This is not okay

This is not okay

Nu-lara looks fine her games suck though but really...tomb raider was never good anyway

>tomb raider was never good anyway

It was a genre defining series before Uncharted and Nu-Raider came into the picture

>always dirty
>constantly getting hurt
>never fights dinosaurs or demons or dragons
>must avoid getting raped
>doesn't dual wield guns

You're damn right, it's not okay.

Chloe's change was just heart breaking.
She was that mixed lady of many mystery, now she's just some Pajeet.

The first couple ones were legit great at the time.
Plus, Anniversary is a fucking great 3D platformer with mediocre, though thankfuly sparce, combat

And the tits had very little to do with it.
Now go play the old games, that one fan game made on UE4 and stop whining.
Its not like the reboot sold massively anyways.

I fucking hate this so much. Western developers are so god damned obsessed with "realism" and "grounded" stories that it actively sucks anything fun or interesting out of the stuff they make. Whenever they even bother to use anything supernatural or weird, it ends up being the most boring shit too now.

You tried to force this meme last year and nobody cared why are you doing it again?

They should have just given Chloe a new throat instead, bitch has a smoke stack in there.


It's not a meme you bitch, it's a sad reality in which sexualized characters have been abandoned for so called "realism". Why not contribute to the conversation instead of whining?

First is whatever there was noway OG Lara Croft would continue into this age without changing i think. I wonder if people would complain about this redesign if her breasts were larger?

2nd just looks like she got older which would be good if that was their intent. Not enough characters change physically with the age of their series.

Why do animeposters never actually post anything worthwhile?

>Western developers are so god damned obsessed with "realism"
Realism is just a codeword for mediocrity. Those (((Human rights))) activists and sjws are just getting assblasted by anything better than themselves. They just want to drag all people around them down to their level.

>you tried to force this meme last year

Yeah I'm sure it's the same guy

So they took a Latina and mader her Asian, then too an Asian and made ger a Latina. Fair trade.

>Nu-lara looks fine her games
Nah. She's noticeably short, and les athletic looking, with a thicker waist, and a permanent dumbfounded expression on her unrecognizable face.

>Why not contribute to the conversation instead of whining?
But what is the OP but just whining?
>"This is not okay"
Cry more.

That 1 reboot level of TR2 was better than anything in TR2013 or RotTR

>No u!
Not an argument

>Cry more.
Like NuLara?

>Stop this!
Not an argument.

>Like NuLara?
They made her more relatable to her audience.

Lara Croft actually WAS strong and independent woman. But Sjws came and made her whiny, plane looking, removed her sence of humor.
Funny, isn't it?

they aren't worthwhile human beings

Is Angel of Darkness as bad as people say? I always thought it had a cool visual style, but never played it back in the day.

>They made her more relatable to her audience.
I guess you got me there, considering the new audience is nothing but a bunch of whiny pussies.

People like you are the reason Lara was changed into a generic whiny bitch, old Lara was too good looking and her "over the top" personality was too "unrealistic" for you

It had one of the worst controls in gaming ever. Even worse than RE4 first pc port.
Played it only because of the story and still cound't finish it

what is the best tomb raider game? I played 3 as a youngin

>considering the new audience is nothing but a bunch of whiny pussies.
The new audience isn't making "DELETE THIS" threads.

>People like you are the reason Lara was changed into a generic whiny bitch
But I never asked Lara to change, except for better graphics, and more fluid movement.

The LAU trilogy is the peak of the series imo. With Anniversary being the best of the 3

That sucks. AoD Lara is my favorite Lara.

both old Lara and new Lara are "whats currently popular" stereotype. Back in the day sexy tity bimbos were popular so Lara was like one, nowdays "girl next door" is whats popular so you get a flat whiny Lara


Well, i liked it too, despite terrible gameplay.

Also, new Chloe's face is both ethnically correct, and sexier than before. Also better hair. Sucks her shirt isn't quite as tight and short as it used to be though.

Nu lara is fucking hot. I don't give a fuck what you contrarians think.

They gave Lara chromosomes

They tried to make it an adventure-type game with talking and shit but never bothered ti update control scheme, so imagine playing a quest while controlling a tank

>But I never asked Lara to change, except for better graphics, and more fluid movement.

If that was true than you wouldn't be okay with the 2 new games. While having better graphics, the rest of the whole franchise was forgotten. The gunplay is an Uncharted rip-off, where are the dual pistols? And bows/survival hunting bullshit has absolutely no place in a Tomb Raider game. Where are the good puzzles? Oh yeah, they're completely optional and extremely easy, all it takes is some dumbass easy platforming to get to the end of the game. NU-RAIDER IS FUCKING SHIT, JUST LIKE YOUR OPINION

>always dirty
The hell is wrong with that? If anything it's even hotter and makes her breasts stand out even more.

Dont worry, the next reboot will be a better one

>next reboot
This bullshit has to stop

>If that was true than you wouldn't be okay with the 2 new games
But I'm not ok with the 2 new games. In fact, I left a post earlier criticizing her appearance. I merely noted that your OP post was not "discussion". it was whining. So it's hypocritical of you to mock the other user, and shame him for not contributing to the discussion.


Calm down, you sound almost as retarded as the children defending GTA V in GTA threads

It will never stop

Wow, god forbid some videogame women look realistic now and not designed with your fat virgin penis in mind

Please, go outside and get laid instead of raging lol

Apparently Core got fucked, there is a restoration community

Fit, athletic, funny and smart are not realistic for you?

