You're teaching a class on gaming.
What's your course called?
You're teaching a class on gaming.
What's your course called?
Loot Boxes: A Socratic Seminar
Why everything is shit.
Smack Talk (for Bitches)
Cirno's Perfect Math Class
How to add extra guys for your toon
Video Games fucking suck
Is Pac-Man Smarter than You? The Future of AI in Gaming
I told you my hobby wasn't a waste of time dad
Principles of game design
"Why Resident Evil 4 is objectively the greatest game of all time"
bing bing 1-up
Git Gud or Fail
Getting Good (for casuals)
Esports: Don't
How jews and women ruined video games
>You're teaching a class on gaming.
Why the shit gargling fuck would I do that?
"If you need classes to design a good game, then you clearly don't enjoy video games 101"
How would you explain that without just going into how they ruined everything else too?
Bing Bing Wahoo Pink Faced Nujak Check My 5 Shitpost Heres Your Controller Bro 101
No You Can't be a Fucking Ideas Guy: How to Actually Make a Video Game
Hating Niggers, Fags, and Women 101
if the institution would let me get away with it I would totally use this one.
Tick Tock Clock
Nobody would attend your class
Stupid time wasting pieces of shit 102
Motion Controls: The Athlete's Choice
The feminists that saved gaming.
The entire semester is just about how white men almost ruined a generation of children with their nazi rhetoric in games. With special guest speaker anita sark. And of course required reading that is just a bunch of self published work to maximize my own profits.
Why Graphics Aren't Getting Better: Why? Seriously, Why?
user you should do stand-up
Well, you're no fun at all.
Climbable Mountains and Broken Promises: A Retrospective
"Gaming" the system: how I'm using your interests to pawn off a useless degree and making bank.
>"Video Gaming: A Declining Medium"
Why you should avoid the hype.
>"But first, let me talk about parallel universes."
>'Video Games 101'
is the bait title but really the class would be so useless that I wouldn't even bother pretending to teach them anything and we'd just have lan parties after which they get a grade based on how much they sucked and whether I personally liked them or not
>F for Faggot
Pre-Orders: An Exercise in Stockholm Syndrome
Prerequisite: Intro to How Jews and Women Ruined Everything
Press start: a basic introduction to videogames
Mom Get The Camera: A class on do it yourself streaming and editing your highlights
It's no masterpiece.
Pillars of Game Building: Diversity 101
How To Stop Watching LP's: An Introduction To Putting A God Damn Controller In Your Hands And Playing THE GAME Yourself
"Atmosphere: An invisible weapon"
We take a look at games where atmospheric elements improve gameplay in a not so obvious way.
First class - Atmosphere vs Style
Virginity 101
Gaming must do’s and blood farts
you misspelled Streets of Rage 2
>it's actually Advanced Quantum Mathematics
Diversity in Videogames and Why You Shouldn't Care
Why game design majors are a fucking scam and you should've majored in computer science instead.
The Mathematics of Video Games
An introduction into the many and varied hacks video game programmers have had to use to fit into time and space constraints, from the earliest primitive physics models to the modern era of smoke and destructible materials.
Then I'd follow it up with
Lighting and Acoustic Modeling for Video Games
From Phong shading and volumetric clouds to surround, learn the physics behind the practical effects in videogames.
Has anyone here gone to school for game design? How was/is it?
The Degeneration of Mankind.
Those are just scribbles, you mentally deficient faggot.
Why can't you be more like Daiyousei?
At least she is useful and can talk normally, unlike you, autistic bitch.
Go back to your room, you useless ice fairy, I don't want to see your ugly face again.
God, I sometimes wish you had other traits than being a retard.
An Introductory into diversity and polictical themes in video games; and why that's a GOOD thing.
A course about diversity in political themes, like explaining why alt-right games are good?
about a month from actually finishing. Overall negative experiece, although I chalk that up more to the institution. No one in the main office seemed to have any idea what the fuck they were doing sos hit like getting assigned classes you didn't need/outside of your major wasn't uncommon and going in their for literally anything was an affair that would take hours no matter what. Instructors were the saving grace and most were pretty cool, even if the above problems meant that they gave conflicting information. I distinctly remember a Modeling teacher telling us to try our best to not use Triangles when modeling when literally every single game engine in existence just converts a model to tris anyways. The triangle avoidance tning only mattered to non-game animation students but naturally she never made that clarification. Basically anyone telling you you don't need school for this kind of thing is technically correct but mostly talking out of their ass. You can't learn the game design pipeline on your own, that just simply takes other people.
