Accessibility is objectively a good thing. There is literally 0 reason a game should not have an easy mode

Accessibility is objectively a good thing. There is literally 0 reason a game should not have an easy mode.

Other urls found in this thread:

For many games the difficulty is a shared experience. Reminiscing over a hard boss or a "bullshit platforming section" gives people something to bond over.

Most modern gamers don't get this anymore though which is why the streamer generation were disappointed by the ending of Getting Over It.

Huh, I didn't know Namco Bandai does Dark Souls. Is Metroid Prime 4 going to be a Soulslike?

Dark Souls 4 is going to be a Metroidvania

metroidvanias are objectively a dogshit genre. This is why Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 3 are the best in the series.

Buy it on pc and use a trainer. easy mode

Dark Souls and bloodborne are only as hard as you make them. You can literally rank up. Bloodborne was my first fromsoft game, and i went in blind and killed all bossess including the DLC ones. They don’t need any changes.

Dogshit 4 will be a Metroidsoulslike

If people want to go through a particular story/setting without facing a challenge, they should sit and watch a movie

G i t

Why do you keep making this thread over and over again and then again and again?

>cheapen an dilute the experience for everyone

Nah fuck off cunt. Having a bunch of difficulty settings (like WoW's 2000 different raid difficulties) is just fucking retarded. If you can't immediately see the problem then you should off yourself.

>m-muh more people

Wow, people that wanna play a game I like but want it to be entirely different and easier? Sounds like a loyal and fun audience(?)

I agree that (certain) games should not be accessible, and that a certain amount of elitism is required to preserve vidya integrity. However, I hope everyone else who has this opinion extends it to all other forms of art, including film, painting, and literature.

i.e. you can't post the pigeon/crow pic and then complain /lit/'s bullying you about your shit genrefiction.

Can I post this comic instead?


Bad puns are the height of patricianhood. You may post in peace.

You guys remember a time when people actually wanted to play their games instead of letting them play themselves? Good times...

Dark Souls has no difficulty setting

I don't disagree but a lot of elitists don't even really get the movies/books they like so much. At least with vidya there is an easy objective measure to whether you "get" it or not, if you beat it you got it if not you didn't.

Dark Souls 3 IS easy mode

someone make a game where you win by making retard noises

They used to have easy mode, we called them cheat codes back then

Yes, I too harken back to the days when papa Nintendo offered easy mode powerups that held my hand through the game.

My game my rules, if you don't like it don't play it.

>Why x should y and thats a good thing, heres how
The internet was a fucking mistake.
Take me back.


Fuck, id play that.

What happened to gaming? I remember when I was younger people just realized some games weren't made for them.

>I bought a football, so i should be able to play in the NFL requiring no talent whatsoever

Not true at all. Imagine getting through Bayonetta -- that doesn't mean you've "got" it.

Dark souls games aren't hard.

A sense of achievement is objectively better than accessibility for a game.

Why play the game? Why not just pop in a movie? Why play on a harder difficulty if I can just play it on easy and get the same exact experience as somebody who plays on the hardest difficulty?

Why not just play every single game on the easiest difficulty so I can blow through the story, spoil the shit out of it everywhere on the internet, and shitpost about how good I am by lying that I beat it on the hardest difficulty because nobody can actually tell the difference?

Better yet, who gives a fuck?

Video games have a dimension that movies and novels do not: ludonarrative. Video game storytelling incorporates the player in a much more personal way than movies and books are able to because players experience almost everything the protagonist experiences throughout the course of the story. Here’s some examples:
>In Metal Gear Solid, you feel a little bit of the struggle that Snake feels when you mash the action button to resist Ocelot’s torture.
>In Silent Hill, you actively experience the dread and horror of each situation that Harry Mason goes through because you are in control of him and must overcome the fear with him
>In Nier Automata, the game uses new game+ as a way of communicating its themes about neverending conflict.

>In Dark Souls, you feel an overwhelming sense of heroic triumph at besting a tough enemy that you would not feel in a passive experience like a movie. Making it easy kills this ludonarrative and that experience gets lost. Furthermore, the game’s ideas of you being an undead warrior would ring hollow if you hardly, if ever, died

Game journos need to critic games as GAMES and stop wishing that they were movies.

use a fucking trainer if you're that bad at video games.

Sense of achievement is a fucking stupid reason to have difficulty in a game. It does so much more than "I beat dur game I happy now". I know Miyazaki's said that he has difficulty for that reason but he is OBJECTIVELY wrong.
These people would rather games be movies.

