Biomutant Developer Interview

Thoughts? Will post a follow up clip.

>the visual look is in tandem with your attributes

The reportedly fucking annoying announcer is also able to be 'scaled down'
but he has an important role in the story - he speaks english, for one


fak is that

The gameplay looks kind of lackluster but the character creation looks cool as fuck. Too bad this is obviously a tech demo and will never be available to the public.

weeb shit, don't worry about it



how out of touch can one person be



Game looks as bland and uninteresting as when it was revealed. is neat though.

if this is bland and uninteresting, your standards are too high for modern video games

Not a fan of these kinds of combat systems, but everything else tells me that this might be a hidden gem, so I'll reserve my opinion.

>revolver with what looks like a drum mag
>barrel is a crossbow

What the actual fuck, this is worse than Borderlands weapons.

>having any standards means your standards are too high
Thanks for the reminder.

Theres thousands of video games. You probably should have higher standards.

Reminds me of Munch's Odyssey. That was a fun game. I'll probably pick it up, just 'cause.

Really don't like the announcer and comic book words. They don't fit with the realistic graphics.

Thanks for reminding me about this game shill, will check it out at the end of the year when it comes out or some open beta or some shit

>sword with a nail in it
got a chuckle

I agree, think they're cheesy. hope I can disable it

I came into this thread just to say this. They'd fit a more cartoony style, not a realistic looking game like this.

>higher charisma turns you into a manlet
what did they mean by this

WOW. I can't... wait... to.. play... as... my... fursona!

apparently you can't fly, but this little nig can grab an arrow mid flight
also build a glider thing

nice zelda clone

the game is pretty much furfaggot bait but no fun allowed right

What in the absolute fuck is happening in the first part of the webm?

shooting the arrow, then grabbing it

this game will be $5 on steam a month after release

looks horrible

gad dam nigga

>More Biomutant info
>Frozen Synapse 2 dev interview
>Phoenix Point demo from big papa Gollop

Today was a good day

swedish devs not even once!

>Frozen Synapse 2 dev interview
that looks cool, reminds me of doorkickers

honestly the fact that it's furshit means I won't buy it

It'll be on GOG, so it's free.

Release when?

The first one was a great time

does that prevent you from buying cereal too you fucking autist?

>implying I would buy disgusting sugary cereal with a child's mascot

come on user

>not on Nintendo Switch
No one gives a fuck. Looks shitty anyway.

>not on Nintendo Switch

Furry DMC?

Sick of all these newshit kids on Sup Forums who never played Crash, Spyro, Banjo, Ratchet and Clank, Blinx and think all anthro animal protags is furry.

>2018 release

thx for a laugh

It is all furry, the thing people seem to confuse is that not everyone personally wants to be a furry and not everyone turns it into a fetish.

The developer literally calls it furry in the video

Those are games for kids you stupid tard, I'm not a kid anymore and I don't enjoy those kinds of games.

I bet you're a fucking manchild soyboy, aren't you?

user, where's the joy in posting the same bait day-in-day-out? Where's the creativity? Why do you do it?

>500 weapon combinations
Uh oh. That's sounds like Borderlands """variety."""

They still have that retarded comic book styled dialogue appearing in the game during combat? WHY?! It clashes with the realistic look of the game.


you've been on this shithole too long, you think anyone who isn't a freak like you is "bait"

go mastur"bait" to your sick degenerate fantasies while your father rolls in his grave

yeah its a red flag but just a marketing one, we know the truth
a few different base types and then addons for them same dog different leg

Looking forward to this game, it better get online co-op.

>zelda clone
Zeldatards, everyone

Those games died out for a reason.

damn that is cool

>Damage numbers
>Weapons have variable damage stat
Oh great another diablo-esque rpg


Actual ingame footage amirite?

That’s cool as hell

You can bet that it'll get removed in the first patch after furfags complain the best stats make their donut steel look hideous.

I like the narration

If this is a thing from some japanese dev, like mgs for example, vee would be creaming their pants.
LOL my superior Japdevs are so quirky XD

what a retarded way to look at life, no one here even knows who is making this game.

i think its some just cause 2 devs


must be depressing to have such shit taste


Instantly reminded me of this.

Movement looks nice. Smooth and fast.

open world graphics are and have been quite fucking sucking and shit for some itme now. The stylized effect in zelda and such is so much better because we. simply. don't. have. the. technology. yet.

Open world graphics fucking suck'

We literally do

Reminds me of Fable a bit. I wonder if it's concepts will also be hot air.

>game is showcased on something called "PC gamer"
>game is shilling intel
>it's also going to consoles since PC fags literally don't buy games
>finally, it's yet another westashit game larping as a japanese console game

That's some grade-A troll physics on that first bit.

For sure, but the time and resources it takes to make a proper good looking open world with things to do with actually good graphics isn't something any modern dev will invest in.

This is pretty cool but it doesn't look like the changes make a lot of sense.

I'm guessing theres not, but is there any Online or Co-Op for this?


A character form a children show One Piece.
Used to read it when i was a kid myself, its been running for 20 years now.

This looks neato torpedo. I might get it.


yeah because it's not like there's tons of games that had grappling hooks and gliders before BotW

>furry shit

This trend died in the --'s and should fucking stay dead. I'll take a million angry scowling bald white space marines over this LAME SHIT.