the wild hunt is all wraiths
in the books they want ciri to have a child who could then transport their population over
in the games they have some process where they kill ciri for her blood and use that to open the world gate

Wait so those lesser Wild Hunt soldiers aren't elves they're wraiths?

no they ride normal horses, their mages teleport them / their wraith projections around
teleporting unicorns exist in their world, but they're at war with the elves

they're wraiths of the elves

wraith is a bad term but it's what's used in the game
they actually cast a spell to create an astral projection of themselves (the wraith) which is then teleported across worlds, because it's a lot easier to transport a projection than an elf
so they are "wraiths", but there's an elf at the other end controlling it

But they clearly bleed and leave a corpse behind so they aren't really a projection.

Know why they kidnap humans, mainly men? Mainly a Germanic myth reference or forced soldiers/slaves?

You would've had to have read the Witcher novels to understand Eredin and the Wild Hunt since it wasn't covered in the games at all.

But basically they were militaristic elves who wanted to breed Ciri to bring the Elder Blood back into their culture, which has lost the ability to travel dimensions due to degeneracy. In the past, the Elves had been an Evil Empire who had their boots on a lot of dimensions.

Why does Eredin even want to go to Witcher's World? Wouldn't it mske more sense to migrate to a place where the inhabitants can barely fight back? Like the Human hive Earth that has zero magic and is in pre-industrial times still. I think Ciri went there during the 1400's Holy Roman Empire.

you can see through their helmets dude, there's nothing there, you also cant see their breath in cutscenes like you do for caranthir/imlerith/eredin. them leaving a corpse is probably a gameplay thing, along with needing silver swords to hurt them.

in the books ciri goes to their world and they have a bunch of human slaves, that's the only apparent reason they kidnap people

i think if they get ciri/her child/whatever and are able to transport their full army then they'd mop the floor with the witcher world's armies
they also might want to mend the aen seidhe/aen elle schism

This is a good thread.

They're a colonial power sort of, the humans in the Witcher world are just lowly niggers to them and they think the Elves there are pathetic losers
And I think they explained how their world is freezing over kind of a lot, remember the whole thing with travelling dimensions and seeing the one that's frozen over and so on. I guess I played 1 and 2 though and they have that shit in there too

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the witchers world is the original elf world.

You read about the conjunction of spheres, which is where like hundreds of years prior, portals opened between worlds all over. It's where the monsters of the game come from, they're not natural to the witcher world.

Anywho, when all the portals open up, The witcher world was the original elf world, and the elf world is the original human world. Both worlds amass their armies and send them through the portal where they basically just pass each other. Once they get to the other side, the portals close and they just lay waste to the opposite world because both have had their entire army leave.

So the witcher world is their original home, which is prolly why they want to go back there.

What's the deal with the White Frost?

neither world is their original, they split up while looking for a new world

>We had a different home, once. Once we were one folk, the Aen Undod. But then came winter, death and destruction. We had to leave. The road was long and difficult. Many lost the path, others, their minds, and still others, their lives.

>We came to a crossroads. One trail led to a world bursting with green, the other - to the mountainous isles the dh’oine later called Skellige. We could not agree where to go, where we would be safer, further from the White Frost. We split. Those who dwelt amidst the cliffs and rocks are called the Aen Seidhe. Those who built new homes in the land of forests are known as the Aen Elle.

>We were the same, once. Now we are other. We look for each other in the stars. We speak to each other through the mouths of the Aen Saevherne. We listen to ballads about the proud Aen Elle folk. We mourn the fate of the Aen Seidhe, enslaved by the dh’oine. We remember the olden days. We await the White Frost and the next migration - or our death.

It's just a hole torn into the fabric of reality, that tear is super fucking cold and is spreading the cold to everything. Ciri does so.e fuckery that plugs the hole up and stops the White Frost from freezing up the cosmos.

it freezes shit

I like that explanation, where's it from?

can't wait for that cheeky ciri almost cameo in cyberpunk

In the books it's just natural climate change, and there's nothing they can do. In the games it's a force of entropy or some shit that occurs in every dimension and suddenly Ciri can fix it because video games need boring writing.

it makes your rows Frosty

My guess is we Ciri trying to akwardly blend in but is scared off by something like a gunship or android spider arm lady, realizing how much more horrifying technology is to magic she does a jump to go back home.

Book series White Frost was barely explained beyond mentioning the name, and how the world was being observed to be cooling down. What it was, whether it was natural or magical, wasn't really explored or explained.

CDred interpreted the White Frost to be a dimension-swallowing unnatural phenomenon when that dimension freezes and becomes dead. They took that "cooling" to the extreme in Witcher 1 when Alvin saw that frozen future and so began prepping for it by skipping back in time and becoming the Grandmaster. W3 they have Ciri go to whothefuckknowswhere, flips a switch and somehow she stops it. CDred asspulled it HARD.

What's the deal with Avallach he's a dick and his woman is a total cunt yet Ciri is all apologetic for him

andrej zaparotti cucked again

Because he is a total cunt but he also transformed into a crippled goblin man that got bullied around by drunk soldier men all day to help her

is that from the stand alone or the DLC gwent decks?

That's the stand alone Gwent game not anything from Witcher 3

Who do you think is more powerful, Gaunter o'Dimm or the Ancient One? Gaunter o'Dim is pretty much Satan but the Ancient One is pretty much an antedeluvian.

oh well, I wish the monster deck wasn't so underpowered in W3
I started my second play through and decided to actually care about gwent this time and holyshit did I miss out the first time

>CDred asspulled it HARD.

