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Video Games #4074
Video Games
ITT: 3x3 thread
Do you think he was executed for high treason against the Crown of Hyrule?
You're teaching a class on gaming
Ctrl + f
Tales of Vesperia
Game has interesting battle system about manipulating enemy position and making combos
What's worse? Your video game addiction/collection or your porn addiction/collection?
Metal Gear Survive is canon, a massive ruse wrapped inside another ruse...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The absolute fucking state of what was formerly known as ATLUS
Look back on that last +100hr game you've played
*ruins your franchise*
Ace Attorney
Why aren't you playing Kemono Friends Pavilion?
I've never played a game like F/GO before. I kinda expected the crazy grinding but GOD FUCKING DAMN...
Why do people like this guy again?
Hey, let's make some auxiliary abilities that are required to pick up completion collectibles...
So Nekopara devs create their own version of Hunniepop and looks a way better
Battle for Azeroth
He killed no one
Kirby thread
What are some games with cool looking armor?
Is there any game you cannot beat?
Daily Tifa dose
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Japs always design good looking fema-
Is the end of the line for future Pac Man games? I can't think of any way to further milk him dry
Kills thousands of people in every game
Know nothing about cRPG except Fallout 1/2 and 1st nu-XCOM, which are all good
2017 top 10 list
That time Mario solved a murder
Just started game
How do you recapture the experience of a game like this?
The blue shell in Mario Kart is the worst design flaw in the history of games...
Enemies who unnerve you
What's the point of rushing/skipping content?
No heavens....No hells
Why is Long Sword regarded as top tier weapon in MHW?
Will they ever make a Resident Evil game as good as this again?
Which game had the most powerful end boss?
Metal Gear Survive
FEH - Fire Emblem Heroes
What are some games where I can grow stronger side by side with my best friend and take down the final boss with them?
These are the Gen VIII starter Pokemon
Who are the best female antagonists in video games?
Start game
ITT: LEGENDARY vidya videos
Why does Sup Forums never talk about Secret of Mana?
Well, Sup Forums?
Sub par jazz
Yeah guys...GOTY
Will you double-dip?
Why have so few games stood the test of time while offering endless replay value like the classic Doom games...
Post your motherfucking fightstick
Is her age ever stated in the game? She's almost the same height as Link
>SCP got one kill this round
Game shows you how many times you saved each time you do so
Post favorite succubus
Make haste and retreat
Kiefer sutherland as snake
Make game everybody loves
That one kid who manipulated saves to ace the exam
What direction could they go in to make them better than their predecessors or worse than their predecessors...
Your favorite black vidya characters
''I'm going to kick your ass Sup Forums''
Pic related gets mountains of praise on Sup Forums
What made Classic YuGiOh fun? And I don't mean "Summoned Skull Beatdown" era, I mean up to Pharaoh's Servant...
Name a good mmorpg
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
Game uses Kissing as a minigame
Which one of you fucks did this?
IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game
When are you getting yours?
Name two (2) games you played TODAY
Nice gigantic map we spawn on here neighbour...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Fucking when?
Been wanting to get this baby going again, so let's have a 3DS thread. What are you playing...
My laptop has a dual core 1.3Ghz CPU and lags when playing Deus Ex at 720p...
Why are joostown's physical body proportions completely different from the character modelled after her?
Did you ever bring video games to school?
Does anyone actually like this mini game
So what are supposed to be “the good games” for this a
VN asks you if you want to rape a character
How can we fix hate speech in vidya?
What the hell going on
19 years
Dumb companies like EA and Bamco try sell us remastered games like I can't just put my 360 games in the ONE and play
So if the DRM shit that congress is dealing with right now gets passed, is there a chance for this to be revived?
2H your Super Dash
We will never get her as a hero in Overwatch
Dragon's Dogma
Is anyone buying this?
Sonic movie coming next year!
Party member betrays you
You'll never see another F-Zero game in your lifetime
Have you played with your Wii U today?
Smash 5 thread
Game Journalists Literally Want Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come
That kid who’s parents owned a big screen tv
Reminder there's only one week before the servers close
Post the best game of their respective genre
How much time will pass until we get another monumental flop like LawBreakers?
ITT: characters that turned you gay
Cease this madness
Why does she wear the eyepatch?
