Will you be playing it?

Will you be playing it?

No, I don't play shit games.


Of course i will, what kind of retarded question is that?

Yes. I already went back and did the quests on a private server to refamiliarize myself with the game.

You are the braindead casual cancer killing video games.

why would i

Classic stopped being worth playing the moment I explored all of Azeroth. Now we have Pandaria and other content to "explore". Why would anyone want to go back?



Hardly you stupid faggot.

Game's doodoo I already beat it like 15 years ago why would I go back and do it again

Because """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""modern"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" WoW sucks.


i will sub to it, but not play it. just so other mmos take note and possibly release a classic server for their games

>tfw guildies talk about making a classic guild


Not unless they introduce seasons.
Otherwise the game will turn into raidlog snoozefest.

Who needs Classic when we have Kronos 3 launching in a few weeks.

not without transmog

Because classic is the ultimate F R E S H

>we want classic servers

>Waaah blizzard is making classic servers !!

Make up your minds

No because my friends either work or don't have computers.

Why would you ever want to replay on a new vanilla server and be stuck at molten core

Classic will become just as stale after a year of raidlogging, people will be begging Blizzard for more fresh servers to hop onto.

Now this might blow your mind so you better buckle the fuck up.
Those are different people, Sup Forums is not a hivemind.

if free yes
if pay . no
>paying for a game i already own
>paying for a 15 years old game
i dont even pay for 3 months late games

Are they over the age of 25?

Why would I ever want to play on an old server to raidlog once a week and clear all raids in 4 hours?

Over 30.


>privatefags are never satisfied with the server they're on
>instead they just migrate everytime a new shitty server releases
>eternally re-leveling 1-60 and raiding molten chore

what the fuck is wrong with them

No. Classic was good because of the community and communities these days have turned into unfunny memefests and incessant whining.

Plus everyone knows WoW inside and out now or has been playing it for far too long. There's nothing novel about it besides nostalgia that will wear off after a few months.

definitely lvlcap-39-19twinks probably

no, as there is no "right way of doing it"

Brain damage

The most fun is when everyone starts at lvl1 with nothing. Servers feel alive at that time. More than standing around in IF or OG. I don't really care about the character at all, it's just a bunch of pixels

Already playing it, its great.

Its because new players stop joining servers after a while and they want to gank people is worse gear.
So when a new server opens up they can feel like they are good again because they grinded to max first and geared up faster

its just private server teams being dogshit and people trying up and coming only to find those dogshit too

Just play wow ascension in the mean time

I don't see any point in starting out on a server where everyone is already in t2/t3. They will quit the game before I will even be 60


Why play on private servers that will go down in waves when Classic releases faster then they do now. I don't want my progress to keep getting wiped.

If it’s a one time purchase and not a monthly sub

Anytime a relatively "good" server gets released it gets canned by Blizzard under intellectual property rights. Blizzard re-releasing Vanilla WoW is the best thing to happen to these people.

Nighth/a/ven. It appears to be the second server of the elysium people



No vanilla WoW isn't good and was a product of its time.

Plus if you want to expereince the modern wow community with outdated gameplay be my guest.
Atleast retail WoW game play is decent to good enough to ignore the shitty community.

If it's f2p then maybe.

There was a server called "The rebirth" that won against blizzard in court and was allowed to keep up. It released content slowly and never had any crazy PR other than word of mouth so it slowly died. Was a good 5 year run or something.
Broken chink servers with corrupt devs is better i guess

>of all possible shitholes he chose the worst
How is that slavic cunt tastes like?

Going to meme it up with enh shaman until I find a guild that wants a healer

Maybe if some of my old Wrath guildmates get into it, but I doubt it.

No idea what you talk about, I only saw a few russians but it's mostly fairly mixed between EU and NA people.
You chose a privat by how new and populated it is, that's it

Lets be honest everyone is gonna play it for the first 3 months until the honeymoon period is over.

yeah probably.

It'll be fun, at least for a while. If it keeps being fun, I'll keep playing it. When it stops being fun, I'll stop playing it. This shit ain't hard

I'd rather have a TBC classic server DESU.

>no, it's not on the switch
>zelda, zelda, zelda

shhh, shhh

i already did 13 years ago.
I still am

>newfag doesnt know about waves upon waves of server hoppers back in Vanilla when Blizzard were opening new servers every couple months
Serverhopping to fresh in vanilla is absolutely normal.

Pretty sure anyone with half a brain wants TBC/Wrath Classic servers more but here we are pretending a game where you press 1-2 keys for 90 of a pve encounter while doing 1-2 mechanics is fucking amazing.

Might be a fun three months, then.

then play felmyst

Honestly the leveing will be fun as hell but fuck is everyone gonna quit once they hit the pre raid grind.

