Where would you put Kingdom come in best rpg of all time list??

Where would you put Kingdom come in best rpg of all time list??

Personally its my number 3 after fallout 2 and Baldurs Gate 2

Really excited about Kingdom come 2 now :D

>2 now :D
Bait thread.
But I still really like the game.

I'm not far enough to say, but some of the first areas after you get to the Open World blew me away and it definitely has one of the best stories and most "realistic" worlds (obviously).

Idk yet, you should buy it for me.

King souls come

Dev here

What is your steam name?

>courting a woman for weeks
>sees neighbour's daughter once and an urge to plow that arse rising
>love interest gets killed "lol oops"
>find her after, grab ring, sad lines incoming
>"lol, done here!"
>sees the daughter, describe her as a childhood friend
>do a quest
>"lol user, let's pork in the barn rawr! XD"
>moving on, no more dialogues

the fuck I fell for the hype that choices would actually matter and that it would be nothing like skyrim. Turns out it's just like skyrim and all the quests you do ends up the same no matter what

Forgot to add that I really do enjoy the combat and that you aren't some superhero that can take on more than 2 head on


there's a GOG version dumbass

>Kingdom Come

Back to Sup Forums with you and your racist garbage...

it's been a long time a game took my intrest while playing it which franshise i didnt know.

gonna wait for a sale to play it desu

Thoroughly enjoyed the game up until the monastery portion after which I was plagued by game breaking bugs that made some of the ending portions bereft of any semblances of enjoyment.

>Really excited about Kingdom come 2 now :D
What will it be about tho?
I wish they made a game about danish invasion of Britain instead. Vavra larps as a viking anyway iirc

It's not out yet faggot.

I'm a far lefty and think you're an idiot

Play the Mountainblade DLC for that. It's excellent.

the game has no social politics anywhere, go back to your shit inner circles and powerpoint presentations with your garbage

Is the game still really buggy? I want to try it out but I don't want an unfinished mess. How are you guys finding it?

so, what do yall expect from the inevitable Kingdom Come 2: [subtitle]?
Hussite wars are pretty much confirmed, but what else

>twitch kids shilling their fotm this hard


hell no, no more vikang shit there are enough of games with that
second game should be either reconquista (side either with christians or moors) or 30 years war (so many possibilities with this one)

but why bother when bannerlord is getting released within the next 10 years?

No more so than Vanilla Skyrim or Oblivion

Calling it really buggy would be putting it lightly imagine if Gamebyro and the Xray engine had a child and you'd come close to the experience.

Skyrim is all time #1
this game is a budget buy in a few months.

Sent ;)


Vavra was talking about Hussite wars but thats meybe for dlc

If only all the graphics bugs get patched and the codex gets some good explanation for combat. How the fuck do master strikes work?

On a scale from minesweeper to big rigs how buggy are we talking cause I just got two completely different answers

na nigga i aint got shit kekaroo

>30 years war
Oh that time when people started using muskets that needed to be reloaded for 5 minutes? Hell yeah that will be such a dynamic gameplay!
Reconquista will be even more politicized than KCD already is. And i'm fucking tired of that already. I'm not fan of vikangz myself, i just want to explore anglo-saxon Britain.

Not game breaking usually but they certainly impede enjoyment. Some examples are not being able to walk up stairs, not being able to go through doors, being flung inexplicably into the air and dying, insanity from the AI, and crashing or otherwise losing progress for mysterious reasons made only more annoying from the save system.

I heard the save system was kinda different. Is it a perpetual save where you are forced to overwrite data or can you make points to save so you can savescum if something shitty happens? How realistic are they trying to go with this?

Thank you for the well thought out answer

You are saving by sleep in your bed or drinking schnaps which make you drunk

game autosaves in important moments, after sleeping or when you use a certain potion
no overwriting

What would the feminist outrage be like if the sequel still didn't feature a female protagonist and actually showed black slaves?

God I love historical accuracy.

Hussite wars make the most sense desu, it takes 15 years after the game so you can still use Henry as a character

I honestly haven't had any issues. I think the console versions might be worse, but it's been fine on PC. I think a lot of people initially complaining about bugs were playing a pirated version of the beta.

Except the fact that the developer himself made it clear it was for whites only. Yeah sure. Fuck off Sup Forums

Yeah or npc shouting at the other black npc something like "look at his skin, is he a devil?".

That would be accurate

It's alright. Nothing really special.

Well xbox is still waiting for latest patch because Microsoft is alow af

Set it during the late 1800s. Every other word out of someone's mouth would be "nigger", and I would die laughing at the twitter responses.


I only had a few bugs, nothing too major - the quest "House of God" was bugged for me, for example, though I still got the reward.
Generally, unless you come across a bug in the main storyline quest, which can happen probably(i didnt run into any, but that doesnt mean you wont) it's fine. Though if you really are bothered by bugs wait a few weeks, supposedly they'll release a patch in like 2 weeks or something.

