Crusader Kings 2

Why is this game so shit and so addicting at the same time?
Is it cause there is no other strategy RPG like it (King of Dragon Pass doesn't count) and we're just with it?

When will someone make a game with enhanced dynamic RPG elements and a battle system that isn't complete shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's not shit.

Ck2 with the Rebels and Warmongers mod. Turns the game into an rpg with excellent combat mechanics.

You're welcome

It could be much much more if it dropped the Paradox games formula


How do I play multiplayer with a pirated version

Simply host a game and give your IP too the guy who wants too join you. There is a "Direct IP" button or smth like that

You need the same patch/checksum btw

Thanks bros

Cant wait to piss off my Christian roleplaying friends

What are some good documentaries, movies, and/or podcasts to have in the background while I play?

I just listen too Blind Guaridan and other power metal shit.

Watch the History Channel Crusades doc on You Tube.


Got shitton of good podcast, but its not available in english

Playing CKII

Not Playing EUIV....

One word that makes me apprehensive about EU4


EU3 Mods still amazing

EU4 is fucking shit man, it's a boring ass board game that takes no skill.
At least CK2 is a fun RPG and immersive

Damn it, I need more history in my life

I love having this stuff in the background as I /gsg/

Its pretty good tho. You should try eu4 meow and taxes

Well I can recommend Horrible Histories.
Target audience of these shits were kids of course, but its pretty fucking good to learn genuinely interesting and sick things about history
your mileage may vary but it works for me

Prove it

EU3 was better

Press F to pay respects to the grand strategy genre

>better than 2018's EU4 with meow

Nope and nope.

>shitty ui
>no forts
>crap sliders
>custom and random nations/new world
>significantly better naval focus
>elements from other paradox titles like Great Powers, Traits, Regents

+all the sweet things from meiou

Think eu4 is the only sequel thats actually better than the predecessor

Someone that played EU3 religiously here

How I learn EU4? Is meow necessary? Cause I know niggermod is pretty mandatory for Vicky 2

Meiou is pretty necessary, however if you havent played eu4 before I recommend pirating the latest version with all dlcs and a fresh youtube playthrough


i bought this game and i want to enjoy it but im just so lost and confused on what to do

Why do Paradoxfags think they're intellectuals for playing single player board games with shit UIs?

I don’t, but to claim ck2 is harder than eu is laughable.

Oh Jesus no, it's not harder. CK2 is an extremely easy game, especially late game. I just don't like EU4's difficulty, feels even more artifical than CK's

CK2 is hard only when your ruler dies and now your vassals hate your guts and your brothers want to fuck you up and steal the throne

well yeah because its a boardgame

Not since they changed the technology mechanic. It actually makes sense now. Of course a European country will fuckup some African shithole if they have guns and the Africans have spears. Although that doesn’t mean you can’t still win it’s just harder.

Either start in Ireland, and have a slow but stress free way to learn how to play, or start under a strong lord as a duke, and have a faster but with someone to protect you from getting smeared off the map. Also youtube videos.

What's a fun and relatively easy start to get into with CK2? Been bored lately. I have pretty much all of the DLC except the newest shit that came out.

New player here. I can help explain some concepts to ya in basic terms. Dont ask me about advanced concepts tho, I got the basics down.

Diplomacy > Intrigue > Stewardship > Militancy > Learning

In that order, make sure to nurture loyalty in your children. You can do that by assigned them a guardian that is loyal to you and never give land to people in your court that have claims on clay you own as that will hurt relations. Fuck the pope

1066 England. Well the norman England

What's the name of the ruler? I'll look into it.

Literally mimic a youtuber


Stewardship and Martial are way more important than Intrigue or Diplo until late game.

how do you have fun with this genre? There's no goddamn gameplay of the direct interaction variety. Please, I want to enjoy it, I really do but I'm with OP... I want some real characters or something to do besides arrange marriages and watch years fly by on a timer

Stewardship and Martial can be pumped by advisors
Hell, It's really not difficult to find Jews for the council seat. Letting any bitch ass vassal on the council is verboten

Roleplay. Make a custom character at game start and then see how his children fuck up his legacy

Huh. Stop forcing it.
Also if you shit in history or just dont like it seriously avoid this genre. Maybe HoI4 since ww2 is not as niche as medieval europe/middle east


Diplo makes it so your vassals and other lords don't hate you. Also the more your vassals like you, the more men the raise
Milit allows you to raise more men in lands you control
Steward raise income from all sources
Intrigue is really only good for killing people, and even then it's worse than having a higher diplo since invite to plot works based off of how much someone likes you
Learning affects tech growth? I honestly forgot what it does.

>find wife
>open the console
>type add_trait immortal
>type charinfo 1 and marry_anyone
>pollinate *wife's id* *your id*
>wait for kid while fucking other people's wives
>if girl type age *her id* 16
>if boy try again
>get rid of wife or keep, do as you please
>pollinate *daughter's id* *your id*
>do the same shit until you die but while playing normally
Don't forget to fuck other people's wives and daughters, if you can raid, do it and abuse the women you get.
Oh and get some indispensable sex mods.

Where my option to connect directly

Well Martial is actually not important. It affects the size and reinforcement of YOUR demesne levies only.

