[game] is the Dark souls of its genre

>[game] is the Dark souls of its genre

Other urls found in this thread:


>[game] is the dark souls of action rpgs

>"It's Darksoulsian"

>game is Skyrim but with [x]

Zelda Breath of the Wild is the dark souls of Zelda games

>is ___ the new Souls?

back to 9gag per favore

>souls combat
Which is the fucking worst bugged unrealistic boring shit

>he's too retarded to realize that people now say that ironically

Chess is the Dark Souls of board games

>make the Dark Souls of cooking games
>call it Dark Sous

Dark Souls 2 is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls games

Is Shogi the Bloodborne of board games?


Sonic is the demon souls of platformers

>not Dark Sauce

Way better

>Not Checkers

Casual baby detected

>[Game of the franchise] is the Dark Souls of [the subseries of the franchise]

So what games are genuinely the dark souls of their respective genre? Like Hollow Knight has super heavy dark souls vibes in its overall story and atmosphere.

One day someone will explain to be what 'the Dark Soul of' means

it's hard but it's actually just tedious

Memes aside, anybody wonder why the west is somehow generally more accepting of Dark Souls? I mean not even the SJWs even dared to throw a bitchfit about it.

"The Dark Souls of [genre]", (adj.)
Somewhat difficult. Used when game journalists can't git gud.


SMT is the Dark Souls of Persona

I see, thanks

Because all of the weird Japanese tropes that all of their games have are hidden and no SJW cares enough about the lore to learn about anything they’d consider homophobic, sexist, or racist.


>"reminiscent of Dark Souls
>"If you liked Dark Souls you'll like these games too!"
I really hope this "Dark Souls of" meme keeps up so everyone will finally wise up how shit the entire Souls series is.

Games journalists are bad at videogames, lack the self-awareness to acknowledge that fact and lack the vocabulary needed to express themselves.
So when they come up against the slightest hurdle they will not acknowledge their own faults but will instead interpret this as the game being deliberately hard like Dark Souls which is the most prominent example of this that they know of because people say that Dark Souls is a hard game.
Ergo "X is the Dark Souls of Y".
You have to understand, you are dealing with idiots that don't like playing games and lack basic deductive reasoning skills.

But it's true

I’d say ALTP is that, BOTW is easy as fuck. Even on Master Mode you stop struggling about 10 hours in.

>[anime] is the Neon Genesis Evangelion of its genre

Is Bloodborne the dark souls of dark souls?

what the hell happened to him?

I don't play souls because it is realistic

I'd play it if the combat looked better, bugged less.

>bugged less

There was a whole thing about his girlfriend offing herself, and Carrey was implicated for a while.

Other than that he has seemed pretty delusional in recent interviews. So probably drugs, the usual explanation.

>souls combat is deep and rewarding!
>literally the only thing you do is roll
>roll, roll, roll, even when it doesn't make sense
>roll into attacks
>there is nothing else to do
>just ROLL
It was so fucking boring even a supposedly hard playthrough (sl1, naked fists only) was too boring to play for more than an hour

Reminds me of that article that said that “SMT IV is the Dark Souls of Persona”.

What is the NGE of video games?

super mario bros the lost levels is the dark souls of mario games

Coffee is the Dark Souls of beverages

>SMT IV also doesn't overtly go into detail about its lore, nor has it a kind of crazy storyline that's told throughout the game
This guy didn't get past Naraku, did he?

Dark Souls

What is the dark souls of the dark souls trilogy?

finally Mega64 made a video of this

Bloodborne is the shadow tower of kings field

Dark souls 2 is the dark souls entry of the dark souls series