Star Trek

Why are there so few Star Trek video games? The old ones like Armada and Bridge Commander were a lot of fun, along with the Voyager FPS games.

Because Star Trek is fucking boring.

Fuck the Refit and Miranda are sexy ships.
Best aesthetic ship era in Star Trek.


Watch this thread get deleted for talking about video games.

>meanwhile porn threads get to stay up

Star trek online new fe is fun.
>not-tyranids bursting out of half a hundred dozen planets to eat the galaxy

Bridge Commander, Armada 3 and STO are basically the only Trek vidya worth playing these days.

Armada 3 has 2 new expansions in Beta which is cool. TMP era and Nemesis era.

Man Armada 3 is so strange, everytime I played it it ended in building up your empire to max for a good two hours and then cleaning up all planets with a giant deathstack one after one, which took fuckloads of time too. Is that really how it should be played?

Borg are OP as fuck. Seriously a single cube can take down an entire fleet.
I know it's "Canon" accurate I guess, but it's fucking annoying.

STO has decent space combat (though the ships are far too nimble and feel too small) but the ground combat fucking sucks ass. Also it's an MMO but nobody plays together at all, I've never partied with anybody else.

Still the best

bc had such an amazing mod community. shame more couldn't be done without introducing crashes and shit. its still fun.

I never figured out how the Voyager mod was supposed to work. I got wrecked by broccoli heads pretty much within minutes.

install the kobayashi maru mod. old but it was pretty much hundreds of mods integrated into 1.

That's a lot of Intrepid-Class ships.

Yes you do. You've got fucking dozens. Meanwhile the BSG fans are left with scraps. And Stargate fans even less.

BSG and Stargate are niche as fuck (though Stargate could get some good tactical sci-fi shooters).
Star Trek is probably the most popular pop culture franchise after Star Wars.

I wish STO played way more like Bridge Commander.
Something I really don't like about STO as well is how many non-canon ships there are. Frankly most post-Voy ships look crap and half the ships in STO don't even look like Trek ships especially Fed ships (temporal ships ugh)

Literally because Star Trek fucked itself so badly with Enterprise and Nemesis that Activision dropped the license and sued Viacom for being shit.

I think Ubisoft have the license now but have done basically jack shit with it.

Can't blame them when the only things happening in the franchise are more JJTrek flops, and the absolute disaster that is Discovery.

Bsg deadlock. Steam google that shit. As soon as I can buy it I fucking am. Holy shit yes get it.

No Pegasus, no buy

Being peaceful enlightened explorers doesn't sell as well as cawadooty in space

maybe we can attract them in other ways
seven of nine other ways

Lel. Funny.

>mfw people are too stupid now for even light hearted stuff such as trek.

Did you check it out? It has lots of ships.

>being so shit at making videogames you can only churn out shitty FPS'

>It's another fucking star wars/star trek mod

Judging from the reviews and gameplay vids it looks to get very same-y after a while

>wants a battlestar Galactica game

>doesn't want lots of BATTLEs

it isn't called Light Skirmish followed by twenty months of character retardation -star Galactica.

Maybe you'd prefer a light visual novel. With lits of animu toddies and porn. Sounds more down on your level.

But that's what it became in seasons 3 and 4
And you don't even unlock the Jupiter class until you're 4/5 through the game

you can try the Sup Forums fleets and channel but they honestly aren't very active. The reddit fleets and chat are pretty active

>nuBSG is the only bsg

Surrrrreeee thing.