You misspelled Doom.
How an Entire Artistic Medium Stopped Being Good at the Turn of the Century
Complete Global Saturation
Oh, you said on gaming... I'll just add "of game market" on the end.
Is this the red pilled version of womens studies
How to suck and die a lot- with style!
how to enjoy videogames
Why is that snake making the platinum logo?
Why You Suck At Fighting Games 101
nice one
FUN in videogames.
It's about learning how to appreciate good vidya and stop playing shit games.
Gaming class
May your mongoloid inspired thread crater into oblivion
Psychology for Game Designers.
AKA How to turn your players into addicts!
>When is your game fun?
It'd be about reduce games by gradually removing things to find at how basic a level a game is fun, Mario 64 is really good example, take away the stars its still fun, take away any real goal still fun, and keep taking away you'll find at a very fundamental level Mario 64 has fun because of its movement mechanics.
don't get it (don't recall anything specifically socratic about gambling)
reference? i laughed tho
made me laugh
made me smile
this combo made me laugh quite a bit
last bit made me laugh specifically
reference. made me laugh
i liked this one
distribution of power and wealth in america
made me laugh a good bit
pong? nice reference
nice digits. made me laugh
>multimedia: the physical and emotional experience
Metal Gear Rising 2 announcement
How to be a massive fucking faggot.
Getting Gud: an analysis of skill
Don't Quit Your Day Job: A Fiscal Analysis of Chasing Your Dreams
my friends works as a producer and, ironcially enough, good 'ideas guys' are in short supply because there is now an abundence of coders compared to before and when they ascend in ranks they are usually so devoid of usuable imagination that projects become a real drag, what they are really looking for is someone with good ideas and good team management skills
How to hate video games 101
Don't Follow your Passion
should be taught in most majors these days honestly.
wonderful 101
because some retarded school is giving you a 60k a year salary to teach a class about fucking pong.
who the fuck cares
How to Apply at Starbucks: An Introduction on how video games is a fucking waste of time
Perhaps the problem is people growing up with games are only inspired by other games, rather than drawing from other influences as would have happened in the past.
Maybe everything is just too insular and self-referential now.
The Psychological Effect on Video Games
>rants about videogames being a waste of time
>posts in Sup Forums
should be
How to Apply at McDonald's: An Introduction on how your dreams are shit and you'll never mount to anything
How do I get a job as an ideas guy then?
What qualifications do I need besides "has good ideas"
True Intentions: Why Playing a Dub is Always a Worse Experience
"Kill all the jews."
I explain how gaming is the wrong word and how they have already failed.
After the class applies blackface we play high speed racers at 240fps.
Then put nude mods on characters using female members bodies and face skin texture. Add correct dialogue and responses so the world is white as possible.
Black members wear white face and provide the problems. Asians just wear cone hats, squint their eyes and say ah so like they usually do, with their hands joined in their sleves.
We listen to 90's music, and make content to suit the central artwork: drawing, writing, music, ass, interpretive racism.
We all pretend to be drugged and unresponsible for our actions.
Ah so says non sensical things, niggerlips act as nigger as possible, dats right to every good idea. The (white) man tries to interject with his superior niggerness.
Then we wash off. Seriously make humanity to the highest common standard.
People take turns making speeches about what people need to do. Ah so says Kill all Jews and the only Jew in the room cries and holds his shoulder like he has said the best thing he will ever hear.
Each person then provides their way of depicting killing jews.
Doom is modded so the demons are represented by pokemon. Or Doomguy is put into a pokemon game. Doom guy put in every game. Killing until there is someone to free from a prison, letting them out, going on.
No responses whatsoever to dialogue. No romance options. Women just throw themselves at him to no recognition.
Female and homo members provide female gameplay centered around clearing the world of other males by breaking their hearts, sleeping around. The good guys don't fall in love, they are love.
Doomguy kills dad and soy alike. Only people with guns killing the strog are on his side and they don't wait for eachother, head forward make love make gore.
Literally no tactics.
Play spin the bottle. Couples chimp out. And the rest sit there, get slapped.
Wasted time 101
>How do I get a job as an ideas guy then?
have a practical skill in field that isn't being an ideas guy
Gone Home is not worth $20: Walking Simulators and how to avoid them
60k, I bet the janitor makes more money than you faggot