>a female boss tries to seduce the player through the monitor
A female boss tries to seduce the player through the monitor
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Vindictus 2 when
>a female player tries to seduce the boss through the monitor
Clear difference betwen a succubus queen and a primate.
wymen amirite?
>a female (male) player tries to seduce the controller
Is the first gme worth getting?
>a skeleton tries to spook a player through the monitor
>a female character (male player) tries to seduce a male character (female player)
Legitimately fun character-action game with a diverse range of playstyles and top-tier coop. But if you don't play Hurk, you's a bitch.
No way fag
blondes are disgusting
It's a f2p hack and slash mmo made by Nexon. IMO it has the best combat of any game I've every played, but it's ruined by pay2win garbage.
combat is fun as hell, and there's a really wide range of playstyles
if you have the money (irl money or enough ingame gold), there's a LOT of customization/fashion options too
it takes quite a long time to progress in the game because it's an MMO, so expect to be re-fighting the same set of bosses over and over again in hopes of getting that rare drop for big money to upgrade
The early-to-late-game are light on P2W. It's only with the super-late-game that they start treating you like a whale.
Also, try Dungeon Fighter Online. It's basically the same premise, but as a beat'emup.
>a skeleton tries to spook a player from the inside
I've tried DFO and it wasn't my cup of tea. I've actually played Vindictus on and off since beta, and the endgame is where the real fun is at, but sadly, it's also where the p2w shenanigans start, with no end in sight.
>an enemy tries to break out of the monitor
>a female(bro) tries to seduce the player into changing his tastes
Well, she succeeded
I stop playing after +20 was introduced
Is there any female Sup Forumsidya character who's as beautiful as her?
I think Nyotengu comes close but not quite.
>a female boss tries to seduce the player through the mother
I swear that's how I saw it
post more literal semen demons
I miss the team play mechanics. Sure they mostly felt forced, but to me they felt like they helped make the boss fights feel less like mashing your face against the enemy until they died.
>no more prying thor's mouth open to cut off his inner mouth.
>no more double ballista to hold down titan.
>no more using catapults to knock down ahglan
I miss all those old fights.
guess this is the stuff swedish women wake up to seeing?
Doesn't that mean you're the fag though?
Hey user why don't you come over and hang out? I have a bunch of old rock CDs and those video games you like so much. Just don't tell anyone, okay?
Who are you?
How did you get into my room?
Wouldn't work on me, I fucking love beating up female villains.
>Female physically seduces the Player by kissing the Monitor
Is that a butthole?
>It succeeds
>you try to break an enemy through the monitor
But can you accept?
Is this the Doki Doki Literature Club thread?
If anything, she looks more like Kasumi than Nyotengu.
In the future when VR isn't shit, I hope.
Depends on the taste she's proposing.
is it now? the last time I played I ended up quitting because I realized that I had made like 5 different characters but they all boiled down to standing right in the boss's face and spamming your strongest attack while you abuse invincibility frames to never get hit.
The question is, what do you get?
Nah. The game's only gotten worse and worse. Just watch some videos and call it a day.
>there is a dominatrix enemy faction
>they tie you, whip you, step on your nuts
>boss room has a big cage with items in it that she traps you in if you go in
I need the details.
Play god hand
>a female tries to seduce the player
Why was that?
go back to your disgusting general
What? Is your mom a lesbian or what?
not a demon but here she goes
>Here's your controller *unzips dick*
I'm tired of seeing nyotengu because I love her so much
>tired of seeing her
>i love her so much
Are you gay?
Source? Search engines not bringing up anything.
Is this good?
>and the player is female
its not that good desu