No Banjo 20th Anniversary

Time to pack it in boys, Banjo is dead. Let's hope the Mech game and Perfect Dark reboot actually happens.

I thought more people would be interested in this.

Banjo has been dead for 18 years already

Banjo is shit anyways, rot in hell furfags

So do you think that Mech game or the Perfect Dark reboot will show up or are those also dead in the water?


Another one bites the dust

>Perfect Dark
>implying I play Old School trash

I've long accepted that Threeie is never happening.

What mech game?

A leak in the Xbox's API revealed that a Mech game was in development.

Why are shitposters so braindead in their replies? You don't even try to be funny or witty, just boring and forgetful, probably reflects how you lot are irl.

I would be happy with just a rerelease of the original game with some new maps

Different user
Anon, that fag thinks perfect dark is "trash"
Just leave him be.
You can't argue against shit taste. Not here.

Go take your prune juice gramps. God I hate old time gamers.

Was Rare themselves ever aware that double helix and iron galaxy were working on Killer Instinct?

I’m inclined to believe that Banjo Anniversary is real if anybody except Rare is doing it

>This is coming from a nu-male weeb
Like clockwork

>Was Rare themselves ever aware that double helix and iron galaxy were working on Killer Instinct?

Gregg mayles said HE never heard or is working on it

Which could mean somebody else is
Of course that’s wishful thinking

I don't like Microsoft

Bruh its as dead as dead can get, time to drop the false hope

Dead like F-Zero?

More like Advance Wars, F-Zero is still remembered at least.



So sad. BK is probably my favourite platformer. I wish rare would wake the fuck up. Use the criticisms about yooka laylee to create a truly great BK3.

So why did Microsoft buyout Rare exactly? I thought it was because they thought they would get DK as their own IP, which I think is fucking stupid.

Why don't they just sell the rights to Nintendo? It's clear that Microsoft has no plans with it, they might as well sell and get some money out of it.

Eh, I'll just play all the Banjo games on Rare Replay.

Again? And then what?

Then I'll wait a year or so and play them again.

Even Nuts and Bolts?

Especially Nuts and Bolts

Absolutely. It's the best one.

>retarded post
>little witch reaction image

Nintendo has enough IPs they don't do anything with.

It's not like he'd be able to answer honestly anyway, I don't get why people do that shit to begin with. If he knew about it he'd be legally obligated to deny it, if he doesn't then you get the same result. That said I have no doubt it's true.

It's a fun game but it gets really repetitive after a while.


It's only repetitive if you're not imaginative.

Does nuts and buts have anything good about it?

True, but that's only because a lot of them didn't sell. How did Banjo sell on the 64?

Microsoft has the same issue as Nintendo, when a game doesn't sell enough they lock the game in a vault and will either leave it there or bring it back years later.

>trigger shit
go away.

It's a huge toybox simulator that allows you to build crazy as fuck cars.
It's actually a really nice game as long as you don't consider it an actual Banjo Kazooie game.

No shit, but from what I saw, the two Banjo games sold pretty well on the 64. So, theoretically, if Nintendo got the rights, they would probably make it since most of its users grew up in the 90s.

Better to have and never use than give your competitors something they could use.

That's pretty much Microsoft's motto.

I need this irl

Weebs are the eternal bronies.

Rare is dead
Long live playtonic

You're next

Strange since they have a new game coming out. I'm sure you'll just respond with meme arrows and a meme reaction image, though.

Indeed, heres one right now!


>That feel when you actually liked Yooka-Laylee

The Rextro minigames can fuck themselves with a pike but I never had much problems with the game as most people did. And apparently the patch they did fixed a lot too (Haven't really replayed it since I 100% quite recently)

It was just some BK game in a smaller scale cause it was a kickstartered indie game (So i knew it wouldn't have as much packed as 2 games that had nintendo's full support in making). Maybe I'm just dumb.

she wants the bear cock

So why did Microsoft never capitalize on having Banjo and Kazooie as their main mascots similar to how Nintendo had Mario and Sega had Sonic? You'd think that during a time where animal mascots were at their peak popularity, Microsoft of all companies would've taken advantage of it. They obviously tried to with Blinx the Cat, they're definitely open to the idea.

Its too late, nintendo doesnt want rare back, they all left before microsoft bought em out!

Because Microsoft was concentrated in the sports and shooter market, and hasn't really broader itself from it that much in the later years.

People buy Xbox for Halo, they'd buy Nintendos if they wanted Mario.

Which baffles me to this day, why did they even bothered to buy Rare if they were not gonna use them for their strength? Middle finger to Nintendo? In hindsight, it really feels like they brought it for no good reason and ended up being a waste of money.

They fixed the terrible camera, some movement problems and you can change if you wanna hear the sqeaking noises when they talk or how often you wanna hear them.
So yeah, it's definitely a lot better now but I still think that most worlds are really bland and some character designs are outright shit.

We will never know.

I'm only talking about the rights to Banjo though, not Rare itself.

furryhater28 here, barafags and furries are literally the plague killing the internet and Sup Forums, but i love b&k

That's not what I'm asking you braindead avatar fag.

I can understand those dislikes. But still I felt the worlds were pretty alright. Maybe its just me then.

It remains a mystery but rare was in financial hell during that time
Right after Dinosaur planet was released as star fox adventures
I liked that game
Banjo rights would at best be a joint partnership thing.
Nintendo should fund Yooka Tooie

Same here, it's about as dead as HL3 to me, at most I'm only hopeful that an eventual Banjo Smash-rep happens (assuming Ninty becomes less-xenophobic and MC or Steve don't steal it entirely).

Otherwise I'll keep my dreams focused on Spyro and DMC coming back for now.

7.5/10 ok bait

What the fuck is a furry I'd say in 1998 and proceed to watch stone cold give a middle finger to every single wrestler while listening to KoRn and Marilyn Manson

This guy is a fucking kid

Most of this board is under the age of 24 so those replies aren't too surprising.

Banjo is integral to the n64 classic though and rare replay ported to switch is worth a shot.

>Rare Replay
I forgot how much I use to love Viva Pinata on the 360. I'm afraid to start playing again since it'll take away time from other games I want to enjoy.