>KCD dev apologized for everything he said in an interview with a german website
>KCD dev apologized for everything he said in an interview with a german website
The left is currently closer to facism than Trump ever will be.
How many people would that include?
sounds like something a nazi would say
The dude wants to distance his own personal politics from his game. I can respect that, most of the retards anti-SJW Sup Forumstards don't practice what they preach like that.
I voted for Hillary, fyi.
In most ANTIFA estimations, 30% of the population.
That would be: 98,1351069 people
You would beat soviet union in kill count.
exactly. we need to kill everyone who browses Sup Forums
not a surprise
reminder that literally every figure Sup Forums praises including hitler would want absolutely nothing to do with them
Thanks for re-spouting Russian memes, comrade.
that's not enough to save you comrade
Confirmed for Nazi.
the cuck just wants to get on the award shows and get contracts with microsoft lmao anyone would do it too
what a fag
I was about to buy his game
>kraut speak
Fuck off
it was tho
it was supposed to be her coronation from the start
I don't get it. He never said he regretted saying what he said, not did he recoil and say he was going to turn into a full blown sjw cuck. All he said was pr bullshit about how he thinks he should have communicated things differently since people somehow took what he said on twitter and twisted it to try and tarnish his, and his company's, reputation.
t. kraut
>the commies are the real facists, guys
pls kys
Based German making a Jew apologize.
Fourth Reich soon boys!
Commies killed 10 times more people than nazis ever did and never paid for it.
And for those who can't read Hanz?
any of you niggers actually understand german?
>"Heute sehe ich meine damaligen Äußerungen in einem anderen Licht und möchte mich entschuldigen, falls meine Standpunkte in einzelnen Diskussionen besser von mir hätten kommuniziert werden müssen. Ich bin mir sicher, ich hätte in einzelnen Fällen eine bessere Wortwahl oder Kommunikationsform nutzen sollen. Ich wollte mit meiner Ansicht zur oben genannten Redefreiheit beitragen und meinen Wunsch, Künstlern ihr Schaffen zu lassen, ohne dass sie durch die Meinungsbildung anderer Menschen beeinflusst werden. Dies ist meine persönliche Meinung."
>Today I see my previous statements differently and want to apologize if my opinions in some discussions had to be better communicated by me. I'm sure I could've phrased things better, or used a different form of communication. With my statements, I only wanted to add to freedom of discussion, aswell as my wish that artists can do what they want, without being influenced by the opinions of other people. This is my personal opinion.
germany is going to invade Israel soon, for being too anti-semitic
Not him, I'm italian and I don't give a fuck about your ridiculous cold war conspiracy shit
but we invented fascism and I deeply hate it, and I sure as hell can recognize it when I see it
American far left is more fascist than our current neofascists
Fuck off with your political bullshit. No one gives a fuck
Before this thread 404s, let me ask a genuine question to those of you who enjoy discussing (or shitposting about) politics and social issues, especially on non-Sup Forums boards:
On a scale of 0 to 100, how sincere is your interest/outrage regarding these subjects? 0 being completely ironic bait where you're only in it for the shitposting and 100 being you're totally serious when you post.
That would be giving communism too much credit, fascism hasn't killed as many people.
so why are you saying the left are facists, and not commies?
So in other words, it's literally nothing, and /leftypol/ is just baiting Sup Forums
That's left-leaning sensationalist journalism for you.
It's fucking stupid regardless and doesn't belong here. Most people posting it are false flagging or doing it for a job though
>get's proven wrong
>g-guys t-t-talk about v-v-video games p-plz
Sorry, I don't read Arabic.
>Sjws are commies
American education everyone
So OP was a liar? What a surprise. Just another SJW trying to bring this game down.
Grow a spine retard.
if you want political threads to stop on Sup Forums you have to stop the root of the problem ie political zealots shoving their politics into gaming.
hint: it's not Sup Forums or the alt-right
no fukkin shit, but neogaf refugees and r/politics niggers invest this shithole
>tfw the nazis are the real commies
>mods delete perfectly fine video game threads but leave this piece of shit up
Why are you arguing about politics on the video game board user?
That was my first post in the thread you insufferable faggot
If I wanted politics I'd to go a fucking politics website, not Sup Forums - videogames
Not that guy though.
100, my real opinions are almost interpreted as bait anyways
Holy shit. When I tried this game (and promptly uninstalled/refunded when an objective called [CW: Rape] "Save Theresa from the rapists" popped up onscreen) I had no idea of this background, but as i dug deeper into the marketing and then the opening act, I was like “Huh a bunch of things about this game’s design philosophy feels like it’s hinting at the ideology that formed GG”, right down to evoking The Witcher 2 & 3 in very particular ways. I kind of hate being able to feel this shit in my bones these days.
This is swift becoming a dire example of what games culture (especially on PC) utterly fetishizes. Immersive sims have stopped being cute experiments when you realize how easy it is for such a traditionally centrist-bent genre to slide very far-right with the veneer of the thinking man’s whatever.
