Look back on that last +100hr game you've played

>look back on that last +100hr game you've played
>90% of it wasn't memorable

What's her name, Sup Forums?


Xenoblade 2


The strong opening, not being quite as repulsive as 2, and a desire for more Dragon Age carried me through like 80 fucking hours before I looked at what I was doing in the game, said "This is horrible" and turned it off for good.

The only thing I remember past getting to the fort (when the game basically starts for real) is the timestopped ruins in the desert.

I deeply regret it.

Overwatch and Pokemon Y


Fire Emblem Awakening

Just spent tons of hours at Slay the spire, still at ascencion 4 and 5.
Don't know why but I like comboing cards. Silent gets repetitive though with the shiv build

All roguelites, objectively the worst genre of videogames.

Nuclear Throne is still god-tier though

Fucking this
300 hours in 1+2 combined and all I remember is the glitches

>tfw you can't even remember something you sank hundreds of hours into.

SFV, Rev2, DBFZ, and Tekken 7. The moment to moment of fightan is great but only my recent and really good matches ever stick with me

Your husbando is a slut

desu i'm not even that good at the game. still get rolled by the AI almost every time i play



Monster Hunter World

I still to this day do not know what a roguelike is or if I've even played one


Warframe, no doubt
I started playing it as part of my assfaggots detoxification, and by the time I got bored I had already wasted 600 hours in it

They're tile and turn based. All of them. If a game doesn't have those two mechanics, it's a roguelite.
They often have perma-death and procedural generation, too.

Did it work or did you eventually go back to mobas?

Advance Wars Dual Strike.
It's just a blur, Black Obelisk, another blur, Black Obelisk but with Bolt, then final mission.
The War Room is dull.
The new maps are dull.
It's just so bland.


Civilization V
>friends ask me to play with them
>everytime, I play my turn and I have to wait for 5 minutes because they're slow as fuck
I can undestand if they were at turn 150 or 200, but it happens at turn 10 every single fucking time

The Witcher 3, the main story and expansions are fine but the majority of the content is throwaway trash.


It worked wonders
I just needed something that would keep me occupied with fun enough gameplay, and warframe grinding turned out to be just what I needed. By the time I was bored of grinding Nidus I wasn't hooked up in mobas anymore

set a turn timer user

Go to RogueBasin.