Game Journalists Literally Want Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come

>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

I mean sheesh

Other urls found in this thread: come cuckliverance.jpg/

who cares its a boring shit game


why are you faggots so attracted to someone pissing in the wind

>we've been tolerant of blacks for 2000 years
>we've oppressed blacks for 2000 years

Which one is it?

>black people and jews didn't exist but night vision potions did

Is he a blind man?

Yeah and in real life, you can't save or pause. What the fuck games?

>I mean sheesh
And you retards still want me to believe Sup Forums is not Reddit?

>knocking someone up at an inn is cuck shit
stupidity knows no bounds

the whole point of this game was how historically accurate it is but then they went and put retarded superpower potions in

There are substances that dilate your pupils so they absorb more light. What do niggers add to gameplay?

Why say it like that, you fucking racist?

Fuck this, I'm done with this board.


i agree a bit,a few scattered niggers in Praha could honestly be justified,blackamoors were there in the middle ages but sjw won't be satisfied with that

>historically accurate
These two things aren't 100% connected, user. If you wanted real 100% accuracy it wouldn't be a game, it'd be a walking simulator. Oh wait, shit, those count as games these days. I guess you're right, time for them to patch out all the fun!

>Add black people
>They're all bandits
This is an acceptable compromise

What's it like
being a progressive liberal in 2018?

I could only save the thumbnail because the thread was deleted.

so you'd be okay if it played like metal gear rising, then? after all, gameplay and historical accuracy aren't connected

>Say they aren't 100% connected
>You interpret it as saying they aren't connected at all
Here's your last (You), you earned it.


Wait. What are you arguing? Blacks are cosmetic and add nothing to gameplay except historical inaccuracy



>silk road in Prague
lmao they aren't even trying anymore. The road ended in Syria. Southern route in Rosetta.

>now the highest rated movie of all time

It's official. The left has gone full batshit.

History is problematic

I don't understand NeoGAF and Resetera people. Why come here when you have your own boards? I would never go to those boards and spout right-wing rhetoric, so why come here and spout left-wing shit?

It doesn't make sense.

>Sup Forums will defend this

They'd be raped and their existence forgotten most likely.

>What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn
they'd be murdered on sight. Is eurogamers really written by euros? That's revisionism to believe anybody could just make world tourism in the middle age.

Only the english speaker ones.

Humanity beyond cucked lmao

spent a whopping few days on it, better get back to getting upvotes on the other site, yeah?

>there hasn't been a medieval world this real and substantial since the witcher 3
>witcher 3
nigger what

>medieval times
>being a single mother
>going on one night stands
>having a foreign looking baby the locals will call cursed

THERE IS NO SINGLE MOTHER WELFARE IN THE 15TH CENTURY. She would be fucking dead or have a horrible shit life. Think how bad it is for single moms today and throw in starvation.

I don't know, I kind of like discussing this stuff with people on the other side when they're actually open minded and make good points. I remember during the Catherine remake outrage there was occasionally some good arguments made amongst the clusterfuck.

That said, a lot of it is shit flinging and "FUCK OFF Sup Forums" "FUCK OFF BACK TO NEOGAF YOU SJW"

>97% is no. 1
>100% is no. 3
>sorted by adjusted score
this better be some poorly edited bait

How can you reason with these people when even history is considered "problematic?"

If history is not even safe, what is?

>What if a group of black Africans came through
>stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant

Kinda cute how he tried so hard to avoid using words like rape or refugee

They feel they need to fix our "toxic" board culture

>We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus
What does this have to do with 13th century Bohemia?
>we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me
any "historian" using the term Germany to describe 13th century Bohemia should be dragged into the streets along with his nigger children and shot. This is almost as bad as that shitty tumblr cap arguing that Bohemians were black because there was an illustration of the Queen of Sheba (???) that was black. Jesus fucking wept.

lmao the fuck is that from, Origins?

Lefty urbanites literally don't understand a world where every 2nd or 3rd person they see isn't black because that's what they experience living in a shithole major city.

To them it's the norm and anything besides it they assume is going out of its way to incite racism and hatred. At the end of the day citycunts ruin everything.

These scenarios and shit people present are so stupid. The point isn't that it's impossible for token Black character to be be in the area at the time. The point is that the chances of Henry running into them would be nonexistant and the devs don't want to add something like that unless they have a documented case to draw from.

Is refugee a bad word now?

History was not inclusive enough

>Sup Forums will unironically defend this

Gee I wonder why
I wonder if Disney is thinking they hit the jackpot with identity politics being able to block criticism of their formulaic movies

>Silk Road
So why do they have to be black, and not you know Arab, Asian or East Asian?

Why? We’re it hurting anything. Most of the internet is left-wing anyway.

The sad thing is that Sup Forums has not only ruined Sup Forums, but they've ruined the ability to make fun of SJWs on Sup Forums too. Nothing takes detracts from the enjoyment of mocking retards quite as much as having another retard join in and mock them with you.

