Hello guys generic white whore here please masturbate to me and buy AAA games

Hello guys generic white whore here please masturbate to me and buy AAA games
I am your super nerdy geeky girl and you should watch me reading a script
Donate to my patreon, please like and subscribe

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that might be generic in the US but she is straight up ugly in my country


looks white as white gets

chill out man.


hehehehe good goy masturbate it

>this thread

Reminds me of lauren southern


>setting yourself up to get triggered

Holy shit op did the kill your parents or what

Whew, chill

I can't tell if this is a critique of today's YouTube gaming journalism or just this particular journalist

Either way, well done OP

Not even close.

all these white sluts look the same


You didn't even name your country because you knew that was complete bullshit.

>*blocks your path*


Wife material.

It triggers me watching these whores making money by showing a fucking cleavage. A fucking breast that's all they have to do to get money. A fucking cleavage on the internet through a computer monitor


How old is she? If a woman doesn't get married well before the age of 30 she is not wife material.
That's a woman who is giving her best years and healthy fertility to multiple guys with no commitment instead of one, definitely not wife material.

>some chubby 6/10 roastie
Why do Amerilards have such low standards for women these days?

>Why do Amerilards have such low standards for women these days?

Are you trying to imply it's not saudi oil quadrillionaires asking her to show bobs in return for a new lambo?

Cutest IGN girl rollin thru


>fuck islam
That's a religion.
That's a person who practices the religion.
Why can't brainlets ever separate the two?
>You said fuck islam therefore you must hate all muslims!
God, how can one operate in life with such inability to separate two words with different meanings.

not with that nose

hello kike.

>reddit: the post

The important thing is to get laid goy. Just masturbate and think about how your life will improve once you get a super geeky and sexy nerdy gf

Youre right lauren looks shit

I hate Islam and Muslims.
Does that make you happy now?

why are you so bitter OP? You do not own video games. Everyone can make their money off of them if they choose to. What hinders you from creating a patreon and doing the same thing? Why are you so jelous of [generic white woman]?
Only true betas are this bitter and jelous of a woman's gender. It's a cheap excuse for your very own shortcomings and instead of working on them you chose to start a shitpost on Sup Forums. Going places, I see.

>words don't have definitions they can mean whatever I want them to even if used incorrectly: the post

Go ahead and make fun of Lauren Southern all you want, she's a brainlet taking of advantage of horny idiots repeating things smarter people than her have said with less nuance, less understanding but don't' have the tits to gain fame from it.


Welcome to every piece of entertainment media that has ever had a female presenter on it ever.
Women are very rarely on those kinds of things for anything other than their appearance.

>hehe I was only pretending to be retarded

According to her, he is a mixed white/black, christian Trump-voter


Damn, her insta doesn't rally have anything fappable.


that's even worse lmao

speak for yourself

I want to smell her pooper after she hasn't showered for a day.


I have no idea what you are even trying to say.
I wasn't defending Southern, I was criticizing the stupidity of that tweet.
Southern is just like every other young-ish woman in alternative circles, dumb, attention whores, just repeating points more intelligent guys have made but without truly understanding the underlying principles, adding nothing of value to the discourse.
Pretty much no woman is worth listening to, only the guys have interesting things to say, if someone follows female speakers like Southern, they're a chump.

Guys, dont insult my fellow friend from Quebec.

>he keeps replying

Grow a tail, a snout and look like japanese art and i might think on it.

Fine whatever, you apparently keep replying too but are not meaning to communicate, being obtuse so you can't be held to anything.
Why even post then?

Stop posting epic bantz dude random you filthy redditor