I'm 27 hours in my first play of Subspoopica, but I chose hardcore mode...

I'm 27 hours in my first play of Subspoopica, but I chose hardcore mode. I'm at the point where I've seen a Ghost Leviathan on camera and a few Reapers, but now I need to actually head deeper possibly coming into contact with them.

How does one exactly fight a leviathan? Reapers are super fast. I might bash my PC if I die with 25+ hours and lose everything.

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you can't really fight but leviathans are also literally nothing tier. just repair whatever vehicle you are in and you are good. have fun when you die and your save deletes itself :)

What if I copied my save file to another area on my harddrive in case I die? Also when my friend was showing me the game he killed himself by driving his seamoth near a reaper. It grabbed it and ripped it apart, then ate him. There was no escape or repair time.

La creatura americano....

Don't fight it, just run. Don't look back either.

reapers do 60% dmg to seamoth iirc, just stay above 40% hp and you can literally just swim away. just zip up your save folder and if you die extract the backup

1.) Get Cyclops
2.) Ahead slow and silent running when near reaper, turn off engine when you do get attacked
2.) Get shield asap
3.) Get thermal reactor asap
4.) Stick 6 ion power cells in
5.) Stop giving a fuck because you're now literally invincible

Or get a prawn with drill and grapple and drill the fuckers to death



Why would you fight anything in this game? 90% of them can't do shit to you, the other 10% have terrible aim.

Dont you know this game is objectively bad because PC is not white?

Just got this yesterday. Last thing I did was finish the laser cutter and opened the room. In the red area.

Now I have a timer about guys coming to rescue. What am I supposed to do?

Am I near the end already?

>w-whiter t-than y-you m-muhammed

Build creature, ogre and goblin.

I hate the fucking psychic fuckers that can teleport you out of your craft.

found the mad leftieshit

the problem is when you know the people behind it and the things that they think

Can you kill reefbacks?

Go to the marker on your hud, that's where they'll be picking you up.

The 56% face

El syrupo de la leaf...

I don't have one

It's not he's not white, it's that he looks like a fucking mongoloid.

Why would you pick hardcore mode if you're just going to ignore the hardcore mechanic?

>hardcore mode

Enjoy clipping through the world and dying.

Yeah, reapers are annoying as shit. I just get my business done as quickly as possible and keep moving.

>25 hours into a sub Hardcore
>pretty much covered every area of the map save inactive lava zone
>decide to make it down for a quick grab of kyanite to upgrade my depth module on Shrimpsuit
>get teleported out of prawn to what I assume is a pool of lava because I die before I even see where I am
>stare at the title screen for 5 minutes

You should. Check the beacon manager on the PDA.

I was too arrogant. I was not aware of several bugs in the game as well that could fuck my whole 25+ hour game over. For example earlier my prawn fell thru the seabed for no reason and just kept falling. Thought it was the end but I was able to get out and was close enough to the surface that I had enough o2 to make it easily. Had that happened way below...

Precisely why I de-hardcoded my game just now. You open the save file in notepad and change the game mode from 2 (hardcore) to 0 (survival) and that's it. Game has some weird instagib bugs I'd rather not smash my PC over.


If it's not hardcore I see no point in playing a "survival" game

But dying to retarded circumstances is beyond annoying.

Dont play on hardcore if you are gunna get mad and break your shit man. I know. Ive been there. Not saying you gotta be a casual, just, you know, its good to check yourself mate.

If you back up your save when you die, that's dumb
What's the fucking point of playing in hardcore if you aren't going to accept your defeat? may as well don't play hardcore.
Stop being a faggot that gets mad at video games, if so unironically kill yourself.

Databanks say that their shell has enough resistant force to protect it from a sea dragon attack. So no.

You don't fight a leviathan. All you can do is avoid them. Even if it's after you, it can't kill you in 1 hit if you're repaired.

The only real danger of death in this game is getting lost in a wreck (#3 comes to mind where you have to swim through some air ducts in pitch black), at the start when your oxygen is low and you decide to be a retard and explore a cavernous maze, and inactive lava zone touching the lava.

hmm ok. sounds good. I'm still scared of deep water and large sea monsters so I'm spooked hardcore or not.

But they have soft fleshy undersides!

el goblino de reproduco...

Fucking love the Cyclops but made the mistake to leave it on silent mode and it almost ran out of energy.

Is there some easy way to power it back up ? Because I feel like it's gonna be tedious to recharge all six cells into three recharge stations inside my base powered by solar panels.


i just got a radio message from an alien designating subjects to ... hunt

from a scale of 1 to oh god why... how much should i panic?

I'm a bit curious, why is everything in a space travel vessel apparently designed for deep sea exploration?

Prawn Suit, grapple + drill arm uppercut combo
>shhhh, only dreams now

The more you venture outside the comfort zone the easier it gets. You will still be scared shitless, but you can at least cope with it the more you face the deep.

la criatura femenina...

Wait until you get a message saying everyone's dead except one.


Thermal Engine upgrade and park it over an hydrothermal vent

Alterra mines underwater planets for resources.

How come a futuristic spacefaring humankind only have submarines that can go to around less than a mile depth and move at a snails pace?

Ps, is there a way to go faster or atleast toggle movement, cuz holding W for minutes at a time is horrible

Reminder that the devs (one in particular, guess which one) could've added weapons beyond the shitty knife, but chose not to as some kind of retarded political statement about "normalizing violence" or someshit. Because a guy with access to what is essentially a replicator and all the necessary components simply cannot make a spear or harpoon gun or bombs or guns or anything. Shit mankind has been able to make for centuries. Nope, too hard, but here's a state-of-the-art miniaturized submarine I made from cave-scrapings and some lichen.

Survival games aren't that fun if you can just kill everything. Humans are overpowered

if anything this game would be 10x better if it was a survival horror with more open sea areas

Hopefully the arctic dlc will add some spoop

Survival doesn't mean "I went from wearing twigs and mud to piloting a harrier", you can have weapons be limited or difficult to craft. It's possible to kill everything in the game with the knife, you just have to be autismo supreme to actually do it. Why make them killable if you don't give the player the tools to do it? Make it hard, make it require skill, patience and dedication to the game, but at least give them the ability without it just being a glowing butter knife. That's shitty design.

They're dual space/sea worthy.

can you complete the story without alien containment plans?

Appears out of nowhere behind you.

>violence is bad, but let me put this giant alien energy cannon that just blows up ships killing hundreds of people

Dev is a retard.

Hardcore is the correct choice, good on you user.