He literally did nothing wrong
He literally did nothing wrong
he didn't drop his fucking gems, that's what's wrong
He was hungry
i want to massage his paw pads with my dick
He wants to kill elder dragons and the Guild wants to research elder dragons, particularly when those monsters are alive rather than dead.
> tfw nergigsntes sleep and idle animations
Why would someone bully such a creature
His tummy was ticklish enough
Kill yourself furfag
Absolute madman.
I fucking hate how Daftpatriot draws dicks comically huge. I wish he'd tone it down several orders of magnitude.
Finally beat him after 5 failed missions. I wish I wasn't such garbage at the game
Question, why are we even hunting a dragon or something like that?
What’s the point? Is there any backstory to this?
does it have furr though?
>end game weapons look like prickly paint brushes
Capcom really fucked this one up.
I've been pounding this fuckers head all day to get that gem and this piece of shit won't drop it. I want that fucking LS.
Nerg is the only elder who aggroes on sight
Fuck off carter
Vaal Hazak's hammer is sick as fuck.
Is he immune to traps? Neither the shock and pit trap worked on him
>Capcom really fucked this one up.
>this one up.
Yeah because all other weapon look great in their own unique way right?
Fuck off, I only take LS solo cause I'm shit with it and need to practice. I take Lance or Hammer online.
elder dragons are immune to traps
To research them and gather materials for the Research Commission, and to become a better hunter to protect against serious monster threats. There are giant aggressive monsters everywhere, if your species is to be successful in that world you have to fight the monsters.
Usually Elder Dragons are a classification title given to monsters that have powers that can destroy ecosystems and wildlife if not culled, they don't have to be technically dragons to be classified as such. It's similar to the culling of feral hogs in Southwest U.S., you want to make sure the environment is in balance by keeping monsters that destroy that balance at bay.
Is there a limited amount of canteen ingredients or what? I'm confused
It's like when a really big bear gets rabies and starts attacking anything and everything that comes close. Ya gotta put it down. The whole eco-system of the New World depends on Elder Dragons going there to die, with new life springing from their remains. Since Nergigante is a creature that can eat Elder Dragons, it could treat the New World as its own all-you-can-eat buffet. The Elders got spooked and started nesting in areas they didn't belong just to avoid it, with Zorah Magdaros nearly diverting to a magma vein, where it's death would trigger a supermassive volcanic eruption, just to avoid the asshole. And when the Elder Dragons started hiding, Nergigante started getting hungry, and started attacking every goddamn thing on the continent. It was a huge problem. That's not to suggest it's evil or anything- it's just a big animal like every other monster.
You can't capture elder dragons, ya dingus
how the fuck can someone be shit at LS with the changes they made now? the if on the counter are so fucking large it's piss easy to master and you're set
No, the Canteen ingredients are infinite, but whether or not a single ingredient will get you anything is random, dependent on whether it's fresh, and what abilities you can activate at the time. Also, since the Canteen shows ingredients that everyone in the session unlocked, someone logging out may cause ingredients that you don't personally have yet to become unavailable.
Have you done all of the canteen ingredient optional quests? It usually says in the description of the quest that if you complete it once you'll unlock an ingredient.
Also, I've noticed that searching around gathering places that have question mark symbols (like the Ancient Fossils in Vale or Beryl deposits in Recess) can have ingredients that add to your canteen.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
Yeah I have, I was just wondering if there was a finite amount of them before having to get more myself.
>but he trips on a toad
If hunters didn't hunt, humans would be extinct.
It's a world where the dominant form of life is wyverns.
>all hunting horns looks like ass
>not even a single guitar
The best longsword is the arena token one. Elementless jewel gives it the highest raw
is that a shadman reference
Why do people sexualize dragons
Why are you retarded
Yeah, that's why you're walking around killing elder dragons.
What's the best Greatsword?
You need to consider three things before you parry:
1. must know the monster's patterns/timing
2. must use fade slash DURING a combo
3. pray that the monster didnt just sidestep or fly away on the rebound strike
been playing LS almost 100 hours and sometimes you just cant land it
All the good ones also have shit song variety and selections, it is just hammer with three decent buffs now
It did nothing right either.
Does Teostra's count? Just wait for Zinogre, my man.
Well you can't capture them. Even if you could capture them they would probably cause so much damage due to aggro that keeping them in one spot for too long would be a bad idea. You just have to research what you can when they're alive.
Ironically the Jagras greatsword is the best all around greatsword when you equip an elementless jewel because it will have the highest raw. It's also got two lvl 3 gem slots so you have more freedom in builds.
whats the right way to wake up a monster when its sleeping and bombs are planted? assuming theres a GS user
Toad isn't a trap retard.
>let's go on a hunt together!
Basically none of the elder dragons in this game did anything wrong.
>Zorah was just trying to go croak somewhere and the abyss was calling
>Nerg just wanted some dindin and lured tard dragons to eat
>Kirin is just fucking around on a mountain
>Teostra is just fucking around in some lava
>Vaal is just eating its food in a cave
>Kushala is literally just wandering around or napping in the elders recess
Even Xeno'jiva isn't really doing any harm. It's an unstable elder god, sure but it's literally just been born and you beat the shit out of it for no reason other than pure fear.
I mean, before it was usually "this dragon is going to attack us" or "its unsafe to go to this location because there's a incredibly powerful monster"
You mean Barroth and arena GS
If you've got bombadier, hit the bombs with the lance
If your attack is like 300+ just poke it and set off the bombs with a slinger
How did this bitch actually get through the preliminary exams to become a fleet member? She's very clearly not an actual Monster Hunter. She's just a normal human in over her head.
