ITT: 3x3 thread

ITT: 3x3 thread.
Rec, rate, discriminate.
Hard mode: No Sup Forumscore

>Hard mode: No Sup Forumscore
So you've chosen easy mode then, OP?

I am weak.

You can't choose which games you like most

I would say 3 of those games are Sup Forumscore. Being MGS, Kotor 2 and System Shock.

The remake of Radiant Historia is fun so far. Not a fan of the redesigns though.

6/6 maybe 5/6 because it's been a while but, but yoshi's island had some annoying bits, I don't remember fondly.

1/5 too much Sup Forumscore



trying too hard

>Zak and Wiki
My n-word

What sets apart Skies of Arcadia from other games in the genre? It looks kind of generic to me at first glance.

4/5, waaaay too much Sup Forumscore
5/5, and also my daily reminder to play both SoA and Zack & Wiki. Good shit, user.
3/4, MMQ > Rance
1/1, I was more of a Lucasarts guy myself than a Sierra guy, but King's Quest is alright.

>pokemon white
Uhhhhhhh what the fuck?


I still need to play system Shock 2

+KH2, MGS2

+Silent Hills 2, MGS3

+Silent Hill, STALKER, JSRF, Rance

can't recognize any of these / 10

+MGS2, Bayonetta, Cave Story, Skull Girls

+SMW, Halo 3, Earthbound, Castle Crashers

+Dragon's Dogma, Crystal, Alice Madness Returns





Give me the full list of these and then I'll rate it. I know I've played half of them and a few more look familiar, but I can't be sure exactly what game they are.










is alien hominid long? i remember liking the art style but i'm horrid at platformers

deathlord, pools of darkness, wasteland 1, wizardry 4, dungeon master, pool of radiance, taipan, qfg4, ultima 4

How Sup Forumscore am I?

This guy is where it's at.

i have no clue what to put as my 9th game

Mars Matrix.

post what you got anyway. we'll give you some recommendations on what to play based on your taste.

0/0 Compilations are cheating. Fuck Psychonauts.
0/1 welcome back
0/1 can't ID 2, 3, or 7
0/0 I guess. Can't ID anything here
0/1 Sonic Mania's honeymoon period is over, you sure about that one?
3/4 Seeing SC4 in this thread is good.
0/1 Can't ID 4. I've been told that the KHs are distinguishable by the clothes that the MC wears, which is nice but doesn't help individually identify them for anyone who hasn't played them and studied the auxiliary art work.
0/0 What is 3? The Melee fan project thing?

I had the GC port of Alien Hominid, and it was a bug ridden slop pile. I couldn't tell you how long it was .

Good call. I'd probably have that as mine if I didn't put G Darius on it.

Recommend me some shit
1/1 Psychonauts
Going to play Strange Journey when the 3DS version is out (DS version is stupidly expensive in the UK)
2/3 +Pokemon White, Bayonetta -Kid Icarus
3/3 SMW, Halo 3, Castle Crashers
1/5 +Pokemon Crystal -Oblivion, Fallout NV, Alice, GTA SA
2/3 +BotW, WW -Nier Automata
Gonna play TWEWY very soon. Got it the year it came out and couldn't get my head around the combat. Going to give it a fair shake this time.
4/4 Crystal, Alien Hominid, RDR, BT2
3/3 RE4, DaS, BB
Had a PS3 but for some reason never played DeS. I guess at the time I just wasn't itching for anymore Souls.
2/2 Mark Of The Ninja, Shovel Knight
Why do you never post yours? I'm interested to see it.

Who is truckpump?
>Sin and Punishment
>Love & Destroy
I can tell that they are my nigger.

Also that tiny anime girl.
>ESPGaluda II
>Robotron 2084
>Final Fantasy Tactics
Good shit.

Do you not play many games?