Yes, because Dark Souls would be such a good game if it was a walking simulator where you would go around the world solely to read item descriptions.

Go watch your favorite twitch streamer spoonfeed the game to you then, sounds like any game that has a fail state can't be accepted by your frail psyche.

Failing and realizing it was me that failed is a primary driving force in my interest in games. The idea of playing a game devoid of challenge is just wrong to me. A game having some sort of easy mode is fine, but it being forced on me is a sin.

I had to restart Sly 2 a few times, waiting for the PS2 to reboot, because dying enough times on a boss respawns you with some sort of invincibility or some other crutch I can't remember. 10+ years and all I can remember of my experience with it is mild disgust at it assuming it knew what I wanted.

Accessibility has nothing to do with difficulty. It's intended for people who are actually unable to play a game by normal means or they're put at a disadvantage. Lowering the difficulty doesn't remove the threshold for accessibility, because in the vast majority of cases the problems that arise exist at any difficulty.

If you're fully able-bodied, all you're doing is appropriating a term not meant for you. Nothing is stopping you from beating a difficult game aside from your own unwillingness to do so. In fact, most difficulty in games is self-created from an inability to recognise mistakes and learn from them.

I'm surprised you're arguing for difficulty when you obviously find reading a post an insurmountable challenge. I'm arguing FOR difficulty you terminal faggot.

But difficulty is much, much more valuable (and useful) than as a source for achievement. It makes you consider your moves carefully, it produces tension, it affects your perception of the environment (extremely useful in Dark Souls, of all things, as it forces you to take in its environmental story telling).

>easy mode
It’s called summoning a phantom. Duh

Dark Souls shouldn't have an easy mode because it's a major balance concern that would divert resources and developer time to an unnecessary and redundant feature in a series where every single game has been rushed out the door, often in a barely-finished state.

Personally I think there is nothing wrong with accessibility if it's an alternative option (like an easy mode) as long as they keep the default difficulty in tact.

The problem nowadays is that they purposefully dumb down gameplay mechanics and other stuff in order to appeal to a larger audience. Most of the time it doesn't even work.

Man ubisoft is such trash. Thankfully I stopped buying their games a long time ago.

Just make a mode that cuts all enemy stats by half and denies the real ending.

This would be like taking a test that you cannot fail.

I knew this shit would happen when people started praising "games" that gave you "feels" or were "character-driven".

I prefer gween tea.

Every hobby a challenge and risk of failure to it.
A failure to understand a book, a failure to thread a needle correctly, a failure to not accidentally cut your hand off while chainsaw carving ice. A failure to make her squirt.
Without a risk of failure, its nothing. There wouldn't be drive to do it period.

These people don't want entertainment or hobbies, they want white noise to drown out their miserable lives.

You post this bait every single day.

>sense of achievement is a fucking stupid reason....
sense of achievement is the sole reason reality has pushed as far as it has. We would still be chimps in trees if we didn't derive a sense of achievement from our actions. Sense of achievement for anything, for any reason worth doing is reason enough.
We know it makes you feel shit that you can't perform at something you've demonstrably seen is doable, but find your sense of achievement elsewhere.
The entire reason you peddle your false truism is you derive a sense of achievement from stripping others of their hard earned (valued in truth) sense of achievement.

While raging against the human condition, you still fulfill it. Ironic isn't it?

No, they shouldn't have an easy mode because it erodes their artistic integrity and will generally worsen the game when played at that setting. It's better not to play Dark Souls than to play a shit version of it.
I don't know what the fuck you think you're arguing from this. I'd ask you to reread my post but I don't think that's gonna help you.

I thought you were gay first but as I finished reading your post I realized that you are one of the finest thinkers on Sup Forums.
I had not seen it like that before. Never got it in such a clear explanation.
Thank you.


Then what do you do when someone invades that person? The invader is now at a disadvantage, which means players making ganksquads will have an even easier time as the invader will have literally no enemies to hide behind since clearing out half HP enemies would take no time at all. It completely fucked up the balance of multiplayer. If you separate easy mode and hard mode into their own separate multiplayer pools then you have a dead fucking game with a split playerbase. All this to add a feature that is literally redundant because you can just fucking summon phantoms to help you.

>like WoW's 2000 different raid difficulties
There's three.

If you pure platinum Bayonetta you are measurably more understanding of the game than someone who bumbled through it with a multitude of Stone Awards.

Depends on the development. I wouldn't want any developer to spend time making a baby difficulty when that time could be spent on greater assets for their fans and therefore increasing sales. However, if having a baby difficulty has a significantly positive effect on sales and allows the developer to gain more revenue for more games and extra development support then I don't see why not.