Learn the real life history of a dynasty and try and beat what they did. Or try and rebuild an empire with a direct descendant of it. Or set up cooky ahistorical shit and have fun with that too!

I mean that's all I ever do and it's kept me interested on and off for 3 years

>Where my option to connect directly

Which can be really important when you set up a fat little 12 slot demesne and keep your vassals fractured. Of course diplo plays into this as always but Mil can still be really good

Imagine my shock when I realised that my Irish empire had more powerful army than

It's always fun to have built a powerful empire only to see it crumble because the son of your character is a retarded pussy who wants to pray instead of conquer

when you reach a level where you can maintain 12 demesnes your army is prolly 50-70k big already. Keeping nobles happy or killing them in your dungeons is just easier and comfier than micro fracturing. Even with ck2+ or hip

One of the best things I ever got from a book fair was the Rotten Romans book they made.

Buddies said they tried everything to connect but I don't think they did and they don't wanna try again

They are demanding I buy it on steam instead But Im broke and without a job
I wanna try with a Sup Forumsirgin but I don't think anyone has my pirated version

It's funny to see Sup Forums talk about grand strategy, it's like watching 8 year olds talk about their big brothers games

Back to /vg/ my elitist friend

Imagine the shock when your people realized that your annual potato harvest is infected by a strange fungus

no forts
crap sliders
>not the best mechanic
custom and random nations/new world
>playing EU with custom nations

Yes, and that raised amount can help swing a war in your favor. Vassals never give you all of their men, no matter how much they like you, so being able to raise more of your own, with a high demesnes size, which is also increased by stewardship I forgot to mention earlier, you can single handedly win wars without your vassals.

Irish didnt have potatoes yet

>he doesnt know the meme

Forts are actually 10 times better than sieging every single provinces for 2 years

When will eu3 fags buy proper CPUs that can handle Meiou?

Monarch Points > Sliders

If your friend has steam then he's up too date, no way too play with him
As for the direct connect thingy I think there was an option to go too the meta server too direct connect, dunno if they changed the UI, it's been a while.

The Rick And Morty fans of vidya

Grand strategy doesn't require a high IQ and no one at /gsg/ implies so, sorry you're retarded
People that play these know they're autistic map painting sims


Thank god you can pirate every DLC this game has otherwise i would been pissed desu.

Have you ever been at the Paradox forums? kys

No, I don't browse reddit and reddit colonies

Certainly better than slider gymnastics. If this is your only argument, your taste is shite

You'll never get it. Making that type of game is risky unless you are paradox.

So far your only argument is "sliders bad" so you aren't on any higher ground m8

check shit posted earlier by other user

>crap sliders
you sure showed me

enlighten us why domestic policy shit is better please

No video games require high IQ

>inb4 Rule the Waves

More depth than just "oooh, numbers grow"

>More depth

You sure showed me. Just confess. Your shitty eastern euro pc cant handle superior Ayylmao and Taxes 2.2

Mana points have more depth than sliders though.

>want to play ck2
>usually wind up getting to the point I can go with imperial shit, viceroys whatnot
>can't actually have an entirely viceroyal realm in the current patch because the computer forgot how to hand out viceroyalties
>byzantium is all kinds of fuck and almost if not entirely populated by hereditary titles within a century
>devs have been relatively silent for weeks now outside some intern saying he wants to do thing with titles
>duchies of kermanshah, tigris, hamadan, and esfahan are currently titular and the computer loves to destroy titular titles below their top tier title so can't have say a feudal duchy setup in persia and grant a titular guy a viceroyal king title or he'll destroy the duchy of x and transfer any land/vassals he previously had to jibal or khozistan

Also make more sense in a kind of twisted way. State finance was almost entirely decoupled from a lot of things that it was used for in EU3.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more depth

Its literally the same system. Only difference was you had to wait 10 to 50 years between these deep slider changes instead of gradual mana. Eu4 is a much more polished and complex version of eu3, especially with overhaul mods

why not just play as emperor then change


Why are the muslims so powerful?
Seems like everytime I play, they take over the spanish peninsula and eventually steam over France and take chuncks out of the HRE. Even the Byzantines get torn up to a significant degree. Unless I take part in Crusades or personally fight them back the Muslims seem to be superpowers

My bad I missed the quantifier "more". Stupid animeposter is stupid

but it's not, eu3 wasn't complex either but eu4 is the simplest game paradox has shit out to date

Nobody said it's a complex game you stupid third wordler. As you can see I corrected it to "more complex" At least interpret before shitpost

Historically, they were doing better than the Euros for quite some time and only were beaten back by movie levels of heroic deeds


He's the reason the Spanish aren't Muslim, seriously tho, read his article, nigga was an action movie protag before it was even a thing

and read what i wrote, eu4 is the most simple gs game of all
pump mil tech
pump mil ideas
win game

That's wrong and inefficient. WCs you stack core creation cost reduction.

Alright so you admit that the last time you touched the game it was years ago. And it was strictly vanilla

Oh it's the "Game is 2ez4me as a lucky nation" episode again.

played it today actually, destroyed france as brittney easy
you're just trash

Why would you anonymously lie on the internet? And to brag. What are you trying to accomplish?

>eu4 is hard

it's not bragging if it's fucking easy
just stop being bad