What does Sup Forums think of Condemned?

What does Sup Forums think of Condemned?

Loved it. Wish the sequel would be available on PC

also the mannequins in the mall were fucking spoopy

Pretty good game.

LA Noire ripped off the plot of Condemned

Great to beat faces in with a pipe.


it was okay, but not as good as people make it out to be

probably won't play it again

Great atmosphere, great combat. pretty gud

Best bum fight simulator out there

The sequel was a lot of fun. It's a shame it never made it to PC

That farmhouse level, man.

I just picked it up from slackers again a few weeks ago. it was my second game i got for the ps3. one of the most fun multiplayer games ive ever played, shame gamespy servers went down. nothing will ever beat playing hide n seek on the slaughter house level then have someone beating your head in with a meat hook

Pretty good.
Orchard House was the best level.

Solid game, and still the best first person melee combat system.

I don't even remember it having a multiplayer mode, was it just player controller bums knocking skulls with pipes? That sounds rad.

Great game. The sequel jumped the shark pretty hard though.

Fairly underrated horror game. I wish the PC port for the second one wasn't cancelled by Sega.

What did it do wrong?

i went back and played it a couple months ago and found it very boring. performance is atrocious on pc too and you have to do a lot of fucking around to get it semi playable.

Not him, but focused more on explaining the supernatural stuff, rather than leaving it in the background. Also, iirc gun combat becomes more prominent as it goes on.

Psst, turn the shadows off.

Condemned 1 is one of my 3 favorite horror games. If not second right after SH2. Its just very solid and has amazing atmosphere and vague story to match.

Shame 2 was mediocre but okay and then 3 was cancelled.

It started off alright, but fell off badly, especially at the end. It did have a segment involving a bear that's totally worth checking out though.

Goes all-in on the supernatural shit, gets more over the top and actiony, you get literal superpowers by the end.

>performance is atrocious on pc
Ran fine on my machine

I’m my opinion, the best horror game that generation.

I played the 2nd first and actually thought the story was ok. I was younger though.

one of the most underrated survival horror games.

>First game is about sneaking around trying to find a serial killer as a normal joe just trying to clear his name as shit devolves into fucking hostal style scary situations and abandoned places with hobos/freakish shit trying to off you
>Second game is about okay but silly shit like magicians and ooze creatures.
>The bear part was pretty good
>By the end of the game you're the chosen one no fucking the chosen one and screeching into peoples ears.
>Secret society with ultimate power cannot kill one dude who can only scream at them if they get too close
>Bring back first game villain on their side for no fucking reason other then hes the first game villain.

It just went crazy with random twists and then the whole chosen one "the cure is among us" just sucked.

>You know what happens to thugs like you?


>the farmhouse
>the text on the walls leading down into the basement

Everyone says the sequel was worse but I liked it. Gameplay was much better with being able to fight unarmed and all the different environmental finishers. Crime investigations were also actually good unlike the first game.

It was so scary navigating that house. If you close the basement door they won’t be able to open it and follow you around.

>every time you walk down to the basement

the serial killer chase/fight


Cracking a bum's skull with a sledgehammer never felt so good. God bless Condemned.

Second one got kinda goofy at times. Remember the level where you're in a museum, and all the bad guys are dressing themselves with the medieval equipment on display?

3rd game when?

never. expect a soft reboot.

good game

sequel was shit though

Original was fucking incredible and needs a remake or revisit with more technology and advanced hobo smashing tactics

*blocks your path*