Explain to me why the fuck it is so hard to damn keep gold 2 or higher in this fucking game
Other urls found in this thread:
git gud
baby game
ranked is in """beta"""
Because you're shit.
Ive been plat since red crow and its pretty easy if you play with atleast another friend or actively talk ingame
also you can abuse all the cheesy tactics to climb
You play alone and don't use comms.
Might as well ask itt instead of making my own
Now that For Honor is getting dedicated servers is it fun? Never played it before but it seems neat
It’s called “voice chat”, kiddo.
I think its fun and definitely worth the $20 sale price.
You're ranked against other people, and you're not entitled to climb. You have to earn it either by being a better player or cheesing it.
If you're stuck at the same rank forever it sounds like you're right where you belong.
not in real life, videogame playing, neckbeard having, never worked in a police force, neet faggot
Heh, it's called 'conferencing', you dumb poorfag who's never been a fortune 500 executive.
*snipes you on spawn*
How hard?
>People actually play this gay shit
Holy shit lol.
>people like things i dont like
>playing ranked
Nah, I'm good. You find more enjoyable times when you aren't around cancer every waking second in a round.
People are bad. Placement games so you can get a copper guy on your team before they get placed in copper. Diamond faggots lowing their elo so they can shit on copper/silvers and make epic jewtube videos.
Oddly enough the people I play with in ranked are a lot more chill than the faggots in casual who get mad at everything all the time
>female operators
I used to play this everyday when the game first came out and I honestly have to say its really fallen far from what most people thought it was going to be, the worst part is that ubisoft keeps trying to push ranked/esports on all their titles but all it does is bring a crowd no one really wants.
jokes on you, I only play shield or 3 speed ops
>people don't like hard games and call them gay
Holy shit lol.
>I only play shield or 3 speed ops
Why not play the new equivalent to both?
>implying I don't
that buff looks cool as hell though
How's hyped for Chimera?
Despite being fucking retarded for RS.
Did they ever make Montagne good?
>big shield guy meant to help team push in
>”lol let’s give defenders C4 so they can instagib shield characters even behind their shield?
I hated that. Montagne was basically a throw pick
C4 in front of a shield is no longer an instant kill, you have to arc it behind them now.
they fixed the hitboxes so you actually have to flank behind him to hit him if his shield is extended now
Just bought this game, what am I in for
Was sold on the premise that it's macro based and I can throw my unemployed ass at it for hours on end, also I hear you can put cute charms on your gun
What Ops do I unlock first? Thinking sledge and smoke
No I didn't get the starter edition
I wanna play this game but sadly I only have console.
I know it’s on console but I feel like this is one of those games that you can only really have fun with one PC
If I had to give someone ideal starting base ops it'd be Sledge, Rook, Ash and Bandit. They're all great picks with extremely straight forward abilities with ez mode laser recoil machine guns.
1. Research game audio. Sound is everything in this game. If you don't have good headphones and aren't listening, you will suck.
2. Unlock all of the base ops except Tachanka, he is the only truly shitty op. One op from each team will help you complete the dailies/weeklies
3. Start doing dailies/weeklies
4. Learn about roaming, anchoring and how to hold a tight angle
5. This game is slow and strategic. It's not a twitch shooter. Learn to be stealthy, methodical, hold tight corner angles, and learn to sweep.
6. Sledge is a good starter. Easy to play and can open a lot of holes. Also consider a breacher who can break through reinforced walls like thermite and hibana.
7. Use coms and tell your team what you see. Learn the name of rooms so you can do call outs easy.
8. Tachanka really fucking sucks. Have I said that yet?
9. Tachanka seriously fucking sucks.
10. Don't buy Tachanka.
but he has a big fucking lmg
But he fucking sucks.
having a big lmg > faggot armor or smoke grenades
Smoke grenades hold strategic doorways in the final moments of a round. Faggot lmg is dead in the first 15 seconds.
Explain to me why the fuck this got scrapped in favor of esport shit
man you know they would have just fucked it up anyways
Which game is that?
ranked is trash
dont think about it too hard
>not autistic enough to be a runout pinging 3 speed main
how do I get out of gold bros
This reminds me of how Gmail was in Beta for like 5 years
>female operators
What the FUCK
Fuck this game
H-he's fast!
I guess Blitz could use it though.
found the guy who doesnt know how to fight a blitz
Play smoke faggot
>tfw trying to melee cav as blitz but she might as well walk faster than you sprint
>Let's make an already overpowered operator even more overpowered by a large fucking margin
Ubisoft has no idea what they're doing but I've known that since Blackbeard.
>Anybody with shield
t. Ela main