It's also a case of devs not wanting to add something so small because it's not what they want the game to be about.

Not to mention the subtext at hand that's plain for all to see: game journos like this insisting 'THERE'S A SMALL CHANCE YOU MIGHT HAVE MET ONE' = blacks literally everywhere in droves like the were 50% of the population.

A couple of years ago the admin told them they are welcomed here. moot, like western devs or marvel, thought that sjw were the audience of the future.

Good fucking riddance. Take the rest with you.

>this is your brain on BLACKED

>We know x
>then transposes what ifs
literally lmao

These are the type of people who 'fact check' political speeches they disagree with and throw a fit if they spot the smallest fib.

>Playing KC:D
>First Fight duels with plebians
>They have animal horns in their loot
>horns are the "cuck" signal form europeans

What did Vavra mean by this?

I hope Musk expedites his Mars operation and ships all these faggots off to Mars.

Problematic if you use it in the same sentence with pregnant.

It actually really sucks that I can’t trust RT if the movie or tv show has some racial significance. Same thing happened to iron fist

Oh well, at least BP was actually good.

>be in livingroom
>eating supper
Jesus christ. The race-baiting is out of control. Now this shit.

Stop being a cuck my man. Sup Forums has never liked sjws and it has nothing to do with muh jews come cuckliverance.jpg/ come cuckliverance.jpg/

Pasta thread do not respond.

The real question is, what the fuck did you mean by this? How far into your asshole did you reach to pull this shit out?

tfw reality is racist

>What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy

They unironically would've exiled the mother and her mulatto offspring which certainly would've let to them both starving to death. These retards don't seem to understand how barbaric people in the 1400's were by today's standards.

Kill yourself nigger, Europe for the Europeans, Africa for the Africans.

Professor Miller joined the history department in 1997 after completing his Ph.D. at Columbia University. He specializes in the environmental history of Brazil and Latin America

Gee they sure have the most qualified specialist in European history to talk about this topic.

BBC America seems untouched so far.

I swear to god, I'll join ISIS and bomb Great Britain if they touch my Taboo and The Last Kingdom.

>t. neogaf refugee

>“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
>― George Orwell, 1984
Where did we fuck up so bad that literal dystopias are now relevant

I dont even know why they would want a few token black npcs
If they were in the game they'd have to be treated like absolute shit for it to be consistent with the game

There's a difference between criticism and "this movie sucks because black people"

They're deleting the latter.

what a tragic turn of events, we'll all miss you greatly.

>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
That's all it takes for black people to reproduce. Today is the same as before.

Just for that I'm remaking one of my threads. :P

It's starting more and more to seem like that barbarianism needs to return.

>be in living room
>they're conveniently ignoring SJWs were literally censoring any review that was less than 100%

race hustling is part of the purple revolution

>One side completely destroyed Europe and America, controls all media and education, and actively rewrites history with malicious intent
>The other side points out that they exist
>The two are exactly the same

>a "historian" basing his speculations of accuracy wholly on what if scenarios
>a "journalist" using that "historians" what if scenarios as a means to criticize the game not on what it does, but on what it may not do

Don't know how new you have to be to think Sup Forums hating SJW's and feminists is somehow Sup Forums inspired. It's been happening for a long time and has nothing to do with the rise of Sup Forums.

>People are giving bad reviews to the worst star wars film and your average capeshit? Must be racists and sexists
It fucking infuriates me that these types of people can deflect and criticism with "Oh that's just because your racist/sexist".

It's definitely a strange thing to say when Witcher 3 isn't even a real RPG - it's a Telltale game with combat


>Africa for the Africans
maybe the europeans should get the fuck out of africa then


I can't wait to see what label EA gives us when Anthem flops

It's all determined by number of reviews, 97% average of 300+ reviews means more than 100% average of

Jesus user your radar is dusty as shit

The BBC seems to think Regency England was 50% non-white

Black people can't stay for a baby in the modern day, let alone 14th century

>turns out Black Panther is a generic super hero movie and barely panders to the "fuck wypipo" crowd
Played like a fucking fiddle, all of you.

This is such delusional faggot.

This like claiming modern day Japan isn't 99% Japanese, because foreign Diplomats and Businessmen live in Tokyo and Foreign Tourist have visit Kyoto or Sapporo.

Fuckin hell
I don't know what to believe anymore
He is right, sage and do not respond

I love how butthurt this game's success is making nu-Sup Forums.

It's like Trump all over again.

Properly the same as the mass effect 3 ending. We're a bunch of whiny entitled cunts who should eat their shit and like it.

Literally what the fuck is the point of this kind of historical revisionism? Are history science people pissed at this? Even on a personal level, doesn't it make more sense to ackowledge how far we've come as a civilization that equality is now (almost) standardized compared to the unenlightened past? Making it seem like "it was always this way" really does a disservice to the people that fought to change it.

Then that women and that child would be burned on a stake.