You guys told me this game was good, why did you lie?

You guys told me this game was good, why did you lie?

Sorry I wasn't there to tell you it's a shit game

The game had some okay concepts but definitely wasn't polished enough to pull them off.

Never lie to me again Sup Forums

>It's a "it's Sup Forums's fault I have shit taste!" thread

>weeb gif
>has shit taste

don't play it then fag

I almost bought it after it was recommended in a steam sale thread. Watched one video of the gameplay and said nope.

weebojank vs eurojank which is more trash and overhyped

>it's another "Sup Forums lied to you" thread

>It's another "I can't form my own opinion" faggot posting some shit
Do you also want someone to chew your food for you? You faggot piece of shit.

Good for you for doing some research, even though it and you are faulty.

we didn't lie, op, you just have shit taste


you've been warned

Bad parenting at its finest

>skyrim having better gameplay than DD

It's sad how transparent the shilling is, but because of how retarded casuals are, oeioke actually take these reviews at face value.

>bitterblack has funny story

Dragon's Dogma is the ultimate soy filter, if you don't like it you should just quit vidya

>He didn't pick strider as his starting class

Found the newfag.

It looks and plays like a ps2 game though, and it was released in 2016. Explain that, Sup Forums.

Good, if that's the case then I wish games nowadays would play more like PS2 games

>make character a little shota
>have extreme amounts of fun exploring Cassardis and just being a whippersnapper
>don't actually leave the village until two hours later
>make my pawn my character's much older sister and meet her at the camp

I picked mage and just did the horribly slow and insanely easy escort mission. Is magic going to be this boring the rest of the game, just point stick and shoot?


Is there any quest i should do before Grigori?
I already did Aelenoieroeore's quest
Also should i do BBI before or after Grigori?


Mage is not very fun and more of a pawn oriented class because it is the only class that can heal. Sorc on the other hand is pretty great making tornados, meteors and other useful things like buffs. You still have to charge up to cast spells though so if that part is boring you id switch to something more active.

You'll be able to be a sorcerer soon, which is 10/10.
Magick archer and mystic knight are also fun when/if you feel like hitting things

>not Fighter

Groovy, I'll just stick with it then.

Mystic Knight master race

Dragon's Dogma was released in 2012, so It's a little dated now. Still a pretty good game overall. I'm actually more concerned about your shit taste, and how you explain that.

How can Todd even compete with magic like this?

I'm actually having fun but the only way to have a discussion on Sup Forums is to call something shit.

>you can't have a weapon AND a staff equipped at the same time
Going through the menus every few minutes to check and trade around items was annoying enough. I didn't like having to open everything up even more often just to change my weapon every ten seconds.

>mfw this is brilliant and accurate.