1/2 It is indeed in the filename. I even put the "Nethack" text on it to make it identifiable. Anyway find a way to play TGM3 on Mame or something. OG Tetris was fine and all but if you have that in your list, you need to play one of the TGMs. I never post mine because usually at least half of the people who rate anyone else's don't even bother to rate mine. I can deal with the 0/0s and people calling me a cocksucking weeb, but if you can rate others you can rate mine too.

No idea who truckpump is.

Not a high variety of titles now. The games which I do play the most tend to not show up in these threads. I've posted a large portion of my physical collection before, I'll do so again if I have something to respond to or want to give this a bump.

I'll try to guess your ages










19 with an older brother around 30


>Why do you never post yours? I'm interested to see it.
I haven't been on Sup Forums for about a year, but based on his ratings, a conversation I had in one of these threads a long while ago, and this statement:
>Good call. I'd probably have that as mine if I didn't put G Darius on it.
I think his 3x3 may be in his image there, on the very bottom, second from the left.
Could be wrong though.

If it's the same guy, he said he can tell if a game is going to be appealing to him, doesn't really need to play them, has narrow taste or something.
Conversation was a long while ago, I dunno.

Oh, well I wasted my time writing this shit.

sorry :/

Can't rate because I've not played any of those games. I've heard good things about the TGM games but don't they have the option to hold pieces for later? I hate that shit.

Can you try and guess mine?

play Demon's Souls

What's with all this empty space?
Also Sora is great.

I probably will someday, I'm in no rush though.

>Every game playable on an eighth generation console
>Favourite smash game isn't melee ("patrician" choice) or brawl (so wasn't there for the hype/nostalgia)
>literally who pokemon choice
>Shadow of the Colossus as the "hidden gem" choice
>Solid taste but no PC games
>UK nintendo fan

I predict you are somewhere between 18 and 20

you almost got me

that's just from the topsters website, it's for adding titles on the side, which I admit isn't very good looking but practical.


21 actually, but close.

7/7 then

6/8 conker/pkmn/ah/p3/kirby/mgs,-dbz/kh
5/5 x2/ristar/sf/twewy/motn
3/4 twewy/tales/ww, couldn't get into VC maybe I'll try again

GTASA. WotLK. Mafia 1
Rune. Gun. Toy Story 2.

Wtf why are my games the best in this thread???

Just make an image, you lazy fuck.


I'm on mobile. Make one for me, bro

thanks user.

7/7 good stuff
2/4 meh
6/8 we could be buds
1/1 you could maybe show me some interesting shit
1/7 nice choice in pokemon, bad taste in everything else
5/8 mostly good stuff
3/7 a lot of trash on here
5/8 ur probably a fag tho
8/8 be my nigga
6/9 pretty gud but v core as fuck
3/6 meh
4/7 questionable but viva pinata you are a patrician
These aren't bad games but they aint the best in their series
1/1 I like tactics but nobody has played this shit my dude
5/7 decent taste but i didn't like super metroid or crusader kings
1/2 I don't even care final fantasy V is the best. THE BEST.

basic bitch

I'd disagree. I know people generally prefer Melee but I'm one of the few that prefers the gameplay in Smash 4. Not many would debate OoT or MM being the best Zelda's, RE4 being the best RE (bit of a split between that an REmake depending on preference), and BW2 is absolutely the best Pokemon. I get that Jak 2 is a little questionable but that's more a nostalgia pick than anything, and it's also the game that's on the chopping block.


oh yeah? lemme mix it up a little.

>nobody has played this shit

Not that guy, but literally 10s of millions of people played Robotron 2084.

sorry im 12 btw

>adventure quest
Sure showed him!

>1/1 I like tactics but nobody has played this shit my dude
I've played six of those games, my dude.

does duck game have enough players to make it worth picking up these days? or do you just play it with friends?

you only need one friend to have a good time with it. I'd say its worth getting i've gotten matches not too long ago

i've played 6 games too

pls bully

I don't like Final Fantasy VIII, can't get into Fallout New Vegas at all, and don't think Super Mario World is anywhere near as good as Super Mario Bros. 3.
That's the most bullying I can do here.

I missed out on guess your age poster.