Don't worry Sup Forums ros our boy Ike won. No one even stood a chance
Is Ashe the most underrated FF girl?
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Oh, sup Sup Forums
Is this boss fight a fucking joke?
JA2 Thread
Enemy has an inferiour weapon
I made a GameStop employee angry
Il Grande Dibattito
Already 2018
Titanfall 2
Go into Inn
Tfw its a snow day
6 Years ago
Here is your speedrunner, bro
Fighting games characters
ITT: Poor game design
Subnautica Base Thread
How do you feel about lewd and impractical video games armor?
Thank goodness nintendo invented something that can play console games on the g--
Sup Forums will defend this
How do we make fighting games more accessible to the broader audience while still maintaining the integrity and the...
That's just sad
What's the best Bond game?
Easy to learn, hard to master
Ratchet and Clank
He killed trillions
Top 3 Metroid-Likes
Buying a game after pirating and enjoying it
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet or Metal Gear Survive?
Have some codes
How do we fix it bros?
Is this still the best farming game out right now?
Final boss can stop time
What is your gamer fuel?
What exactly does a Phoenix Down do?
What do you think?
Sea of Thieves
A or B? And also, why the fuck do people still argue for B even after A is explained to them over and over?
Is f/go a fun game?
Danganronpa V3
Game Journalists Literally Want Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come
So now that the dust has settled what was the best game of 2017?
Why do devs insist on putting black people into video games?
Night in the Woods
Soyn at E3
I don't have a gf and I've never had a gf before ;_;
What does Sup Forums think of CSGO?
About to play MGS3 for the first time. What should I expect?
Metal Gear Survive
ITT: Oh yeah right that game exists
Will you follow your tank into battle?
Why are slavs the only ones making the good games? Why does the rest of the world suck so much at making games
What are some games that take a lot of skill to get good at? No dead mp games please
Discuss this dweevil
Secret of Mana remake
ITT: post games that upset NOBODY
Wind Waker is a bad game
Who is the best girl from the legend of zelda series
How you want your starters senpai?
So how is this game?
YLYL Sup Forums edition
Shameless vidya faps
If a Nintendo direct doesn't happen by the end of March I'm selling this
Itt: games set in europe
Pokémon Switch
Finally compatible with Windows 10
Hey guys! Just dropping by to remind you that I've never had a good game!
People on Sup Forums constantly shill this game as the best metroidvania of all time
Strange and unexpected ports thread?
Is there a way to make this playable on kb&m or should I just refund?
Whenever I push the left stick forward, the d-pad turns fucking crazy
Heh. 64 bit
Who is your favorite character in Tekken Sup Forums?
Can the Decima Engine be topped? Is this peak performance?
Shadow Of The Colossus
What games legacy have you destroyed on Sup Forums?
Found 300 USD just laying on the street, what game do I buy Sup Forums? I have a computer and I like all games
You may only post in this thread if you beat every Bloodborne boss solo
Meanwhile at 2012 Sup Forums
You guys pre-ordered the new God Of War game?
SJWfication of Total War
I just started Bayonetta 1, when exactly does the game get interesting/fun...
Tfw find it hard to go back to older games, not because of grafix...
How you enjoying left 4 dead 3?
Tfw getting old
Do you moralize your cheats?
Give me one reason why you're not playing the biggest and most popular multiplayer online in the world right now
Game has elements
Accessibility is objectively a good thing. There is literally 0 reason a game should not have an easy mode
Sum Sup Forums up with a screenshot
Starting this. What should I expect?
Whats your favorite porn game?
Nothing but gacha games, shitty jrpgs and porn games
Character design in 2018
Post libertarian games ie. games that allowed hardcore griefing
The year is 2075 and you're an old man who is about to die...
Hi! I'm the best console ever made!
Deep Down was announced 4 years ago
How on Earth did a handful of vodka drinking, Adidas tracksuit wearing, squatting, smoking...
What's the video game equivalent?
Is there a worse combination?
This action will have consequences
Shhhhhh it's asleep
Party member betrays you
I'm going to start up warframe on pc for the first time, anyone looking to try out this game with me?
Who is the best B&B, and why is it Mantis?
Which one is the better version?
Tiered weapons
Who are some unintentionally sexy vidya girls?
Are there any genuinely intellectual video games that's not chess?