>altright acting like this buggy mediocre game is amazing just because it's based in europe
>got BTFO by Black Panther in the millions

lmao this getting sad

That does sound plausible actually
Honestly I'd play anything from them if it's in the 1200-1500 bracket, maybe even earlier.
Hell, they could even make something more tribal in 10th century or something

It's pretty shit.
All of the "realism" mechanics are an annoyance that adds nothing but busywork to the game. Despite trying to be so "hardcore", most of those systems in place are fucking retarded, like a simple as fuck stolen items and shit tier crime system right out of Oblivion. Oh hey I need to sleep. Fuck going to an inn, I'm just going to kill some random villager and sleep in their bed like a fucking baby and nobody notices.
Most of the fucking missions are broken. The endgame missions don't even work, fucking up time and time again, lots of players just quit when the game basically softlocks itself.
Combat is a fucking joke where NPCs are obscenely good at parrying everything and comboing you to death if you attempt to stand your ground, but you can clear out dozens of guys solo if you just exploit the way they handle melee range by simply backpedaling and walking in circles so that you are only in range of one of them and you can hit them as they approach you.

This game got hyped up for its desire for an authentic setting, but that basically went to the side after becoming a topic for a bunch of ideologues. But it's a broken mess.
Maybe in a few years after a LOT of patching and a price drop to sub-20 bucks, it may be worth playing.


If you are dev, thank you. It's amazing.

Back to Tumblr!

Plus Jan Hus is mentioned several timss in the game

And Hussite wars sounds like a fun, fighting against crusades as a underdog

I wouldn't put it on an RPG list at all. Honestly it feels exactly like Mafia to me, except in a different setting. I'd put it on my "autistic historical recreation list" and it will sit there between Mafia 1 and Mafia 2 with a silver medal

The game is great but romance quests are pure shit. Just do a quest, get a "put that thing in me" cutscene and that is it. After that Theresa becomes just another neutral npc and that lady from the castle won't even talk to you. Dragon age did romance much better.

Black Panther is a movie.

Anyone finished it already? What happens?

because henry is a good christian knight, not an adulterer or scalleywag

for example theresa's was essentially simple thank you for everything and that's all. The lady however, pretty much rapes poor henry

stop replying to obvious bait you retards

It does show that they payed little attention to romance. And it is unacceptable for neets, who can only get a gf ingame

The video game industry is bigger than the movie industry.

I don't know how it really is but I doubt it.

Can't scum it without buying save liquors so not until you are wealthy. Rythym of the game is get shit done until you make some progress you don't wanna lose then hit up an inn to save.

this for me was a given unless getting married was a plot point

You can brew them with alchemy it's easy

>Baldurs Gate 2
Mass Effect is more RPG than BG2 garbage.

I'm not fan of vikangz myself, i just want to explore anglo-saxon Britain.
Try Viking Conquest expansion of Mountain Blade

Pretty high up, I really want more historic games now. We were too much into fantasy bullshit because RPGs were made as imitation of table tops. It needed to change long ago.

dumb bananagoblinposter

I'm center left and love this game. Fuck off. Just because I think we should take care of people, doesn't mean I want to rewrite history.

bullshit where are the POC in melting pot europe?!?

Fallout/Arcanum/Planescape/NV/MoB/VTMB are RPG
BG2 is glorified dungeon crawler

1. Morrowind
2. Witcher 3
3. Kingdom Come
4. Legend of Dragoon
5. Final Fantasy IX

If it wasn't for the gamebreaking bugs, number 1 desu.
I love the liberty you have to raise your character however you want and how it affects his interactions with the world.

I'm on PS4 and haven't had much besides getting stuck in a door and not being able to draw my weapon at one point. I bought it on PS4 because I like my physical copies

In the case of the lady it makes sense though. Her husband is the lord, there's only so much cucking you two can get away with. Don't push it lad

I can't fathom how it has just 75 on metacritic. Seriously, game journalists are fucking retarded. I don't understand how couple of glitches and LOD issues can fuck up such a great gaming experience.


>and LOD issues
stop reading reviews of console versions or even better stop reading reviews

Morrowind was god awful bugged abomination on release. VTMB too. But who cares?

There are some games that gross more with microtransactions and shit but there are much more movies than games that make hundreds of millions, which is less, of course, but is still a lot more. What I wanted to say is I'm not sure why I took your bait


I really REALLY hope they won't make another medieval/fantasy/whatever RPG after Kingdom Come. It would be great to have modern day RPG from same developers, something like Deus Ex or VTMB.

You're delusional.

What's your setup if you don't have LOD issues? If you ride into a village at full speed, you can be surrounded by 512x512 textures and cubes for like a 2 seconds on my PC

That's mafia though. Not an RPG exactly, but it's pretty much the modern day version of KCD from the same guy

for me it's less than 2 seconds

This. I will buy the GOG version of this because KCD's success will get me one step closer to that sweet sweet ancient rome first person RPG where you can become a senator and go on military campaigns in gaul and shit that I have been dreaming about for the last 10 years.

do you mean city of lost heaven? i don't understand

How would you go about making a modern day one? Crimes would be so much harder to commit. That's how I made my fortune in Kingdom Come.

game journalists are literally jews and feminists who hate white people, of course KKKingdom Cracker: DeutschlandUberAlles got low reviews

Is it just me or are combos finicky?
Tried pressing them when the white light shows up but they never seem to come out properly.
Also how do you become a monk?, wanna RP a holy knight.

Yes or Mafia 2, it's the same designer/writer and same autistic super realism approach

>Tried pressing them when the white light shows up
What white light? Combos are done by swinging the second you make contact with each previous swing. However if you get riposte'd your combo chain breaks.

>but it's pretty much the modern day version of KCD
did you even play it? first mafia was extremely restricted compared to KCD, it was linear TPS game with cars and great story

Mafia 2 isn't realistic.