4GB of RAM

>4GB of RAM
>quad core A57
>256 CUDA cores

it has too little ram and the memory bandwidth is also too low, no GTA V etc.

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>sonygro this mad when he starts losing the console race
ayy, now post some whiiiiir, it's the only shit that probably keeps you from hangong yourself

I could not care less about GTAV in the year 2018.

what are you saying you fucking freak?

Switch has weak links, the CPU and the RAM, both limit bigger game too much, so no open world games with things going on, like for instance GTA V

>Over the age of 16
>Giving a shit about hooker beating simulator
Nintendo is a Zelda Mario jrpg machine anyway

you do know gtav was on ps3/360 right


how can an adult care about mario? it's too easy even for a little kid

>Giving a shit about hooker beating simulator
can you do 1-line descriptions of a bunch of games you don't like

yes both have way more powerful processors

It runs on dual-core toasters

>over the age of 13
>caring about zelda boredom of the wild or bing odyssey

Switch has four A57 cores clocked at only 1020MHz, that's really bad, way worse than what you need in order to run GTA at 30fps


Specs have literally never mattered for Nintendo consoles.

SNES was inferior to Sega's offerings in most respects yet still the better console.
N64 was internally hot garbage yet still had the best games of its generation.
Wii was just an overclocked Gamecube yet still managed to be the best 7th gen console.

>Runs DOOM with concessions
>Runs L.A. Noire fine
>Runs Skyrim better than PS3/360
>Runs the new Dark Souls remaster at 30fps
>GTA5 would somehow be too much
Yeah, no

None of those could run GTA etc.

None of the games you listed are as CPU heavy as GTA V, besides it can't handle doom nor la noire, both drop incredibly low constantly

la noire makes my i5 idle while GTA V makes it work 100%

are you retarded?

>both drop incredibly low constantly
keep talking out of your ass.

no it is really true, 4xA57 at 1.02GHz is really fucking slow
I use Digital Foundry as source for that, both go to low 20s regularly

You're a fucking retard. The Switch is far more powerful than the Wii U, which was just as powerful as the PS360

Wii U too has a weaker CPU than PS3 or Xbox 360, Switch too has a weaker CPU, the GPU is more powerful, open world games with lots of things going on need a strong CPU

It'll run on a fucking core 2 duo, just stop, the 360 has a decade-old CPU

you mean like Watch Dogs on the Wii U?

Those CPUs are from ten years ago my dude

The Wii U ran most of its last-minute ports at least as well as their PS3 counterparts and some ran better, like Deus Ex.

Show it running on a core 2 duo

the 360 has a CPU that uses like forthy times as much energy as the Switch CPU does
yes exactly, that game ran like absolute ass on Wii U

it doesn't matter that they are ten years old when they are not mobile CPUs they are allowed to use way more electricity which allows them to be more powerful even if less efficient

Zelda is a 5 star game while GTAV is just barely 3 stars. I played both on my old-ass PC anyway.

The thing already runs open world games with "things going on" like BotW and even specifically a Rockstar game like LA Noire
>inb4 cherrypicked fps screenshots
The Switch version of LA Noire is a remaster of the original with better textures etc, so inferior to the PS4 and Xbone version obviously but still better than the PS3 and 360 one, and GTAV is also a last gen game. That being said I doubt a port is happening, but what do I know


no the Switch version of LA noire is actually the same as the last gen console version, it's true

neither botw or la noire have as much going on as GTA V

GTA V sucks.


Yeah, you're fucking stupid and tech illiterate.

I mean, the 360 and PS3 could do it.

that's like 10fps

good job i'm playing xenoblade 2 and bayo 2 instead


>it doesn't matter that they are ten years old

not once have I mentioned anything about clock speeds making the difference

compare specint numbers if you want to

sorry you're still assblasted over them being nominated for GotY

>no the Switch version of LA noire is actually the same as the last gen console version
No, it's not. Why are you fucking lying?

read the sentence

Despite all your techical mental acrobatics and general lack of knoweldge, why the FUCK would I want GTAV on Switch?

Doesn’t need to. The development costs would outweigh potential sales.

What you cunts SHOULD be worried about is the switch selling enough to warrant engines for all consoles which means further gimped versions to fit all OR some competent developers go back to late 90s programming magic to push consoles to their limits.

More likely the former but never know.


yes it is, it's just a port of the original

What do you mean when you say that GTAV has a lot "going on"?

You don't really sound like someone who knows much about video games from a technical perspective, user.

BotW is well optimized and programed. Nintendo makes sure there are just a few entities in the world at any given time.

Rockstar philosophy in making games is to cram as much shit as possible in order to "increase immersion".

I will never understand why you faggots care so much about what other people game on.

End yourlife you autistic manchild.

