Game shows you how many times you saved each time you do so

>game shows you how many times you saved each time you do so

>game shows you how many times you died

>game shows how many times you loaded

> game shows how much money you would use if it was an arcade machine

>it's in the high 2000's

>game knows when you reloaded a save

>game shows how many people you couldn't save

>game shows you the consequences of killing certain characters

> Fightan game
> Win/losses are displayed on your profile before matches
> Each loss feeds your depressive feels even more and makes suicide more and more attractive.

I think there's seriously something wrong with me, as I'm not even joking. For some reason Fightan games really activate that inner voice in me that goes

"Look at you. Loser. You always lose. Never a winner. Never have neen. Never will be. The eternal loser. You lose in everything. You will never be good at anything. have fun being a loser untill you're old and useless. Oh wait you already are useless. Why don't you just end it now? You will never be worth anything. Loser."


>save several times because your not sure you saved after you clearly saved

>game doesn't stutter while saving
>tfw you save twice to make sure

>game reduces your final rating for each time you have saved

Name one (1).

It's because you know that you loss was literally 100% your fault.

Just keep playing and get good

> game shows everyone on your social media that you are playing it

>If you save you can't get the real ending
>Game has cheap deaths

>have performance anxiety
>multiplayer game shows how many people are spectating you

What game? Sounds like bullshit.

The Witch's house

>game lets you save anytime, but each save uses up a resource you have to buy

>save game
>go to quit

>unsaved progress will be lost!
>save again just to be sure

>"Do not turn the game off while this icon is flashing!" message at the startup
>the icon never shows up
>no other means of saving
>anxious to quit for the first time after 6 hours of playing

I got an 8 star rating first time. How's that?

>true ending requires a low savecount