If we're going to port all of the WiiU's games, why not also port 3DS games to the Switch? There are some gems that would definitely profit from an updated re-release.
3DS ports to the Switch
It takes much more effort and most 3DS games have already sold more than enough to be considered successful.
No, the only reason why switch is getting so many wiiu ports is because the latter was a failure. 3ds wasn't a failure.
user, there's already a couple 3ds ports. Gunvolt comes to mind
True, but there are still o lot of games that would improve on the Switch and that don't need a second screen at all.
I know, but there are so few, considering how many games the 3DS has. Specially JRPGs, the Switch still has very few of them, whereas the 3DS has tons of them.
Wouldn't the resolution be fucked in the transfer to Switch? It's possible some obscure games could benefit & might as well if Switch is mostly ports for now
Why make a port when you can have a sequel, requiring the player to buy a New 2DS XL and a digital copy of your game because scalpers are charging $80
Ports aren't a bad thing. DQ Builders is a port and they game was really good except its music gets pretty annoying.
Mute your switch and put on any decent not repetitive music you like and you could easily put 4 to 6 hours into the game just thinking about how you want your base to look.
I missed out on Fire Emblem Echoes and EO5 because I already threw my 3DS in the trash. Why the fuck didn't they get Switch ports?
It's a fine line when it comes to port begging
however I'd lie if I said I'd want Kid Icarus Uprising to stay on that godawful thing.
because there's not a single game on the 3ds worth a fuck
Agree. They better make a full Etrian Odyssey game for the console, the lack of a second screen and touchpad in docked mode makes me worried for the future of the franchise.
The 3DS was a hit that kept Nintendo floating.
The only games I would even want are the updated LOZ OOT-MM, Ever Oasis, animal crossing and monster hunter
That's it's the rest of the 3DS games lived, made they're money and need to retire.
Indeed. Map screens didn't exist before the DS.
KI is dead.
Why? Which game could benefit from it? If so, Donkey Kong Country Returns without waggle could be a good choice, but that's more of a Wii game anyway.
Pretty much impossible because dual sceeens
Cuz most of the 3ds games run at 60fps and the switch cant handle that
Give me KI, OoT, samus returns, EO, and star fox
A proper upgrade of SMT IV + Final would be nice and would win quite a bit of dough if Atlus times it correctly.
Could pivot 90 degrees and split the screen in the middle.
>resolution that isn't shit
>decent controls
>more money to made
Many reasons
Games are ported because they think there's an audience for it, frankly, and many 3DS games would benefit greatly from a larger screen and resolution alone
Okay, Monster Hunter, KHDDD (already done) and SMTIV come to mind in that regard. What else?