Dead God I hope it's good
Dead God I hope it's good
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From what I’ve seen it is. The outfits for the princesses are sexy as fuck and there is a photo shoot mode. Can’t wait to take butt shoots.
>photo mode
Oh shit is this real?
>Modern Mario Tennis
>Anything but objectively shovelware
I'd just like to point out that the WiiU one came out in the WiiU's darkest hour (right after Iwata died and the sudden content dropoff occurred, and ULTRA SMASH was the "big holiday 2016 game") and even then nobody pretended that it was or was going to be anything of value.
>"story mode"
>its nothing but just a mission mode
it already belong in the trash
I wish Camelot would go back to RPGs, even if it's Mario sports related, like the Gameboy games.
it could be decent if it has online
it does, right? or is nintendo still being buffoons about online?
this doesn't really prove shit
What do you mean 'good'? It's exactly the same with previous game.
Where the FUCK is the Camelot JRPG for Switch?
guess by your logic
there isn't gonna be a story mode either way
Well from everything we've seen, it's already at least a step above Ultra Smash, which is good.
Enjoy your eternal Mario sports games. Shining Force IV was rejected by Sega, and I'm guessing Camelot still doesn't want to touch Golden Sun after Dark Dawn.
I hope it's actually an RPG with a single player game that isn't just cheap filler.
Original characters would be amazing too, but I'll be more than happy with a return to form with the above.
It can be anything from absolutely amazing, to depressingly mediocre.
The series has been both of those things so we'll have to wait and see. The initial reveal does hint at some potential of the former, which is amazing. But whether or not it actually lives up to it is another thing altogether. It could still fail and fall into the latter.
I am super excited though. The last couple didn't have the potential to be amazing. But this one does. I want to believe.
>please be good
how fucking pathetic are switchfags that you have to pray your shovelware of a literal children's tennis sim is good?
fucking kill yourself
Haha I wonder what Luigi's racket handle smells like haha
I don't know how they managed to screw up tennis, but I wish they'd follow the 64 version's straightforwardness.
>Where the FUCK is the [pile of fucking garbage]?
I'm confused.
Same, it looked pretty decent in the trailer. I'm just worried they'll skip the RPG elements.
Calm down memelord, they want a good Tennis game, it has nothing to do with the Switch game lineup.