Trying to decide to get this or a PS4

Legitimately don't know which one. I would like a console that has good graphics, but I also want a console that's portable and actually has games. Is there a console that does all of these?

Zelda is on PC
Mario Kart 8 is a meh port
Odyssey is meh
Xenoblade is shit

Get a PS4 bro

They both suck, but at least the Switch has a future.

Don't fall for the Bloodborne or Odyssey memes, they's good but not worth a console. There is nothing new, you fight a slightly different gank squad, 4 slightly different Sifs and nothing worth mention. Odyssey is just 3D World without the difficulty.

too much red and white on this board

PS4 is nothing but movie games and QTEs

PS4 has games and good graphics.

Switch only has portability.

pick whichever console has 5+ games which have been released that you're interested in

Why even own a ps4 when PC exists?

Why own a ps4 if bone x exists?

I have a PS4 and I have enjoyed the shit out of it thanks to games like Bloodborne, Nioh, Monster Hunter World and Nier Automata. But if you have a gaming PC you can enjoy most of those games in even better versions.

My boyfriend has a Switch and has enjoyed both Zelda and Odyssey, but he says both are underwhelming; Mario is too easy and Zelda doesn't actually have that much stuff to do beyond collectibles.

The PS4 has no future; the Switch has a future but it might not be very bright.

I recommend waiting.

Honestly OP you sound like a retard. I have all three consoles, and I'd get a Switch before a PS4, but I don't like games like Uncharted, and Bloodborne is good but not really my sort of game. If you like Triple A gaming go with PS4, if you like Nintendo games, Indie titles, and are fine getting a decent amount of Triple A titles go Switch.

If you don't have a PC then get a PS4, the switch isn't good enough to be your primary console.

Name confirmed 2018 games releasing for switch worth spending $300.

Try and not name a single port. Try and understand what 2018 release means.

Try looking at each one's library before you make a decision first. Also, decide how important portability is to you.

Hodl your money and wait a year, retard. Neither system has a lot of good exclusives so far

Whichever has the most appealing exclusives to you. If you've got a decent PC, I'd choose the Switch.

Both are good for exclusives IMO.
I'm gonna buy a Switch for portability, Zelda and other shits. I will buy a PS4 one day for Persona 5 and other Japanese games.

I don't have much time so I pick the Switch first.

I purchased both because I can. I hardly touch the soy switch. The PS4 is all I needed

There's literally no reason to get a PS4 if you have a PC.

don't make the same mistake i made. Get a PS4 and play MonHun.
Switch has amazing games, like zelda, marios, splatton and Xenoblade, with gyro controls and being able to play both on the tv or as a handheld in the shiter or your bed, but it doesn't have MonHun, which is the only current game worth playing

Ps4 has not one good game
Infamous 4 was ok but nothing special
All the good games are nip only

I don't see why you can't get both unless it's a financial issue.

Infamous 4 doesn't exist.

Second Son was the third mainline Infamous game.

Yeah the son one i meant

if you dont have a PC the PS4 is the way to go just for recent multiplats and some exclusives
if you already have a PC then go for the switch as portability is pretty fucking great and it has some great games and is the best place to play an indie multiplat that can run on it. plus it was a future ahead of it

Really you should just build a computer. throw a 1050ti in it and you will be able to preform at the same level if not higher than a ps4

>Xenoblade is shit
It was the best JRPG in recent years, no matter how rough it was

>Ps4 has not one good game
>All the good games are nip only
nice contradiction, weeb

Get a Switch if you like games. Only get a PS4 if you like games that play themselves (movies).

If you have a PC just get the Switch. It has more worthwhile exclusives and portability..

If you don't have a PC, might wanna get a PS4 instead. It might not have a lot of of exclusives but you can play almost every multiplat game.

>>>>>>>Odyssey is juts 3D world without the difficulty
Wait, there are people THIS stupid?

Are you retarded? Animu games are the best stupid
>implying witcher or cod are good games
Low bait fag

Be an idort OP

In all honesty it depends on what games interest you more but for my money I've been spending more time with my switch as of late.

If you have a PC, get the Switch. If you don't, get a PS4 AND a Switch.

would you say it's worth getting an xbone?

>implying I own an xbone

The xbone controller's for my PC, so if you don't have a PC it's a maybe. I don't think there are any exclusives on the bone to warrant a purchase but that's just me.

No point buying either a PS4 or Switch if you have a PC OP.

Nope. Unless you don't care about exclusives.

I cannot recommend the Switch to non-Nintendo fan, because there is no guarantee that you will like the Nintendo games on Switch (which is its ultimate sell point)