The facial mocap is intricate and the camerawork deliberate (ass shots included!); the tutorials are unwelcoming walls of text for overwrought systems meant to impress you, like they were made by a gameFAQs kid that wants every game to be “more realistic”; the fact that you can accomplish things in several ways is meant to eclipse any consideration of what your objectives or given choices might mean. All this showy bullshit and the right connections to make the game happen have made it so that Waypoint’s still the only place I’ve seen bring up the inexorable link to GG, while it happily plays to any other outlet remotely covering PC games with a dash of the ol’ No DRM to show just how consumer-friendly they are.
Plus, even in the opening act, the game reads like a manifesto on the contradictory very ethical thoughts of creeps that are convinced games aren’t political while they try to make a political point with their video game.
and they are/were helping develop a game of thrones mod even before the release, because of fucking course they are.
Not true. You are just repeating propaganda of those who oppose Communism AND Fashism
If only she campaigned in states that mattered instead of drumming up the popular vote in Texas, Cali and NY. Then maybe she wouldn't be having a cry daily about the Russians.
>No one gives a fuck
then why are you here?
>moving the goalpost
Reminder, based on this: OP is a liar and everyone should report this thread.
they act just like commies
what should I call them?
People trying to influence the direction of games that is not in your interest or anyone's really besides these sjw's. So it's important to voice dissent and resist against so you're not playing their shitty games they want you to. So pretty important to videogames.
No, i am repeating what happened to my family in soviet union. You in America don't know shit about history.
Small dicked white poltards btfo eternally how can they ever recover
>Not true
You mean they paid by having to live the rest of their miserable existence in soviet russia?
No they don't. You know nothing about Communism. They also call themselves liberals. Do they look liberal to you?
>(((free media)))
found the jew
>Politics on Sup Forums
Kill yourself
To tell you to stop fucking talking about not videogames on the videogame board. It's not fucking rocket science that the only reason you're here is to push some political agenda or another. No one fucking cares beyond telling you to fuck off. I don't care if you're left leaning, right leaning, centrist, fucking helicopter-ist. Politics doesn't belong here. Fuck off
>American far left is more fascist than our current neofascists
>Hur dur I know nothing about American politics
Thread is based on lies. See
>tfw it legit looked like a Bush v Clinton race
>this is considered white in europe
Well, probably they were Triskiests traitors or were framed by liberals/Troskiests. Who knows
Can someone tell me what video game this argument about nazis and communists is about?
Kingdom come deliverance.
>free media
I genuinely believe fucking russian media has more freedom
I mean, at least it's pretty openly propaganda, you know what you're watching
With murrican media it's always a festival of deception and lies mixed with actual news
The fact that I breathe the same air as someone like this makes me know humanity was a mistake
breath of the wild
fuck you nazis. your bigoted rascist, homophobic, transphobic days are numbered. bernie 2020!
The obvious implication you shit eater, is that the American far left is totalitarian, violent, and organised as such, which is true.
Stop being a double faggot for once in your pathetic life. I bet you voted Hillary you fucking alt-right communist antifa supporter
But Kingdom Come: Deliverance has nothing to do with nazis and communism
>hurr durr I know nothing about italian politics
Dumb mutt
100, I guess, I don't really shitpost about politics. Hell I don't even try to discuss politics. I mostly just tell SocJus faggots to fuck off, which prompts them to tell me to go back to Sup Forums. It's sad that they don't realize how much of everyone's time they're wasting.
My great grandfather was a student and was advocating for freedom of speech in universities, they had small manifestation, after that he and all of his colleagues were arrested night after, he spend 8 years in gulag then he died. So fuck you.
But user. It’s a predominately white game, so anyone who plays it must be a Nazi.
Sorry lad, but it wasn't
t. herschelwitz
It's like your playing a game and then your mom walks in and says no that's not appropriate for you to play and takes it away or the game has parental settings and she censors it as best as she can so you're allowed to play. That's not cool, and annoying. That's what sjw's are like. So it's important to videogames so those videogames you like aren't censored or don't exist in the future. So soyboys crying Sup Forums shut up. Its the most important thing to be discussing about videogames at the moment, until this issue is no more
>n-no t-that is n-not me
top fucking kek. soybois everyone
>Le american education plebbit meme
>obsessed with group identities and movements
>try to perpetuate a constant feeling of struggle and uprising
>want to establish "equality" on every basis, including equality of outcome
>seek to uproot the society and government of their home
>not commies
You're either dumb, or feigning ignorance
Top meme, Sup Forums.
Yes user, dozens of governments over a century is more than one government that collapsed within 2 decades.
its almost like being a fat, 40 year old edgemaster isnt good PR
>You never fall for the Soydom Cucks meme
Mao alone outdoes Hitler, don't be a cocksucker.
it's a rascist game by not including POC
>we need to kill everyone who browses Sup Forums
>thread clearly not started by Sup Forums
So the future of indie game development is playing dumbass fash and SJW like a fiddle for free publicity?
It’s pasta but you’re not wrong
>He says as an Italian neo fascist guns people down
But oh now some fucker on Twitter talked about micro aggressions so now it's 1984 ohmygod guiz
Yes Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't include black people (And That's a Good Thing)
user, I keep telling you. its 2018.
>he thinks Sup Forums gives a fuck about video games
>He must be something I don't like because I disagree with him
>I know, I'll call him something I don't like because then I'll win the discussion
Fuck off, child