But babies don't buy games.

Probably. It's conceivable that you might have missed swathes of the system, though.

Basically, I think completing a game can be seen in the same way as completing a book. It probably means you've got at least the majority of it...but it doesn't guarantee anything.

You said finding achievement in difficulty isn't a good reason to make a game difficult. If that isn't what you were positing, you do a shit job explaining your viewpoint.

I just found a failing in your mindset and told you why it was a failing to me. Again, if that wasn't your argument, do a better job of structuring your argument.

I get you are defending games being hard, but to hold that stance, and then find that particular reason for its existence to be poor, you don't hold the stance as firmly as you believe.

There was a point I know where there was at least 4 or more

Regardless 3 raid difficulties is 2 too many

Difficulty modes are fucking cancer. All they do is add in bullshit like giving enemies extra damage or HP.

There should only be one difficulty setting, which is the game as intended to be played with emphasis put on building challenge and balance around the fixed stat values that you get from a single difficulty setting.

Only if you're a little bitch

I got a better one, if it’s put on easy you can’t get past the firelink shrine and you’re just stuck in the first area.

Nigger you didn't do shit. What, it's automatically a good reason because...we feel accomplishment outside of games, too?

It's not a good reason, because it's just a shallow rush of emotion at the END of most of your time spent playing (e.g. you spend an hour reaching the boss and then half an hour fighting him and then you feel a short rush afterwards). Meanwhile, difficulty has been manipulating the way you play all throughout that hour and a half of playing, in loads of different ways, and it's these things you should focus on.

Don't buy into the accomplishment meme. It's a tiny part of what should drive you to make a game difficult.
Rain World's difficulty options add or remove types of enemy, change where they're placed, and impose (or remove) certain challenges to the player (e.g. a save limit in hard, or less food needed in easy). What do you think of those?

>Don't buy into the accomplishment meme. It's a tiny part of what should drive you to make a game difficult.
What's the biggest part then?

>thinking the game's difficulty is moulding my playstyle
>not realizing my entire playstyle is about recognizing the rng and enforcing myself against it in dominance
Play roguelikes and stop being a shitter. You see yourself as an equal participant in the game instead of the almighty god that manipulates it at will. Play games where the "difficulty" is real. Actually become good at something, you'll feel achievement once in your life and understand why other anons hold it as an ideal worth striving for.

Protip: things that humans find value in real life don't immediately wash away to nothingness in a virtual environment, it solidifies it in the absence of other concrete values.
You seriously sound like some 17y/o "I took a class on this" shitter that thinks he knows more than they do.

>would ring hollow

The biggest part? That will depend on the context within which difficulty is used, i.e. on the game as a whole. But, I've given some examples from Dark Souls .

For Dark Souls, I'd say the biggest effect is in forcing you to navigate the world with care and vigilance, all while feeling like an insect. It heightens your immersion, bluntly. Of course, the "naked run" strategy sort of ruins this.
I do play roguelikes, doublenigger. And yes, I mean actual roguelikes.

Nice to see your homegrown common sense wisdom, you utter plebeian. Some day you'll work for me.

I don’t think there should be a choice in difficulty. The game is what it is.

I'm sorry I hit a nerve by assuming your character so well. Looks like my home grown wisdom is working better for me in actuality than your theory over function alternatives.
If you play roguelikes and you don't find sense of achievement as a central driving force to seeking out difficulty in your games...
I dunno man. You are either lying, are shit at roguelikes, or just plain shitposting.
Its like someone railing against kb/m in favor of controller and then saying they primarily play hyper competitive FPS games. It just doesn't ring true and you have to actively shut down your mental faculties to believe it.

I now officially call BS on you, the fictional construct you are presenting yourself as, this thread, and your mother for not aborting you.

it's part of what makes video games so drastically different from other forms of entertainment

>if someone doesn't think exactly like me, they literally don't exist
Suck my educated, middle-class dick

we have this thread every other day.

Name me one game that forces you to get gud without resorting to oneshots or damage sponges.

Someone isn't gud~

I'm genuinely asking man. I want some hard non-bs games to play.

Why the fuck do you play roguelikes then? Answer that question. Why do you seek them out and find enjoyment in them?

You cannot mention its challenge as the only reason it exists is to overcome it, and overcoming a challenge offers a singular experience. One you deny should be present.

Dark Souls 3 has an easy mode though. It's called summoning phantoms. If you summon phantoms and still die regularly, you have to be mentally disabled or something.