Meanwhile at peaceful Sup Forums

>meanwhile at peaceful Sup Forums......

Other urls found in this thread:

videogames are ok

I love Reisen!


There is literally nothing wrong with Muslims

Listen, I'm sorry if I ever come off as abrasive guys, my rage towards people who enjoy video games that I don't enjoy is just hyperbole, obviously someone having different tastes than me doesn't genuinely make me angry. That would just be unhealthy!

Your favorite game is repulsive garbage but I must respect your opinion and reasons for liking it.

What are Muslims?
Also am I glad we live in a world where God-Emperor Trump will always rule over whitekind.

I respect OP for being homosexual

Man good thing we got rid of all the Jews so the world isn't at war anymore. Let's go play games friends.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Bless you Reisen poster.

If you're reading this your mother will sleep peacefully tonight, as long as you have a nice day

I play TF2 and Overwatch and I think both games do something the other doesn't and they are both worth playing.

I respect your decision that traps aren't gay.

You're a giant faggot, but we love you.

The only true peace is non-existence
Conflict is everywhere and in all things, all interactions between people and animals are born of it

Thank you!

Thank you, user

Hey Sup Forums, let's play some games together! I am sure we will find a game we all enjoy!


I'm so glad shilling doesn't exist



Hello, I hope you have a nice day playing videogames you like. Have fun.

I may not like what a lot of long-running game franchises have done with the designs of their characters but I respect those who do and those who don't care to anylyze the designs enough to notice in the first place.

Sup Forums can be pretty ok sometimes.

I'm really glad the culture has shifted and developers have started incorporating women and POC as main protagonists.

I like how they keep their stuff to their board where it belongs, and only talk about video game stuff here

I played Rocket League with my friends today. It was fun.

I like playing a variety of different video games genres on multiple platforms and find no fault with anyone who plays a game that I didn't enjoy as much as them.

I actually got my pawn summoned, they left a nice gift and message which made me feel good.

Thanks, man