Who the FUCK thought fullscreen normals were a good idea?
Either ends up in development hell...
Was it autism?
Multiple vac bans on record
Is it bad to say this is the only Metroid game I truly enjoyed? It had the best combat, had an okay cast of characters...
Have you ever put money in a kickstarter video game? What made you do it? Do you regret it?
First Toy Story is confirmed, then Monsters Inc, now A Bug's Life
Have you ever tried to look tough or like a bigshot while playing vidya and have it backfire?
Were all of the men Totori invited to go adventuring gay...
I've got a good feeling about this E3
He literally did nothing wrong
Touhou Thread
Came out today
The shittier the armor looks the better the stats are
So anyone hyped for eurojank souls with guns?
Define "open world"
Recently came into some money
Runescape Thread
Look at this dumb dragon
Long day at work
Millennial childhood games
It's another Sup Forums census thread
Well, what do you choose?
Radiant Historia
NewGame+ sucks balls
Most evil, sketchy looking motherfucker you've ever seen
Metroid Prime 4 is Nintendo's masterstroke of inductive storytelling
When's the last time you had fun playing a video game?
Blizzard insider here
Kingdom Come Defiency
Play Dissidia
Did you get your house this morning when Final Fantasy XIV came back up?
ITT: We fix Xbox's brand
Is tf2 nazi?
What do you want to see in it?
2/22 Nintendo Direct
Vermintide 2 thread fellow lumberfoots
Sup Forums tells you it's shit
Who was in the wrong?
Ones we couldnt save
How do you do, fellow men?
Defend this
Win a game
He killed thousands
Welp depite the sells of Refie Takaki is planing on skipping Nintendo with the next main line Senran and even porting...
She was best girl and you know it
Kingdom Hearts III
Okay is this game of the year?
Does a better arcade stick exist?
There was an AoE Advance Wars clone on the DS
Was it Sup Forums kino/
Was it really that bad?
Overall, has Todd Howard contributed positively or negatively to the video games industry as a whole...
Sly thread
How many of you play games because you live miserable lives?
What are some optimized, fun, or otherwise just really good lategame/endgame builds for this game...
What are some developers you don't consider hacks?
Best videogame dogs?
Little Witch Academia: The Chamber of Time
Unpopular opinion thread
The rumors for the Sumo Digital Sonic based racing game are building. Considering the limitations to Sonic only...
Video game girls everyone fapped to at least once
Is Claire the best Resident Evil Character?
Start Game Design class at school
Why would anyone spend their time watching an obnoxious man child play shitty vidya and donating actual money to him?
Is this game actually good or just ass
Is this the best handheld of all the time? Goddamn talk about comfy
Is dark souls merely Zelda for adults?
What are some games that predicted the future?
What are the best games about battleships?
Did you guys pre-order the new God Of War?
Switch will get third party suppor-
Why is he the most memed Sonic character?
What's a great JRPG to forget about my shitty life whilst I apply for jobs, Sup Forums?
That empty feeling after finishing witcher 3
Being excited for a remastered literally no one asked for
Age of Empires II
I was very afraid of water until I played this. Now I'm fine with it. Why?
What creature would you like to see a monster based on in the next Monster Hunter?
What went wrong with pokemon?
"Hey user. God it's been so long. How have you been man?"
He unironically listens to video game music in public
The three Scam Citizen cultists on Sup Forums need to get ITT and defend this shit
There are no good vidya adapta-
What the fuck, Japan?
This is a Japanese dragon
7 names my shit head chao
Stable building
Any game that allows me to be a nobody?
Go to the digital world
Pick up dark souls a few weeks ago
Welp, say goodbye to innovating on game mechanics, 'cause Europe just decided that game features are patentable:
Low on health
*oneshots your pawns*
This game would have been a 2/10 if it was released today
Which is better?
He killed millions
Anyone else bored of this game after putting in thousands of hours
Too many games coming out
When's the Direct with all new exciting announcements?
Is there a reason to buy an Xbox One...
Let's do something Sup Forums. We talk about the best final bosses of every year in gaming...
>buying remasters when BC is a thing
*ruins Sup Forumseogaf*
[blocks your path]
SCP secret lab: let's see some OC in here
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Who's car was it?