I play multiplats on PC, no reason to use inferior hardware

GTA could run on a fucking PS3, you absolute fucking moron. Jesus fuck, end yourself.

lots of drawcalls, lots of pedestrians, lots of vehicles, complex AI as well as physics for all of the moving entities

>The development costs would outweigh potential sales
I sincerely doubt it

It's not
Watch from 3:00 onwards. The Switch version is a mixed bag, it's not as improved as the PS4 version but it's also definitively not the same as the last gen version

I think the op picture accidentally addresses probably the most glaring issue with the switch. The controllers little catch that attaches to the system wears out. Then they slide out and disconnect while you're trying to play in handheld.

Greediness, some people want to carry all their favorite casual games with them.

Well thanks for proving me right, retard

you get gyro aiming as well

>SNES was inferior to Sega's offerings in most respects yet still the better console

Yeah if you don't like action games

feels bad man

The PS3 had a better CPU than the 360 and the Wii U.

oh sorry my bad it's using textures from the original PC version

4GB is plenty of RAM. Even PS4 was initially going to have 4GB of RAM until they heard Microsoft is going for 8GB.

CPU wise

PS3 > 360 > Switch > Wii U

GPU wise

Switch > Wii U (maybe) > 360 > PS3

Only in floating point performance.
As soon integer and branch get in, the Switch CPU completely rapes Cell and Xenon, even with the clockrate difference, because you see, those CPUs can't into branch prediction or out of order execution or not having a gigantic pipeline that give a massive stall on every misprediction.
Those crippled powerPCs are like the pentium 4 mistake multiplied by 4.

Best game ever.

>it's been 13 years and sonybros are still clinging to THE POWER OF THE CELL

Just stop

I played GTAV with 4 GB of ram on my PC, even though Windows uses a lot of it.

specint shows otherwise for similar processors as those in 360

that's why Bayo on PS3 was the best version huh


GTAV was made to run on 512MB of shared RAM.

Provide proof of the Switch having a non-shit mobile CPU then.

>Wii U (maybe)
There's no fucking maybe. It's objectively better than the Wii U.

It's 2015 architecture from nvidia vs 2007 architecture you mentally disabled piece of shit

Last gen ports all run better on switch, but this has no chance of running at all?

GTFO you dumb sonygro

>similar processors as those in 360
There's no similar processors to the one in the Xbox 360, as it basically use three cell PPEs, which means in order execution, no branch prediction etc..
You know, things you find on the regular PowerPC CPUs.

Is "paid reviews" not a thing anymore?

You can order a metal piece to in there so it doesn't do that anymore.

Explain your reasoning. What do realistically think the install base would be with switch users versus a 1 year development cycle? Also keep in mind that not all dlc cane out for the 360 version and the install size was astronomical

I see what you did there

>it can't handle doom nor la noire

KE LA Noire is actually BETTER on Switch.

And now thanks to the new patch, The Switch arguably has some of the best versions of Doom too.

you read that wrong
so you're speculating that cache management saves the weak A57s

The switch CPU holds no candle to a modern desktop x86 CPU.
But the Cell CPU is even worse than it, as its an anemic in order dual issuer and seven DSPs.

Bayonetta PS3 was made by an outside developer that fucked really badly with the loading times. When Platinum made Vanquish both versions were good.

that kills the so(n)ybro

>p-paid reviews!

What will you say next month when BotW wins the GDC Award as voted for by actual rival developers?

>p-paid developers!

>buy a switch because I want to play nintendo games and other j-rpg shits
>"haha, can't run gta5!"
someone explain

BotW on Switch runs worse than the Wii U version.

It don't exactly save, if compared to for example a intel Core CPU, Quad issuer vs dual issuer and all this shit.
But ultra crippled dual issuer (Cell/xenon) vs non crippled dual issuer (switch) ends up with the switch on top.

You asked for proof it works, not a good framerate. FYI, gta 5 is not any more cpu intensive then other games the switch can run, it's gpu intensive.

It plays Skyrim, an open world game, at locked 30fps without drops.

is whiiiiir posting banned? havent seen one in a week

>over the age of 0
>caring about video games

The numbers are heavily against the Switch I don't believe your word

>BotW on Switch runs worse than the Wii U version.
LMAO the delusion of the negro. I bet you think cemu is better 3than the Switch version too.

The Switch has architecture made for a fucking phone.

Why do you assume you know the budget and development cycle?

I think it'd easily sell 1 or 2 million copies, its one of the best-selling games ever and you think some people wouldn't want a portable version? Some people bought the game three times on three stationary devices, you think a fourth version that actually offers something the others don't wouldn't shift at least a couple million copies?

No, it doesn't.
Switch is also 900p and runs BotW better.
Even on handheld mode it runs better.

No GTA V is definately a CPU hog