Who will it be Sup Forums?
Valve will sell all the rights of the Half Life franchise to a game dev of your choosing
Maybe the guys who made the Metro games or something. Or Retro just to see what would happen.
CD Projeckt Red for a non-meme answer. Don’t know how they’d do with an FPS, but they’d nail the art style.
Black Mesa has kinda proven that Valve is pretty loose with the Half Life license, so really anyone could make it.
Sell the rights? Not likely user. Licensing it out/ or hiring another studio to make a game seems more likely. However, it seems Valve is more content with letting the IP remain dead. Would it even be possible to live up to the hype? Probably not at this point and I suspect this is why Valve hasn't done that yet- even though I feel like it could still bring in profits.
Scott Cawthon, because I would find it amusing
Arcane Studios
nobody. making another half life is a suicide mission. any game made by anyone will never live up to the hype.
Square Enix!
id has been doing okay on reviving dead fps series, maybe they could make it work.
Who said that EA or Ubisoft were meme answers?
We just want gayben take what he deserves by having his game being shit on by the entire human population. The internet generally still likes valve like they are some sort of priviledged jews that should be immune to criticism.
A shitty franchise to a shitty company.
them or Larian are my picks. An isometric RPG in the HL setting could be fucking amazing
Giant Spacekat
Joint EA/Activison partnership
Arkane is owned by Bethesda so it'd have paid mods as part of the deal.
Titus Interactive SA
desu id rather have a new portal game. no story, no memes, just chambers with new mechanics and assets. then a full sdk is released for mods and more levels.
Piss off Flynt. Your game sucks.
>Who will it be Sup Forums?
Nintendo. They'll pass it off to Platinum Games and like Bayonetta, Okami, and Viewtiful Joe, Kamiya will turn it into something amazing.
Nintendo, just because it would be funny.
Valve were retards for not commissioning Respawn to make Epistle 3 after Titanfall 2 before they were acquired by EA
Seriously think about it
>uses Source Engine
>that time travel mechanic
>best designed levels for an FPS since HL2
Valve fucked up.
Beat me to it.
Square Enix
JRPG style Half Life with Lightning making appearances
dem niggas that made lego star wars
BioWare so Half Life 3 can have a shitty ending and cause a humongous shit storm in the gaming community. I’d sit back and LMAO at all the fags crying and shitting the bed.
Infinity Ward.
Because sometimes the world doesn't deserve good.
Ironically this.
>Instead of having hl3 never, we can watch EA fucked up their reputation even greater by using their shitty business practice on the most anticipated game title of all time. This will almost be as entertaining as playing hl3 itself.
Bethesda making an open world HL sounds pretty good.
From Software
so the next hero of the horde can be Gordork Freeorc
Gearbox, it'll be badass
Suda 51.
Sonic Team, the king of physics based gamplay
EA to enjoy watching faggots see their beloved franchise die.
This. Now I'm curious how Carmack would handle Half Life franchise, it could be really cool.
Arc System Works
Valve gives 0 shits about making games
Give it to Naughty Dog so that we can finally get a half life movie
This is the only correct answer
If you are gonna ruin it, better ruin it properly
I think the backlash would littererly kill ea.
Nobody would blame have for selling it. They would focus on ea for ruining it.
That's why they'd outsource it. People would get off their backs about Half Life and they'd have a showcase for Source 2, make a shitload of money in the process too.
But it sure would make a lot of moolah
>blame have
*Blame gabe
Carmack hasn't been with id in a long time.
>let EA make a bad HL game
>Valve comes in after to show them how it's done
>the contrast between the games makes it seem like Valve answered all expections people have for HL3
>isometric RPG in the HL setting
Well, fuck. I'll miss that emotionless robot.
to me
I'll make a game for iphone
i stopped caring about half life about 10 years ago
I don't even care if it's a really good game.
It'd sell like hot cakes and that'd hopefully convince Bethesda to keep funding single player games.
A good HL3 would be the icing on the cake.
Unknown Worlds or Bioware of course, we need more diversity in games.
kill all cis white males
The are one of the best studios in the world, and if we are lucky they will make a proper open world game out of it like half life should always have been.
Id even had to outsource level design to another studio, lol.
The trash can.
Half-Life was never good. It was just a series of fucking stories that should have been made into TV or movies, connected by a bunch of fucking setpiece "FPS" sections with shit gameplay.
Take that story the former Valve guy wrote and animate it using fucking Source Filmmaker. There's your fucking Half-Life.