Will we ever get a good D&D video game again?

Will we ever get a good D&D video game again?


Was there ever a good one? Serious question.

There was... uhh... the arcade beat em up.

Mike Wazowski has seen better days.


It's at its best as a tabletop game. There's no reason to make video games for it.

>OC donut steal creature
>japs manage to steal it countless times
>most people mistake it for a classic creature of myth and legend as a result.

Dragon's Dogma is honestly the closest we'll ever have to a D&D game.

>friend starts campaign
>Can't balance an encounter if his life depended on it

Its hard to implement shit like character customization where with enought knowledge about classes and gear you can create a really crazy characters (you can make character wearing full plate armor and still being able to cast spells with 0% chance of fail?)

>DM a campaign
>figure out balance and some shitty dungeons after a while but get bailed out with where to go and what to do because I have no idea of what to do
>doesn't matter in the end because one player outs themselves as insane and takes half the friend group with them on the way out based on who was willing to kiss their ass over it

Baldur's Gate series
Icewind Dale series
Capcom D&D beat em ups

Dragon's Crown is also close

It's ok man, both sides of the coin always suffer because of the weak.

Dragon's Dogma kinda fits the bill for me, in terms of atmosphere. Most enemies are pulled straight from the standard D&D/western fantasy playbook.
Cyclopes, chimeras, hydras, harpies, griffins, ogres, goblins/hobgoblins, dragons, even beholders.

Weirdly refreshing to see classic monsters represented in those classic forms. I feel like a lot of stuff these days try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to monsters, with edgy reimaginings on old concepts, but they often lose something. The monsters were already cool to begin with. There's a reason some of them survived in written and oral traditions for hundreds of years.

Honestly just makes me sad that the rpg genre has move away from its d&d roots.

Wizards of The Coast are extremely autistic over who gets a license for their games.

It's why Pillars and Torment designed their own rulesets.

>Friend invites to play pnp
>Never done it before, having time of my life
>Friend does great job making spooky mystery
>Combat starts
>Tldr I survive by killing orc with a cockroach I picked up, while jumping out of a burning house
>Still laugh about it
Fuck pnp is fun

Anyone I met online through DD VG is so nice. Why?

>the rpg genre has move away from its d&d roots
Good riddance.


>he doesn't want games with a focus on storytelling and character development
get a load of this pleb.

What was the plot of Baldur's gate Dark Alliance 2? I had the first one for gamecube but never played the second one.

Who did the lizardman serve?

Fuck rpg codex

Jaded d&d losers are the worst thing that happen to modern crpg's

Not if they stick with Forgotten Realms as the main setting.

Pretty much all the Infinity engine games moron.

dumb nerd

I really loved that about DD too plus I like the eclectic aspect to classic fantasy monsters which pull from various different mythologies around the world instead of bland Tolkien style which is more common now which is just kind your typical European stuff but bigger.

>Be first time DM
>Make simple game with plot forward dumped about Goblins that try to sacrifice people at their shrines on new moons, and Goblins had kidnapped people from Small town X last night.
>Space encounters out to allow 3 fights a day for the 1st level party.
>Decide to simulate each encounter in both a marathon session and assuming 4 full nights rests to ensure I placed enough cover, and gains to permit catastrophic recovery for a standard rouge/cleric/fighter/wizard party.
>Decide to have the townspeople pool together and give 2 CLW potions per person just in case an early kit might dissuade them.
>First encounter of the first day happens with 5 Goblins. Wizard casts Shield, Mage Armor, and Color Spray
>Wizard demands to go back to town and sleep
>Express through the NPCs they're really worried about the children that are captured.
>Players ignore that but take notice of a deer I described at sunrise only to suggest their surroundings were peaceful.
>They smoke the deer to keep the meet from rotting. This takes 2 days
>Decide the children the goblins captured were already sacrificed before they even got to the shrine out of spite.

Just play neverwinter nights 1 & 2


Honestly forgotten realms is not a setting I like too much. Maybe after all of these years I've just been exposed too much to it and I've grown tired of it, or maybe it's just shitty. And then there is the underdark. The good creatures of D&D are extremely overused, and to be honest those which aren't just based on mythology are crappy in design. Beholder may be one of the few good designs in the sea of stupid animal hybrids and floating blobs.

D&D's combat strengths rely on imagination, without that you either have to overhaul the system or have a game where you spam the same abilities over and over again. See the last few horrible recent attempts at D&D games for examples of that.