There's a lot of stuff I was disappointed with after completing the main story. The convenient ass pull with Ciri, the rushed story after Kaer Morhen, the lack of things like unicorns even after Ciri was so connected to them in the novels, or even Kelpie. Plus Eredin and the Wild Hunt were pathetic villains with hardly any lines, so what was the point.

Gaunter has god powers, while the Ancient One is just really fast and has dominion over vampires. 10/10 on Gaunter.

Monsters are pretty cool but unplayable without full deck. And 90% of their cards gated behinds random wins.

it's spelled antediluvian and who would win 2 geralts or 20 billion drowners

yeah i didn't expect to like it either but i sure had a fun time playing that dumb card game
monster deck is kinda terrible since you don't get the summon shit but when you have more cards it can be kinda fun to fuck the AI over with pulling 10 million cards out your ass and spamming weather removal

There's a decent quest in novigrad with a high stakes gwent tournament if you build up your decks enough

According to Ciri she spent several months in 2077, so it's not like she jumped in and went right back out

I reckon it will be more sly like that, like you'll hear the teleport sound from around a corner, go to investigate and and a drunk hobo swears he just saw a girl disappear into thin air or something.

>decide to play monsters
>summon my creatures
>opponent use scorch twice in a row

when you win though it's fun since it only takes like 6 turns max

northern realms OP nerf pls

I only picked up on Gwent on my second run, but it was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would have been. Gave you a decent minigame to pass the time, was an incentive to explore, and had a few meaningful quests with it.

Who the fuck is the Ancient One?

>nothern realms artilerry/ healer spam
all the shopkeeper nerds i bullied into playing gwent get fuckingFUCKED

more like brothers in arms and spy spam

From Blood and Wine
>Interacting with other beings causes him great pain
The really fast guy

But you might not have met him depending on what route you went at the end there

Ah fuck yes I forgot about spies
Eat it, merchants

Why are the Aen Elle so fucking big though? They're like 7' tall and jacked, while the Aen Seidhe are dyel.
I guess I meant the Unseen Elder instead of Ancient One, close enough

Well of course the wonder luxeries of easy hygiene, food in vending machines and entertainment all around might seem appealing but something had to have been seen that makes the largest Monster in Witcher look like a fucking joke to scare her away.

I thought Ciri was barren after becoming a witcher?

>try to do an alchemy build
>oh hey a skill that makes potion effects permanent when you have over 70% toxicity
>goble a few decoctions and try a potion
>it wears out
>read online about it
>it doesn't work with decoctions
what's the fucking point? what the hell CDPR?

They clearly had budget problems right before Kaer Morhen battle. So much wasted potential. I still disappointed the dumped whole Emhyr arc.
Nilfgaard deck is way stronger. 5 healers in deck plus you could easy roll 5 spies in a row.

So elves arrived in the world through dimension travel and it's implied that so did humans.

But where the fuck did dwarfs and halflings come from? They aren't part of the monsters that fell in during the fucking monster spawn event are they?

Aen Seidhe got turned into litte bitches by the humans

>Gaunter o'Dim is pretty much Satan

Why is his name's abbreviation GOD then? Anyway, Gaunter can just stop time and fuck his shit up.

ciri isn't a witcher, never went through the mutations, she was simply adopted by geralt and raised like one because that's the only way he knew how to raise to kids

What the fuck why does Geralt have so much trouble with vampires but can own any other monsters

His whole existance and titles involves mirrors and reflections. So he's the mirror of God. And what's the reflection of blind Justice and absolute purity?

>spy spam

So much fun playing a Nilfgaard deck vs another Nilfgaard deck, it's pretty much 90% decoys, medics and mutual spy poaching

She's not a witcher. She never underwent the full trials with the potions and mutations. She's not a mage either, so she doesn't have that inherent problem against her.

Higher vampires are supposed to be insanely powerful and even witchers are supposed to stay the fuck away from them.

>Aen Seidhe got turned into litte bitches by the humans

But how exactly? You can't just turn a race of guys that are Mountain-sized into faggot elves. How did they even beat these guys in the first place?

Other monsters are dumb animals and fall for simple shit like bait and traps, Vampires can think and adapt.

it's so fucking dumb but i loved it

Ah, I get it.

IRC the little faggy soy plants elves ate was getting decimated by Earth plant's being so successful that there was no competition, the soy plants just died and Elves lost their foodsource.

the wild hunt is the best of the best of the elves from the other side

they're likely bred for combat, have enchanted armor up the ass and took roids their entire lives

the politican elf from the other side (forgot his name) that sides with you look normal sized and so does Ciri's handler elf

They came in through dimension travel and zerged them, basically
Like that drunk dude tells you in Witcher 2 elves might live a lot longer if you don't stab them but humans breed like rabbits in comparison

It was dumb how there were two different kind of toxicity counters with one being the temporary spikes potions cause and decoctions applying toxicity somehow differently. But with the right build Geralt became a goddamn monster thanks to decoctions anyway, and with enough wiggle room to quaff a potion.

>playing as northern realms
no I didn't know there was a difficulty option for gwent either

Same way as humans look different. Environment and shit.

>and so does Ciri's handler elf
his cheekbones though


ge'els is 8 feet tall as well
the only aen elle that isn't is a giraffe is avallac'h

You mean Ge'els? He was pretty big too.

There is no race of 7-foot tall people on Earth. Scandinavians are the talles and they're only an inch or two taller on average.

You cant fuck litty 7 inches elf. So they outta question.

>But where the fuck did dwarfs and halflings come from?
please respond
anything in the books on the manlets at all?

dutch are tallest because they are inbued with fear of rising water level

but his cheekbones


nah, when he visits at the tavern he's normal sized

Mb in their world gravity force is a bit lower. Or they drinking too much horse semen.

And they're still "only" 6'0 on average.

That's taking women into account ya dip