What made Classic YuGiOh fun? And I don't mean "Summoned Skull Beatdown" era, I mean up to Pharaoh's Servant, or maybe even all the way up to Light of Destruction.
What made Classic YuGiOh fun? And I don't mean "Summoned Skull Beatdown" era, I mean up to Pharaoh's Servant...
The game was simple and didn't rely on having the same 10 monsters and spells for the entire deck.
It was a simpler game for kids.
The cartoon, as soon as they dropped the Millenium items the main appeal of the show was over.
The mysterious Egyptian theme is what bound it all together and made it special
Effect monsters were not as common
Nice designs paired with balanced stats
why would you ever choose dark magician over blue eyes? both require the same amount of tribute and one is clearly better from the stat perspective plus has ultimate blue eyes as well
This, it was simple and you just play shit down. Now you got all these cards with like novels written on them for effects.
I'm pretty sure they wanted it to be that Dark Magician would have higher attack with certain spell cards.
The simplicity. It also wasn't just a "summon four of your best monsters on the first turn" game.
This. Modern day YGO is 7 minute combos and flooding the field with high level monsters at the beginning of the game
Archetypes weren't a thing and encouraged creativity. Now I slap the meta archetype cards in my deck and I just win!
>The mysterious Egyptian theme is what bound it all together and made it special
There were robots and shit since the beginning.
Yu-Gi-Oh until GX are classics
Everything past GX is just autism
There's no reason to not want this.
Being a little kid that BTFO'd everyone without having ever bought a single card. Instead traded up on the schoolyard into a killer deck with some initial crap cards being given for free from the lads.
I still think Synchro was the peak of the franchise. I loved the egyptian occult stuff but Synchro and 5ds aesthetic/play style spoke to me.
Because Yugi had him.
>There were robots and shit since the beginning.
It still had an old school feel to it.
turns dident take forever
yugi literally cheats in every single duel
Dark Magician is Yugi's monster so I wanna play Dark Magician to be just like Yugi what don't you understand
with Yami and Mystical Arts he gets to 3000
the structure decks anyhow
Of course but they still felt mysterious. I know it sounds dumb but they really never felt sci-fi
Modern day yugioh is this
>normal summon
>effect activates to search deck for X
>special summon X
>X effect activates can special summon from hand
>preform extra deck summon
>effect activates to special summon card from deck
>perform another extra deck summon
>effect destroys or changes opponents field state
>special summon again from trigger
>perform another extra deck summon
I could see that. They did kind of have an ancient tech type situation with them.
It's sci-fi, it's just kinda like comparing Atom/Astro Boy to something from Aldnoah Zero. The former feels less complicated and more comforting, "older".
There was once a time in this game when a card didn't have to have the effects "This card cannot be destroyed by card effects" and "You can perform a minor cost to destroy any card on the field" to be considered relevant.
>printing new expansions for "classic" format and the current standard format(s?).
I'm not saying it's a horrible idea, but no company would ever consider doing this. it's too much risk with no guarantee of any payoff.
The fact that your only competition was your friends who occasionally bought packs, just like you, and largely had garbage jank decks.
But you didn't ever play against anybody at a higher level, so you had no perspective with which to gauge how crap your decks were, how crap your cards were, and how crap the game as a whole was.
You were young and you played with your friends on the playground so it didn't matter that you and everyone you knew were running shitty sub-optimal decks. You just focused on the fun.
Yeah well put user
I disagree with this, I went to local tournaments when I was like 11 and I'd get my ass kicked but I still had fun. It was around the time that the Dark World boys were popular.
>still playing you-gay-ho
just play goat format
fucking this. It's not that modern yugioh isn't fun. You gotta find the right crowd to play with that don't take the game super serious but aren't a bunch of genwunners using 1800 atk normal monster beatdown trash and willing to at least give new mechanics a chance instead of whining about how "overpowered" synchros are
Thanks, user.
Same. Synchro toolbox stuff was the perfect balance of strategy and neat combo routes imo.
I play both magic and yugioh but with my college friends I only play magic. It was really easy to teach them.
