Kingdom Come

>Buy Kingdom Deliverance
>Boot it up
>Enjoy the very start, because it makes promises of choices and different outcomes
>Start the first quest
>Go to the local drunken bum to solve the debt
>Combat system looks confusing as well. No matter where I point in the 4 directions, the character makes the same swing, at the same direction
>Load back before the fight, try again
>Load back once more
>Lose, no idea what I'm doing
>Close game and request refund

Fuuuuck, why is the combat system so weird? I want to like the game because it looks like an excellent RPG, but if I can't even get past the first fight, I know I'm gonna get annoyed by the system throughout the game.

It's probably a case of git gud, but why couldn't they make the system a bit like how it works in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare instead if they were going for directional swings and all that?

Examine this post. Drink it in.

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums

What does it matter? You already refunded it. The fight does take a long time but they give you all the tools and instructions to win it on the first go.

Should have gotten the lads to help you out.

I wish this game wasn't that well known so normie retard kids "lul I hate gaymes" wouldn't shit the threads, we had such comfy Elex threads.

Damn son you sound like a little bitch. If you said some bandits early game messed me up I'd be like "yeah bruh them bandits can be tough". But the drunk guy? fuck user maybe you're not cut out for this game.

You're a plebeian and you just got filtered

Should have called the boys. Or sneak in and steal his shit. Or knock him out from behind, take his key, steal his shit. Game has plenty of options. Pretty extreme to lose first fight and insta-refund.

Damn you're fucking retarded

>can't figure it out in 5 minutes
>give up
pathetic tbqh, you're meant to be useless at the start of the game, you're a nobody. combat is a chore until you level up, It's the same shit with lock picking. It's like its everyone's first RPG and they expect to run around like a medieval batman from the first hour.

back to skyrim, pleb

How do you stealth kill guards? Do I need better stealth skills? Or do I need to be stronger to overpower them?

>the game is SUPPOSED to be boring as fuck, you're just a casual for not liking it

You need 5 stealth and then the skill to stealth kill. Otherwise you can only knock them out.

get the stealth kill perk (under stealth skill) and have a dagger in your inventory

Can I go full Deus Vult in this game?

I know how to stealth kill, it's just that guards instantly break free from my hold and fight back. I'm not sure what skills I need to improve to do it, or if guards are just immune to stealth kills.

>mfw picturing OP getting his glass jaw rocked by the village drunk 3 times in a row

Oh that, yeah man I have no idea they do that to me constantly too I beat the game without ever knowing what prevents that. My stats were maxed out too I couldn't get any more perks but it still happened alot.

No 13th century """""""Knights""""""" allowed.

>game crashes every 20 minutes
>doesn't even say why it crashed, "windows encountered a problem"

There's knight armour and a lot of christian fanatics,but i'm not sure if there's a quest line for it.
Grab the heaviest armour, the biggest sword, go out into the forest, and chop up some zoroastrianist kuns/cumans

Did you even read anything about the game's premise?

40h in - zero crashes, it's you user, you are the problem

it's obvious that you've never had to work for anything in your life. Female or rich parents?

you can go heretic hunting
you can go witch hunting
you can kill heathens
you can purge bandits
you can become a monk

WHAT THE FUCK MAN what's your specs?

>works on my machine :)

I'm not sure what exactly does it, but when i snuck up on a dude in heavy armour, he would hear me when i was in range to choke him out, i just pressed the button before he could turn around. Then, he broke free.
Next time i did it with my armour off, and it worked. I thought it was a matter of awareness only

OP, you're fucking retarded. Go up to a big nigger on the street, attack him, and see if you can magically win a fight because you pointed your arms the right way.
Do you understand what ROLE PLAYING GAME means?

>tfw runs perfect 60fps but game freezes because it shoots to 100% cpu use for no reason

w10-1600x-16Gb-1070-4yo SSD

I was supposed to run from all those knights burning down skalitz right?

And die in two hits if I fought them?

They didn't have to rape the girl since they had their way with me.

>in heavy armour
ehm, how do you imagine choking a dude in heavy armor?

grab some heavy armor and a mace and bash heathen teeth in

that's about the best you can do

For statistics' sake, i had about 4 freezes in 20 hours or so. I didn't even get a windows error message, the game just stopped reacting.
It's an extreme pain in the ass until you learn to brew Saviour Schnapps, then just keep chugging and it's fine.

I was aiming at a speech playthrough I hope it'll avoid me some combats. Yesterday I accepted to steal something as a quest to pay my debt, got stuck in the owner house and he started beating me for the intrusion, I faint, still can't get out from the house, he beat me again, cycle repeats for like 5 minutes until I give up and reload. Game's going to be fun.

What's absolute about it?

I mean i was in heavy armour, but you can literally choke a dude in a grand helmet. You walk up to someone sleeping in full plate in full helmet, your character will put his hand on the helmet around the neck, and the target will be knocked out no problem. R E A L I S M

Yes you are supposed to. To get the "save the girl" achievement you can just hit one of them once then run to the nearby horse.