Past the age of 18, a man who still plays video games is a bad thing
Name a harder Souls boss
416,521 ± 19,630 copies sold in a week
These are your gen 8 Pokemon starters. Say something nice about them!
This slut's game, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash comes out on Steam in 2 weeks. She'd love for you to buy it
Please be good
It's fun with friends!
Going over to friend's house to play vidya
Play Granblue Fantasy
Pubg STILL the Xbox best seller
A new project on the Switch by Nintendo
Rainbow 6 Siege is meant to be portray reali-
How would you feel if they made a LoZ game with a version of Link who was reincarnated as a species other than a Hylian?
Why is this game so popular?
Literally murders children
Monogatari fighter
Who was in the wrong here?
Why is Kingdom Come Deliverance such trash?
Hopes for the definitive version?
One of the best JRPG ever made. You can't prove me wrong
Why are you only a badass in video games but a pussy in real life?
What are some games where the protagonist has their worldview challenged?
Fire Emblem
WHO declares people who play video games as mentally ill
Prease use your dorra to buy 2b fig you dumb gaijins
You manage and program do exactly what you want
Blazblue: reused assets battle
I like big butts and I can not lie~
Okay, this is actually a pretty good game
ITT: absolute /fa/ characters
Sir no
*never releases a bad game*
Where would you put Kingdom come in best rpg of all time list??
How would you rate her dubbed voice acting?
Trying to decide to get this or a PS4
Corvo or Emily, Sup Forums, and why?
When did Eurogamer become the new Polygon?
Tell me about your ..."sins"
*Ruins dinosaur videogames
Here we have some behind the scenes commentary from the AC:Origins developers straight up admitting they ditched...
Has this aged well or is it clunky?
Not even a year in and its already better than the nes, gamecube, and wii u
Here's a real high class bout
You should be able to do this Sup Forums
Kirby Thread
What are some games I can play on my GNU + Liinux machine?
The P5 cast was born in '99, '00 and '01 respectively
Headphones Thread
Metal Gear Survive
This is Eurojima, everyone give him a warm welcome to our home at Sup Forums
What is the best Drive Form and why is it Anti-form
Why was everything so much better in the 90s?
ITT: ideas for WH40K games
Nocturne turns 15 today
[game] is the Dark souls of its genre
Early mornin risk of rain threado
The great debate
Similar name to Siegmeyer
What made this game so fucking great?
Did you ever cheat in a video game, Sup Forums?
It will be another industry masterpiece and Sup Forums can't stop it
Want to replay a game
Here's your protagonist bro
Graphics thread
Dynasty Warriors 9
Guess what piece of shit comes out tomorrow?
Where duh webm breads at?
What are some games where the MC is a pussy slayer?
Huh. Really makes me think
Anybody else jumped back into For Honor since the dedicated servers went live? It's definitely a lot more stable...
Trails of Cold Steel 2 PC
Vidya wallpaper thread
Graphics and Technology Thread
A lot of amazing, innovative, and ambitious titles came out that year...
Take Adderall
Whats the scariest game you've ever played? I need a good spook
Soul Calibur VI
What do most players expect from a good sci-fi game?
What went wrong?
Why are bows in video games always so shitty and unsatisfying to use?
Here's your protagonist, bro
3DS ports to the Switch
It currently has 21660 games in its store
ESA starting in minutes
*saves Twitch streaming*
Do you think fps games have taught you real life gun skills? they taught me some
This board is soy as hell
Why haven't we seen open world fantasy games in the style of GTA? i.e...
Will you be playing it?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
For me it's Katie Cummings
Doesn't pander to casuals
Why aren't you playing it?
How is this even legal?
In awe at the size of this lad
What type of remake will it be, Sup Forums?
Demon's Souls
I've suddenly got a huge MMO craving
Tfw an asscreed game is STILL the best pirate game released
Why do the characters in Japanese video games look like white people? If I were Japanese...
How the fuck were you supposed to know you had to jump into the painting?
*enlightens your path*
Why don't I have a gf? I've never had a gf before
ITT: Your dream vidya "A-Team"
Where boys became men
Why don't I have a gf? I've never had a gf before
"even though the game is objectively shit and encompasses everything wrong with modern vidya...
Post space pirates
1. Your IQ
Enemies can open doors
Buy masturbatory game
I want to go back
Go play videogames
About to play pic related. Should I make a boy or a grill?
