*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Well I guess bandit daddy ain't going home....


*unloads the AK I painstakingly stole from the checkpoint after many quickloads and ample cheese into their faces*

*lob a rgd5 from behind cover to kill everyone*
that guy being harassed isn't worth the trouble saving, he was going to die anyway



*sneaks behind you*




The sad thing is, knowing the bullet spread, he'd probably hit his fingers anyway,


hey, bloodsuckers look human. i'm sure they're similar downstairs too


damn you for making me look up bloodsucker porn

clear sky is a bad videogame, but its experimental missteps led to the improved gameplay of call of pripyat
shadow of chernobyl has the best story, characters, level design, and endings by far
call of pripyat has the best gameplay by miles and great world building, plus it's the best base game for modding



>there are people who complain that the Makarov is a shitty pistol
>there are people who don't know about the much better silenced Makarov in the trailer near the camp

I have the feeling that people making and posting these pictures never played STALKER.

>there are people that don't just knife everything to death to save bullet for vodka money

The only things worth spending money on in STALKER is the 5.45 Groza from Sidorovich and buying information from Snitch.


>not using the sawn off for rule of cool

The Dutyer "Baron" carries it around the Bar.
I think. Picked it up off him after baiting him into a pack of dogs out the Garbage entrance.
Could have been due to the AMK mod though. Fuck knows.


>dr strelok? Im bandit

AAA stalker when

I've been replaying the series after going to Pripyat and Chernobyl last year.

Still amazing.

>ywn have bloodsucker waifu kidnap you and rape you