I am never going to fucking bother teaching them yugioh. It's fucking impossible in my opinion. Game is so stupidity complex now. Magic is a blessing to teach.
lmao at all you grandpas
>can't read
>mind dulled by 4chans tl;dr's so too lazy to read
the only thing that really ruined yugioh for me is exhaustive archetypes, but there is still some deck leeway
Yugioh was better without all this gay ass syncro shit. Now it's like preparing a deck that does nothing but deck search then draw 6 gorgillion cards.
Fuck no. I went to my local collector's shop RIP Steve's Collectibles ;_; and begged to go to the Books A Million at the mall when they would have Yugioh events. Those of high school age and over knew exactly what the fuck they were doing and would easily stomp all over my deck, which was probably a Yugi starter deck mixed with maybe 5 boosters
I think most of you guys are just bad duelists. There's no reason to want a compartmentalized system like other card games. The whole appeal of the original source is that even the best duelists weren't sure about all the best cards. The Rule of Three and Forbidden List is all you need.
The great thing about Yugioh that other card games don't have IS balancing power creep. When one attribute gets too powerful you buff the rest by adding new cards or Fusions. I mean look at Blue-Eyes. Light monsters don't typically have high levels and stats, much less be the QUEEN of normal monsters, yet she's still relevant.
user, synchro hasn't been truly relevant in like 7 years. It's all about Link summoning now.
GX-era yugioh was fucking weak shit. I'm not saying the game needs to be solitaire, but god damn GX almost killed the game with how bad it was.
>user, synchro hasn't been truly relevant in like 7 years. It's all about Link summoning now.
Whatever gay ass XYZ shit fags play then. It all looks the same to me.
Back in my day we only had regular fusion and it sucked. Ahhh, such we're the times.
Also none of your fancy smancy ghost rares or complex fusions. Those were the days.
Kys nigga, this new gen shit is easily ten times worse.
Damn son, that's some potent bait. Almost got me to reply seriously.
Anyone playing the Dragonball Super TCG?
>There's no reason to want a compartmentalized system like other card games.
There's no rational reason to want a piece of chocolate instead of a stick of brocolli it doesn't mean we can't feel that way.
Links format doesn't retroactively make GX format any less shit, let alone good.
It was half truth, half baby boomer tier lecturing you'd get from your parents.
I still haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh since GX. I preferred it when it was simpler but things have to change.
The meta in the GX era almost died because almost every new card they printed was too weak or janky to be useful compared to the then current meta mainstays.
imagine being so retarded that putting two monsters with the same level on top of each other was considered more complex than ritual summoning And the sad part is, even if you're being ironic, there are people that legitimately think that too
Yugioh died with Links.
The best format was plant synchro or the format just before Elemental Dragons
>bought a battle royal star 5 pack thinking it'd have like 5 or 9 cards each
>its 3 cards each and not enough to really help with my other decks.
In terms of functional archetypes, yeah.
But, in terms of making good stuff.dek, shit like the D-Hero engine bullshit that arose in that era disagrees. There is no excuse for a draw engine piece like disk commander. Absolutely none.
whats the current meta right now? I heard spyral got some huge nerfs
Didn't Magic do just that with EM and MM?
>imagine being so retarded that putting two monsters with the same level on top of each other was considered more complex than ritual summoning
It just sounds so retarded.
'Dude XYZ fusion'
'Oh, you mean like XYZ dragon cannon?'
'Nah, it's another millionth variant of XYZ cards.'
Seriously, why not just call it anything else?
More formats create diversity. The fact that cards post NWO of mtg see play in Vintage shows that new stuff can be relevant in old formats, but wizards still keeps their different formats so different types of decks can be played.
Honestly, I'd rank HAT Format pretty close to Plant Synchro. That shit was varied as fuck.
Pendulum Magicians.
>running a toon meme deck
>having like 7 Dark Magician variants
>collecting all of the Exodia cards
>collecting all the god cards
Grew out of Yu-Gi-Oh and into MTG though, and then out of card games in general because that shit is expensive to keep up with and tourneys are autistically meta
No. Eternal Masters and Modern Masters are sets dedicated to reprint out of stock cards that are too powerful for standard. It's an attempt to make the already existing extended and eternal formats of Modern and Legacy more cheap so it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg for a playset of Fetchlands.
And they still fuck it up immensely because WOTC can't do anything right, but that's a different story.