>just play the worst d&d games
Pillars of Eternity is the only answer, did you guys played PoE 2 beta? it's already better than bg2
dat multiclassing, dat visuals, dat music, dat shit combat, dat fallout 2 style exploration, dat new vegas factions


That's because most DND monsters don't actually got modern game 'design' if you threw ADnD fucking illithid or eye tyrant at a modern gamer they'd die like a fucking chump. The only thing they know is HP bloat and DMG numbers. That's it.

>human male fighter
yep it's dnd alright

All the old gold box games
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale

>out of spite
Not to give player choices some impact?

>the rpg genre has move away from its d&d roots
So just like the actual tabletop roleplayers?
Everyone starts with D&D and then stop playing it to play better systems. No one sticks with D&D.

Mask of the Betrayer might be the only one.

I honestly think the concepts in DnD have a good potential that will never manifest in videogames. I mean I seriously think of only one game that involves closing your eyes and none that bother to make mirror fighting a thing.

I'm pretty sure it was just spite. If I did it to follow the plot the goblins wouldn't have been at the shrine afterwards.

>look at this monster; it kills you.
>touch this monster; it uses you as shield and eats you.
>try to talk to this monster; it attempts to hypnotize you with every word.
>Stand around this monster: your equipment turns into dust.

Look I'm not saying D&D is and has always been bad but don't toot about Gygax killing his players.

>friend wants to DM for the first time
>sure why not, we make characters and go for it
>campaign starts with party getting captured and stripped of all the gear we decided to start with, no opportunity to recover it.

Gygax couldn't kill his players that's the problem.
His players weren't human. His group made it through the Tomb of Horrors with missing a beat.

Did we ever? Genuinely curious

>he didn't break out every single item of miscellaneous gear etc. And escape the deathtrap dungeons of mad wizards with the mcguffin, and only a broken knife because everything else was expended.

I bet you never even fighter'd.

Beholders are the coolest fucking monster design and NOBODY uses it anymore.
Pisses me off man

Nobody uses it because it's D&D's mascot, a whole creation of Gygax/TSR and actually defended judicially.

probably the most fun shit to do as the gm glares daggers at you

Squaresoft used it in Final Fantasy tons.

Plus you know, fucking OP and needs special preparation to fight even. Which modern gets would refuse to do. i mean, I'm imagining a bunch of retards like DSP(?) Or whoever the fuck he is trying to play, and getting to the eye tyrant boss fight, and getting turned to stone or fucking finger of death'd. And then "Wow how was I supposed to know all those optional preparatory sidequests would actually help me not die like a fuckwit. 0/10 game. Stupid. Just bad game!"

>when you learn about using the beholder tentacle against itself in Bitterblack Isle
I really agree that DD got that "classic" fantasy feel right. You exploit weaknesses, use the right elements, it just has more of an action spin on it rather than dice/RNG.

I just wish Warrior had more skills and Sorceror had more "fun" things than "stand somewhere safe and maelstrom or glicel everything". There needs to be skills that get faster at high rank or something.


I think the Krynn setting would work well for video games. Plenty of races/classes. Three types of magic users. Gods knocking about on the physical plain.

This is why in ADnD I always pick a proper combat class. Nothing else really has the sheer balls to survive. Had so many raeg-mode friends because their 4 fucking hit point wizard got knifed to death by fucking goblins. 2d6 first level ranger was also a fucking noice choice too, back when rangers were Aragorns. Before that faggot Salvatore ruined them forever with his special snowflake homebrew Gary stu BS. AT least ed fucking greenwood had the good grace to make his oc do nut still s background advisory type mysterious wizard instead of a HaHa look at me I'm awesome fuck you and your rules!

>I will never not be mad ranger is a forevermore tainted crapfest class for the rest of fucking time

Plus air jousting on fucking dragons. Now that's fucking metal.

>ywn make a kender girl your special friend for the rest of your lives

Fuck. No I need to torrent the dragons of _______ books.

>also, Tanis, how to do a half elf char right 101

And gradually changed it enough to be legally distinct

Fuck off, Avellone.

I've only got a tiny bit of experience with BG1, PoE and 5e D&D. How hard would it be for me to get into Icewind Dale or Temple of Elemental Evil? I've heard great things about those.

Neither of those games are particularly high-entry. Especially if you've played BG1

I played them as a kid with a absolutely no RPG experience and had a blast.
Just make the alignment of your guys reflect your play style.

>using the beholder tentacle against itself in Bitterblack Isle

>Zero roleplaying
>Story feels like it was written by 8years old for his friends

I'm sure our friends in Beamcuck are doing a new one with wotc avail.

Critical Role... at least we can watch.