Is there a resident evil girl that ISN'T someone's best girl?

is there a resident evil girl that ISN'T someone's best girl?

why are they all perfect?

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Sherry's mom isn't anyone's best girl, especially not Birkin's.

She was second best to Birkin, he just found G-virus to be more sexy.
Or maybe third best? Depends how fondly he remembers Albert, the series true best girl.

The others are top qt, tough.

>full of jpeg artifacts

It's Sheva, and she has waifufags drooling over her. So do Moira and Alexia. Annette on the other hand... no one wants the science milf.

sometimes I've got multiples of images and I just upload a random one, user

and I mean, annette's gotta be someone's best girl, right?

Out of what, the nice view? He is interested in superior genes, and Claire's butt looks mighty superior.

claire had a nice ass in CV and 2 but everything after, not as much

Age and gravity are women's worst enemies, maybe there is some nice virus that will fix that, though it didn't work so great for Jill.

i agree, its disgusting watching her try to fit her fat ass into her RE2 outfit

with how much she lusts for dick each game she's in, she's probably super easy
>tfw no desperate milf claire
she probably handled natalia's situation so poorly because she's mad at kids because she can't have any

she used to be good with kids

the years of loneliness really caught up with her

Can't say I blame her, the entire cast is too autistic to have sex, and the one guy that did notice her ended up dead.

Steve may have been a faggot, but he had good tastes.

Claire used to be such a cutie, but then apparently women can't be hot and RE:Revelations 2's Claire happended.

>claire falls for rookie cop
>tells her to fuck off and he becomes a sekrit agent
>falls for some twink
>he turns into a monster
>falls for some suit
>he was a bioterrorist
>falls for her boss
>also a bioterrorist
tough luck
maybe she should just stick with moira

I think the problem is that older women can't be cute, younger ones are still cuties. It's why she should have popped out a baby long time ago, so around now her daughter would be coming of age and be a suitable Claire ver2.
Instead we get Barry's weird kid.

Moira doesn't have a dick. Or so we presume.

how old is this claire?

Videogames characters aren't real so they aren't tied by its laws user...

And yet Claire ages and they make her look more tired, whereas someone like Sherry still looks spunky.


anything's possible in RE, user

25? 26? 27? somewhere around there

the reason sherry is so young and spunky is because of the G-virus

rebecca will be a granny and sherry will look 25

this Claire sandwich was neglected and never tasted, unlike her Jill sandwich counterpart

Capcom makes the best girls.

Do we know for sure G-virus stalls ageing? Cause Sherry looked her age of 20 something in RE6.

That's because Chris never let her get saturated, it's been scientifically proven that being exposed to Wesker's genes makes a woman more desirable.

it's a known fact that no RE protagonist that doesn't already have kids, except bruce and fong ling, have fucked

if she just regenerates everything forever, I'd imagine she'd be young forever

>it's a known fact that no RE protagonist that doesn't already have kids, except bruce and fong ling, have fucked
I'm pretty sure Nero is banging Kyrie off-screen, now that Credo is gone.
Jake wasn't so lucky with Sherry, though.

jake couldve had it all

>looks unsavable in Revelations 2
>somehow looks great again in Heavenly Island
I'm aware Heavenly Island isn't worth a shit but it was okay honestly. It also featured best boy Parker so I won't complain.

>implying he didn't

>features #1 character, the mascot
>he up and fucking dies
>parker shows up
>he gets fucked up

why does that manga wish to hurt me so


If he has his father's knowledge on contraception, grandbabies will be rolling out just in time for RE8.

Why are REfags such autistic waifufags? You guys are just barely one step below Fatefags.

You don't hang around that many fandoms, do you? If it ain't waifufaging, then it's husbandofaging, lack of social interaction is showing everywhere.

Why are they holding their chin like that? What the fuck

It's based on this scene

that's half the RE experience, user

He will come back, right?


What the fuck she’s actually hot

Shoop me in the pic