New World, no rules.
They're hunting for sport this time around.
He did nothing wrong.
>Xeno’Jiva buried under the elder recess
>Puts out some sort of pheremone or beacon or some shit that attracts the elder dragons to come to him when theyre life is near its end
>Elder Dragons go to the recess and die so Xeno can absorb their energy
>Nergigante has actually been chasing Elder dragons away and probably would have chased Zorah out even if the humans hadnt intervened
>After you kill Nergi the other dragons return to the recess
>Your stupid ass kills them there and powers up Xeno
>Xeno wales up
>You “kill” him and save the day
Did you not pay attention to the Admiral or the Wyverian Hunter? Xeno'jiva was pumping out a bunch of pheremones filled with bioenergy to attract Elders to the new world. Nerg was fucking shit up so much that it was making Elders do wild shit. Vaal was pumping out more and more miasma and it was beginning to escape the Vale.
That whole shit about "Elders going to the new world to die" was bullshit that was thought up before they even knew Nerg ate Elders, and before they even knew Vaal and Xeno existed.
affirmative action
Naw, Jagras is better. 10 extra points in true raw do not make up for an extra 3rd slot.
I thought she was the same rank as the player character
>Elder Dragons are a classification title given to monsters that have powers that can destroy ecosystems and wildlife if not culled
So...humanity basically.
Kushala does things by just existing though. He causes tornados.
And I'm pretty sure Teo causes a heat wave whenever he is. Your right about the other ones though.
She's a scholar, not a hunter.
>lul we are the monsters
So what will you do with this knowledge now? Will you kill yourself to save the earth?
this. the game needs more extremely aggressive monsters
too bad they're all ugly fuckers
>tfw no teo or diablos GS
Read the lore dipweed. Everyone who joins the fleet has to be certified for solo hunts, and pass a ton of physical exams and general monster knowledge tests.
How are you so stupid that you managed to not be able to understand a Monster Hunter story? All the handlers are guild girls.
Just pointing it out. No need to be a salty bitch.
Someone redpill me on the Tale of the Five.
>Zorah Magdaros is about to make Hiroshima look like a joke, we need to stop that
>Nergigante is eating elder dragons, much to the protest of other elder dragons
>kushala is raging because of niggergante
>teostra ditto
>val is flooding the rotten vale with mutating zombie gas, and it's spreading upwards, that's not good
>lol kirins just a fag.
I understand his dive bomb now, his tail also has the hit box even at the tip and you will receive full damage from it.
>nerg plush
>no spikes
welcome to monster hunter, enjoy your stay
Kirin has got to be some turbo asshole to hunters with how much he is sought out.
>Basarios Rock didn't make it in
Hopefully we get Basarios/Gravios dlc to rectify that
Except you can still take full damage from the dive even if no part of Nerd physically connects to you. It's blos level hitbox gore.
>inb4 nuhunters fresh from bloodbourne say the attack has "shockwaves"
In-universe, Kirin is so rarely sighted that scholars will jizz their pants and trip over themselves trying to get any hunter they think is even remotely skilled enough to hunt one so they can carve it up. Kirin otherwise does nothing wrong.
Seems like Nergigante is the good guy in this situation
>elder dragons fuck shit up
>hey there's an elder dragon that eats elder dragons
>we gotta stop it!
I guess it's for sport
> shoryuken emote sends people flying
Alright, I’m buying it
>Nergigante has actually been chasing Elder dragons away
You mean fucking eating them. And no, Zorhan would have died and nuked the island in the process.
what happened to waking it up with a greatsword?
I'm pretty sure the "shockwaves" are just his spikes exploding everywhere like shrapnel.
Not quite. He eats Elder Dragons and this obviously agitates the other elder dragons, causing them to get more aggressive and move into areas they aren't normally sighted. This is bad, as it turns the Elders (already walking disasters in their own right) into an invasive species in an environment not prepared for them.
Five Super Elder Dragons died in the past and created the World (because it seems in the past, MH's world was some stale changeless place where nothing happened and stayed the same) with their deaths' bioenergy
Unless your hit does 190+ while the monster is awake, it isn't as strong as a mega bomb.
The Fifth Fleet you mean? Because other fleets were made up solely of engineers or scholars.
How can a painting do anything wrong?
Her grandfather was a pretty prominent hunter if I remember right at least thats what I got from the conversation with the huntsman in rathian gear. Also pretty sure she's just a guild girl or whatever not a hunter.
That's what the book in the fancy quarters says, right?
How about the stupid window, is there anything fans of the series can say about that?
How about any secrets/easter eggs in general?
All I know is Rotten Vale = ded snek
>stunned by toad
>not stunned by object specifically built to stun giant monsters
brainlets in the research commission are really letting us down
>All I know is Rotten Vale = ded snek
There was an area like that in MH4U. Haven't played Tri or any gen 2 games in years, I think there were zones like that but I can't remember.
>Also pretty sure she's just a guild girl
>All the handlers are guild girls
The Fifth Fleet is made up PURELY of elite hunters.
People who were high rank in the Old World.
Paralysis works, but must be built up, and still wears off in a few seconds. Traps are supposed to stay working as long as you can also combo them with tranqs.
Nergigante apologists need to leave. That's like punching a hole in a bee hive for honey and expecting praise, when all your really doing is pissing off a bunch of bees and getting everyone stung up.
This, they fucked up big time, meanwhile the tigrex and glavenus plushies are looking as good as ever