ITT: games that are objectively better than all its sequels
So how long before people start getting banned for winning too often?
Mario 64
Go to gamestop
Good games to play while stoned out of your mind?
*blocks your orgasm*
Rat boss
This is a video game
Was this the match of the century?
Recomend a single game that should be mandatory for everyone on Sup Forums to play
Well, Sup Forums ?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Meme Souls
Why do early Source games ‘feel’ so realistic
Dare you enter my magical realm?
The last game you played now has smell-o-vision
Why did Nintendo hide a swastika in their game?
Resident Evil
No games in months
I have a vagina!!!!!
Sup Forums wasn't joking about soyface
What do you think of the custom gender options in The Sims?
System Shock 1 remake couldn't find a publisher and was canceled
What are some other big(ish) games on Steam with overwhelmingly negative reviews?
Friend at work who has ps4 and switch
Here we go again Sup Forums
Ruin has come to our family
Why did it become so successful?
What can we do to make Link better?
Your age
You save big titted slut from your destroyed village
Ace Attorney
You are forced to have sex with one of them and all your friends and family will know you did
Sup Forums
Where do you see Overwatch in 5 years?
Dude religion is dumb lmao
Now that the dust has settled, was it OP?
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
I still don't get how Metal Gear Solid is a stealth game. You can run without making any noise...
Why did he go insane? It makes no sense
Just marathoned MGS2 for the first time. What did I think of it?
*destroys your gpu*
Who is the best Pokemon and why is it Zangoose?
Star Trek
4GB of RAM
I choose not to think about it so when it does release it will be a surprise
Game ends with a battle in outer space
Vermintide II N U R G L E edition
Is this the best Soulsclone of all time?
Why vidya aren't fun anymore, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums consensus thead
Stop save scumming
What's your favorite vidya fantasy race?
Wakfu thread
Switch revision when?
Why do you gatekeep others out of your gaming community Sup Forums...
R6 Siege is only getting bet-
What the fuck Atlus?
Praey for the Gods
What video game do females play?
He actually died to this boss
Kingdom Come
Are felonies the future of DRM, Sup Forums?
How can you summon a keyblade in real life?
Seriously, why are most gamers always so hostile and easily agitated when it comes to even the most basic discourse?
*Destroys PC gaming
Would Sup Forums eat these fries?
What did Kojima mean by this?
User, you still buy physical copies of your vidya? That’s so retro omg
Predict Nintendo's E3
Hardest class to play
Lemme see em Sup Forums
Tell me about your local arcade, Sup Forums. Is it big? Does it update the games? Do you pay per machine or per day?
Anybody still play RE6?
Recommend me some good twitch streamers to follow Sup Forums ? Preferably ones that stream single player games mostly
Fess up, Sup Forums. Do you play mobile games? Did you ever spend any money on them?
When was the last time a video game got you to cry?
You may only choose one
Kingdom Hearts 1 really didn't age well, huh
Star Wars, Metal Gear, Mario and Zelda easy peezy next question please
Windows 10
Sound... the retreat
How is it? Worth a pirate?
Is there a resident evil girl that ISN'T someone's best girl?
I'm 27 hours in my first play of Subspoopica, but I chose hardcore mode...
Good morning, europe!
Who needs a complex character when your ass and tits do it for you!
Metal Gear Survive
Let's be honest for a moment
Is PC gaming dead?
Guys it's the 20th, where is it? Did they cancel it without saying anything? Did they forget? Where is it guys?
Dynasty Warriors
Mom walks in
Smash Bros announcer voice actor calls out Japanese audio fans
Stellaris Apocalypse
ArcSys will now make a fighting game based on the last game you've played. Okay smart-ass...
ITT We list our top five favorite video games. I thought this would be interesting because when it comes down to it...
This child is called a Claus say something that isn't a spoiler about him
What jrpg has the best combat Sup Forums?
You're going to jail for the rest of your life and your allowed to bring three games from pic related
Didn't think I would ever be hyped for Broly
Who's picking this up tomorrow? I haven't bought a comic book in years but I'm looking forward to it
*blocks your path*
Hey dude lets buy this shitty game because some retarded eceleb pretended to be Shrek in it xD
Rainbow Six
That kid who thought decals on the PC meant it ran faster
How badly is it optimized for PC?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...