How can we fix hate speech in vidya?
How can we fix hate speech in vidya?
Define hate speech
speech that conveys unfair discrimination against minorities
We don't. Fuck off
Why do you insist on doing evil? Did your beat you when you were little?
Eradicate all Jews and niggers.
Can't commit hate speech if there's nobody left to hate.
Anything I don't like
>there's hate speech that isn't unfair
Define unfair.
people like you should be punched until you don't have teeth left
anything negative coming from a privileged person
Define privilege
YPIPO are the true victims if nothing done to one of them can ever constitute as "hateful"
Not an argument
Opinion discarded.
ask the SPLC for calrification
He's right though.
hate speech isn't truth
I'm not saying you should, only that you could.
It's like solving poverty by killing all poor people; you probably shouldn't do it, but it would probably work too.
you think you can ignore injustice for much longer?
Kill yourself you leftist swine!
but you are advocating violence when you say it, and that should be punishable by law in any civilized country
Where is this injustice, bait poster?
>there's a billion africans in africa
Some minority
>there's a billion chinks in china
>there's a billion mexicans in mexico
Another poor minority
>reveling in evil
I hope you die a painful slow death, scum
That's not true
everywhere, people are suffering because your ancestors stole from minorities, you can't pay back fast enough, you don't even deserve to live
I thought this image was Deltora quest in the catalog
>it's okay for for minorities to suffer because some of them are fine somewhere else
holy shit your logic is backwards, no wonder society is going to shit
They're not minorities dipshit
even when I know that you're in the wrong you insist on arguing against me, you're utterly pathetic, grow some and come back when you're actually capable of dealing with real problems
Calm down, that's no way to present your point or get anything across
That kind of anger and hate is just toxic
they are minorities by law dipshit
You mean the minorities that were brought here by jewish ships? You mean the slaves that were owned by only ~3% of the population (most of which were jews)? You mean the slaves that were first freed by white americans? You mean the minorities that were captured and sold by their own people for weapons?
Please, do define.
What law?
I'm just laying down all the cards we have on the table user, I can't help it if my suggestion gives you a stiffy.
We are all in agreement that killing all gypsies will help with crime rates, but that doesn't mean we started planting bombs under caravans. We just sent them to camps next to landfills instead.
I hope the admins will understand and start removing toxic people like you from this site, it would be good if this site got some standards and started being more inclusive
It's because your ideas promote the idea of violence which in turn can rile up people and lead to physical violence
We have a minority admin for goodness' sake, racism is over
Only instigators like yourself keep insisting that there's a problem, some of the most popular threads on this site are posted by blacks
>dismissing logic with strawman
>imagines meme arrows are a legitimate argument
exactly, he should see the value of clamping down on shitheads like you that ruin the internet for decent people
t. antifa
Whoa, language please, this is a blue board
you're the one that is advocating for violence
>spreading evil believing it to be good
there is no other cure for you than death
I can't be wrong, you're spreading hatred and I can't let you get away with it.
I didn't realise that you lacked that much self control user. I'm just laying down all the facts on the table so we can look at all the options. If you think it won't work, just say so.
I think you're mistaking me for somebody else, that doesn't excuse your behavior though
You're free to express your opinion here, we're inclusive to people from all walks of life, but do mind how you act
Be polite and friendly and above all else respectful of others and their worldviews
It might be hard at first but you should remember that we all have very different experiences and come from all kinds of circumstances, try to be understanding
You think the internet should be some wild west where you do as you please? That doesn't sound very safe.
I'm a member of many inclusive communities, and I can tell this isn't a inclusive community at all.
Whites are the global minority
im am of african descent and YOU my friend have just commited an unspeakable act
whites isn't a minority in any sense
Nice hate speech, I'm telling a mod
and I'm a trans furry, how about you fuck off before things get ugly?
Look at national rates of violence between races, whites are typically the victims, not the perpetrators.
I'm sorry if that's your experience, but the issue at hand is your behavior
Frankly speaking your negative experience might be largely self-inflicted by your negative and hostile attitude, your, dare I say, bigoted views are likely incite a very passionate response in our inclusive browsers
I suggest you try to be a little more open minded and a little less hateful and your experience might turn for the better