That's longer than retail kept me interested for the past 5 years for an expansion

No, Legion killed my enthusiasm for the series. The random legendary system and having to do dungeons forever with Mythic+ really fucking annoyed me after a while.

>preraid grind

Fuck this shit. I'll probably quit right there too

But that's the most fun time. Getting all the good stuff and important questlines, starting to max out professions to craft cool shit and get a ton of money for the epic mount. At least that's how I feel.

not to mention the pre raid grind gets you a fucking boring ass raid that hasn't aged well(Molten Core).

Yeah no thanks.

Even though i want to play vanilla again i will never give another cent to blizzard after all the shit they have done, if it were free i might but they sure as hell not getting any money from me

>classic release
>get to enjoy the game with none of the private server bullshit
>patch 1.13 and more to fix and improve the game while keeping the same spirit
Aw yeah i'm ready.

You're nuts.

Delete your post

>People actually believe """Classic WoW""" will be free to play and have no cash shop.

It's fun if you can run the dungeons with friends, but if you don't have any and have to resort to the modern wow community with parties reserving stuff from fucking 5 mans, god forbid

>People actually believe """Classic WoW""" will be free to play
This may be because I dont use the blizzard forums but I have never seen anyone claim this
>and have no cash shop
Its nice to dream.

>he thinks people play vanilla for the raids
Based retard.

leveling is fun once or twice but theres tons of better games for RPG content with friends.

Also WoW PvP was always dog shit. Literally every other genre is better for PvP.

I prefer bosses that only have one difficulty and not 2,3 or 4 to make it meaningless and look like an arcade game

They have already confirmed that WoW tokens won't work and that Vanilla WoW will have it's own separate accounts.

You can skip 2 to 3 of those difficulties if you don't suck.


Even then we are talking about Modern ACTI-Blizzard here nigga.

These people will try to nickle and dime you for anything and everything.

You are delusional if you don't think """Classic""" WoW won't have its own tokens and a cash shop.

Plus WoW Tokens are a necessary evil. They mostly keep the chinks from becoming a huge problem for gold farming.

I'm sure that's possible, but the fact they exist destroys the immersion so much. If a boss is hard I can take him serious and not change the difficulty to make him a joke. It's still trying to simulate a world

I don't care? I'm not a teenager anymore so I have loadsa money

I don't have the time in my adult life to play this game. I don't want to spend my free time walking for 6 minutes in a virtual game across a barren land scape so I can kill 12 wolves, then walk 6 minutes back into town to turn the quest in, and then rinse and repeat for 15 times until I have that area complete. Vanilla WoW was specifically designed to waste your time, it was designed to take forever so you were compelled to keep your monthly subscription. By the time you get to level 40 in Vanilla wow it becomes such a fucking slog it's almost unplayable. It takes up to 12 hours just to level up 1 time in the 40s, and then beyond that it only takes longer and longer. As a 13 year old, as a 15 year old, yes, I had all the time in the world to waste away into this game. I'm now 25 and work full time, have a girlfriend, I workout with my buddy every night and have other shit to do. And playing Vanilla WoW 20-40 minutes per night just won't cut it, you will barely make any progress playing that little.

of course

this. who the fuck is this game suppose to appeal to? The NEET adults that never grew up from their childhoods? Because children now a days woud never fucking play this slow paced drivel. Majority of us who played Vanilla/BC were children in school and we had tons of free time.

You run out of quests by 57 and end up grinding 3 days 12-14 hours each of those days in a farm at the plaguelands to hit 60.


classic will be better than the shitpile that wow has become, but it wont be as good as it used to be

gamers have changed, moo gamers especially so, back then no one knew what the fuck they were doing, but now its all about the meta, all about maximising dps in the most autistic way possible, and excluding anyone who doesnt go to the same autistic lengths

You can get to 60 in less than 6 days played if you're not retarded and efficient with questing and knowing which routes to take

this honestly. and it's not even classic, if they released a completely new mmo the same mentality would follow there

The thing is alot of players don't. Hell most players don't even google a fucking simple guide on thier Class regardless of era. People are lazy nigga.

>You can get to 60 in less than 6 days if you're a complete social shun in, have no job or hobbies and spend every waking moment of your day mastering Vanilla by knowing exactly where all the quests are and knowing where all the quest objectives are and knowing exactly where to go when you finish the quests in one area, fucking retards!

You are pathetic and sad. I would love to see what you physically look like in person. I bet it would explain so much


>posts female anime picture

Yep. That's about right

>Projecting this hard

What's wrong user, life not going well for you? Poor thing

leveling will literally be the only reason to play Classic. If you don't want to level, don't play the game, it's simple.