>Once traded a fake winged dragon of ra for 3 blue eyes
wonder if the kid ever found out the truth
more formats also serves to split the playerbase if someone only has a standard deck and they only play standard, they won't be very compatible with someone who can only afford pauper or one of the EDH decks.
Anyone who completely rejects the direction the game took is either
a. a brainlet
b. never actually played competively and thus should have no opinion on what the competitive scene should be like, stfu. synchros were a god send for the dying game.
>rump humpers
>pretends to know what he's talking about
user, it's REALLY not that hard.
What was HAT again?
Hand Artifact Traptrix?
I don't remember what decks were used besides the cookie cutter ones
>competitive yugioh
Regardless of the game's overall direction. Rank 4 was a fucking mistake.
>Printed off some Merlock and Grixis decks to play with my mate
>Printed off some Broly and Goku Black decks to play with my other mate
Now you are my mate.
I fucking love Synchro. I legit think the Synchro era is the peak of YuGiOh. Synchro has just the right amount of difficulty to summon, with Ritual and Fusions being too hard and Xyz being too easy. No one uses Pendulums. 5Ds was the best anime too.
Yeah, that was HAT. Format was grindy as fuck, but since everything was so low power, you could play pretty much anything decent within the prior year or two and stand a chance to win.
>No one uses Pendulum
>The top meta deck is Pendulum
This probably the most powerful one
>Dragon Ball Z has a better manga
>Dragon Ball Z has a better anime
>Dragon Ball Z has better characters
>Dragon Ball Z has better art
>Dragon Ball Z has better animation
>Dragon Ball Z has the better video games
>Dragon Ball Z has better music
>Dragon Ball Z has a better OP
Why wouldn't you play the Dragon Ball Super TCG when it's always and always will be better than YuGiOh.
MTG > Final Fantasy TCG > Dragon Ball Super TCG > Force of Will >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pokemon >>>>>>>>>>> YuGiOh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vanguard/Buddy Fight
>tfw the best weeb card game is Japan only and will always be
It isn't fair
No one really uses the mechanic in the same way as the others though. It's like a more reliably decent alternative to ritual where it's good for certain specific decks, but it requires that you build a full deck around it to make proper use of the mechanic. And a lot of decent archetypes just aren't built to properly support pends.
I only ever played world championship 2004 on the GBA and I just loaded my deck with Raigeki, Harpy's Feather duster and Hayabusa knights with a buttload of equips, then swept my opponent with my 5k attack hayabusa. It was pretty nuts.
I just want more traptrix support
>Dirty dancing script.
Okay that's a little gay.
What archetype is playable and has cute girls?
Is subterror playable?
>candy shota still not posted
>classic yugioh being good in the original post
I'm still mad they ceased the Panini DBZ TCG, shit was so good, the new one is trash.
Orange Energy Yamcha was so fun
>tfw loved having the beatdown decks back then
>tfw had card selves for the god cards with an unofficial book for the effects
GX was still pretty fun. Though 5Ds did kinda kill it for me because I couldn't keep up.
I can't tell if the Elemental Heroes deck is either the most broken deck type of all time, or how impractical it actually is irl.
I play a deck mixed with Dark Magician cards and pendulum Magicians, he's got a ton of support, like removing a couple cards from play every turn and wiping back row. Some cards let Dark Magician not be targeted by opponents effects which is pretty sweet. I also use Secret Village of Spellcasters, which can shut down any deck reliant on spells if they don't have a spellcaster monster themselves.
Me too.
The peak of this game was a little after DEUA was out when Shaddolls, BA, Tellars, and (nerfed) Qli were all around with some rogue stuff like Fire Fists after spirit unlimit and Heroes with Dark law
This shit was just screenshots from the DBZ anime stapled onto cards?
I probably had more fun with HAT, but DUEA when it REALLY got going was fucking amazing.
I'm more partial to march 2011 format but that format was cool too. Same with adding Nekroz into the mix after djinn ban.
>Not playing MTG already, even when god-tier accessible formats like Pauper and EDH exist
>Even expensive formats like Modern and Legacy are a delight to watch since they're currently well balanced (except for the existance of Deathrite Shaman)
It scratches all the TCG itch that YGO left in me. Just don't touch Standard and you'll be alright
Spotted the pedophile
What is summoned skull beatdown
>Mfw scrubs not knowing about this fucking card