I'm 12 hours in and have had one blackscreen bug but I could still see the menu so I saved and reloaded

hes an idiot but i guarantee 99% of normies with successful careers or "hard workers" would turn this game off after 5 minutes simply for being confusing and not instantly gratifying like fruit ninja

Can't you just put your weapons away and press G to surrender as usual?
I'm not sure if you can talk your way out of it after that, since i just go on a killing spree whenever i get caught.

>goes for speech
>still tries to steal
You can complete that quest through speech

framerate drops in the towns are driving me crazy. i get 60 fps at 4k everywhere in the game until i point the camera at some buildings and it drops to 10-20

you don't even have to hit one, just press X to whistle

NPCs usually take armor off when sleeping, even bandits in the woods

>at 4k
did you disable forced v-sync in .cfg?

I think success is based on either Str or Stealth skill. Used to happen a lot with me, but after getting both Str and Stealth up, it never happens.

You can wait until nightfall and choke them out with 100% success while they sleep. A good way to level Stealth is just going around town at night, and choking everyone in their sleep.

I tried to surrender but the dude didn't want to hear any of it.

Is this better with KB+M or controller?

When I asked my creditor if I could simply repay him with money it seemed like he wasn't going to accept. Guess I just shifted under his pressure. But that's eventually how I ended the quest. Can you take the ring through speech ? I tried talking to the guy but he still wanted money for it.

Turn Ultra Lighting to Very High, it's bugged.

Can you actually do everything in this game?

Honestly casual faggots like yourself shouldn't be allowed to breath. git fucking gud or just kys faggot



I've never seen that happen. Every bandit leader quest and about 2 cumans i've killed have all worn their armour to sleep. But the way it usually goes is that they're awake and patrolling when i get there, and after a minute or so, they go to bed, so it could be some AI bug, possibly due to freshly spawning.

It's same even at medium.
There's no difference graphically though.

Are there actually people that lose the first fist fight somehow?

me. unlike dumbo OP he could try different tactic like asking Heinrich's friends to beat the Kunesh with ease.

>Beat Kunesh's ass after a ten minute fist fight
>Take his key, hammer, and nails
>Sell them
>Quest marker still points to him like I'm not finished
>Choke him out and take his clothes
>He'd already lost his wife and had nothing on value in his house

No regrets though.

get to camp, wait till night - only one or two dudes keeping watch others sleep in pajamas

Hahaha damn kids just give up after losing one fight

You don't even have to fight him, you can run back to your daddy and tell him that Kunesh was mean to you and he'll give you the money for the coal

Is Condom Cum worth the price or should I wait for a sale?

It's ok, the Cumans kill him anyway a couple of hours later.

Sale or a couple of patches, whichever comes first.

actually that nigga survives and you see him when you first enter Rattay

He gives you a quest too.

Combat system is alright for 1v1 fights
It really breaks when there are multiple enemies

50€ is a little too steep unless you really like games like this
Wait for a sale

Imagine being such a waste of air that you not only can't beat the shit out of Kunesh on your first go, but also can't beat him while savescumming and can't even find a way around it despite saying that you're exited about the promises of different choices

I really hate fist fighting in this game, it's a piece of shit and people pretend it's easy. You get stuck in fucking combat with these meme lords for 20 years trying to knock them down while the game glitches them out to glide across the floor to reach you with punches.

use Q
fistfights are easy when you get to warfare level 5, no peasant can beat you

I bet you think dark souls needs an easy mode too. It fucking tells you how to fight you dumb nigger.

By God did I get a severe case of cancer from this post. Holy shit, what a faggot.

you fool

I reached 10ish str after the bandit quests, went back to do the brawls because i forgot about it earlier, and won just by spamming right click. They literally didn't get to move.
The combat is all about numbers, combos have a low landing rate, master strikes depend on stats too, there doesn't even seem to be a noticeable difference between using feint or not.


>knock out one of the skalitz guards
>get high class armour in the first hour of the game

>high class
come back when you get greeted as a knight, plebeian

Drumpflets BTFO #punchanazi #goodnightaltright

Why are nights so fucking dark? Even with a torch I can barely see.

all you need for that is choke out and loot one of these (respawning) knights that want to duel you

>be shit at the game
>request refund
Did you also requested a refund for Dark Souls?

>why is night so dark


I already completed the game and got full plate armour like in the 15th hour

>Why are nights so fucking dark?
Are you retarded?

is it actually possible to lose those first fist fights?
i never saw my health dropping so i thought they were autowins

>Why are nights so fucking dark?

>lower left corner
Oh mein gott...

They aren't always, it seems to depend on the fullness of the moon. Also in forests among trees it is MUCH darker.
What you posted looks pretty realistic tbqh

>Why are nights so fucking dark?
This is the average shitposting retard gentlemen.


just like irl


>getting baited this easily
Fucking newfags i swear


Thank you based Vavra for exposing nu/v/ as a bunch dirty casuals. No wonder this place has gone to shit.

kek I didn't notice that creature until this post