Oh come the fuck on. Why did he use the Underworld face of all faces? It's the one that looks like fucking plastic.

Off yourself, immediately

His renders look a lot better than the in-game model. I'm hoping it looks better for the full game, if we ever get it


Realistically, why can't they make both the new TR games and continue the older LAU games at the same time? You don't need a big team or big budget for the latter, shit can be done pretty easily with 20 people.

Not really

Look at Kingdom Come Deliverance
Everyone praises it for brown, muddy and boring it looks.
"Wow it's exactly like photos of real boring mud and stick castles, wow!"
Western devs push realism, and western gamers want realism

Chloe had some serious booty reconstruction surgery. She used to be so hot.

Kingdom Come has very realistic colors, but youre memeposting saying everything is brown and grey like COD when it was good

New Lara is much much more of an fapbait than the original and she caters to far more disturbing fetishes too.

Ryonafags and incels are scum and having ambiguously innocent (but not really you silly boys ;) girl constantly getting bashed and two seconds away from rape speaks right to them. Old Lara was never this helpless, she had the money and did what she wanted to do, common goons that new lara constantly fights didn't even register as nuisance to her.

>KC:D - more or less historically accurate
>TR nu-lara - whiny, plane looking, boring character in adventure/fantasy genre.

>new Lara
Maybe at the beginning of 2013. She's a fucking psychopath now.


She was disturbed mass murdered even in the 2013 game. I think that is the powerfantasy side of her.


Yeah because ryonafags ever stopped at weak girls right? Maybe you should look at the hundreds of Mortal Kombat ryona videos, or just about any fighting game.


>no one posting Nu-nu-lara

Women age user
Just look at your mother

That's because Rise Lara is perfection

Cant wait for Nununu Lara when Shadow of the Tomb Raider hits E3 this year because they had to remodel her face again due to the new studio handling her.

her ass used to be immaculate. honestly looks like she's wearing a diaper here. she used to give me a huge boner i jerked off during her parts of uncharted 2

>her audience
>women play exploratory action adventure

This isn't Xbox live in 2008 user, at least try to be somewhat clever about your insults

My man

There was a lot of rape and ryonafic of the old series too, no one can stop the perverts. I just feel that the new games embrace that shit more openly.

Take the promo art for example, I don't remember old Lara being dragged through mud in every poster.

I was talking about the other user, and his ilk. Implying that he's being a whiny bitch.
But now that you mention it, girls actually do like these style of games. The Last of us, Uncharted, Nu-Raider, Assassin's Creed, casualized cinematic experiences they're capable of handling without too much frustration. Women love this genre.

Because in the words of Director, he said that he wanted the audience to "care" for Lara and want to protect her. But it kinda backfired when it all it did was encourage more rape and smut posting.

>muh looks
who gives a fuck, at the end of the day the new tomb raider games are infinitely better than underworld. god, that game was a buggy pile of shit.

Its set far far away from U2 so you know im right

Autistic children.

>I was talking about the other user, and his ilk. Implying that he's being a whiny bitch.

Classic Nu-Lara fag. What's the point in getting this upset?

What? Turning games into movies?

Classic baseless assumption fag. What's the point of arguing against a made-up enemy?

Chloe has a grandma ass in TLL, they should've kept her butt from 2

So I'm not the only one who noticed that. Underworld feels like it was made in 10 months and quickly released in time for the holiday season.
A few days ago I tried to replay it but at the very start of the game I couldn't leave the vicinity of Lara's boat. Kept getting dragged towards it.

Pathetic consolefag

Yeah I think I Nu-Lara looks good. I also like Nu-Lara's games. The Legends ones were alright, but the Core Design games' controls annoyed me even in the 90s.

>Chloe looks like that after only 4 years from Uncharted 2
what were they thinking

You've bested me user

7 years.

le ambiguously brown woman face

Fucking Ass creed destroyed everything.
>whoa big ass maps
Copy pasted hollow shit
All you do is press forward
>fast combat
Just press A and health regeneration
Fucking cookie cutter bullshit Ubisoft is turbo canceraids

>People insulting Chloe's ass in 4

Fuck off fagets

I've only played a bit of the original first Tomb Raider and a bit of the newest one. Which TR games are most worth playing?

hehe, looks like you're onto something.


meant from Uncharted 3

Every single game in the franchise except TR2013 and RotTR

The first 4 if you can handle tank controls.Legend/Anniversary/Underworld are all good. The new ones are fine, too much cinematic shit but going back and exploring for collectables and optional tombs is fun. Ignore Chronicles and Angel of Darkness.

Nu luara is hot, i just wish games stopped using bows for fucking every strong women. Guns are superior in literally everyway and dual usps were fun

>all these gays thinking new Chloe's ass is gross
Faggots the lot of you. The idea of that ass on my ass gets me rocked

You just have shit taste.
>Being a platformwar shitter
you owned yaself boi.

See people. This is the caliber of people on Sup Forums.

Say what you want about nineties but the female protagonists were far more pragmatic back then. The one who used bow as Turok while all the women had guns.

>You just have shit taste

That's not an argument. I've played through TLL 3 times so far but like this user said she looks like she is wearing a diaper. Definitely not as nice of an ass as in 2