Why would anyone spend their time watching an obnoxious man child play shitty vidya and donating actual money to him?
Why would anyone spend their time watching an obnoxious man child play shitty vidya and donating actual money to him?
Rich people with no friends.
Cucks who enjoy being the kid who comes over to watch you play
Once a month I spend 10 bucks to masturbate to women on chaturbate and make it rain digital small change on them as a cum
Am I also in the wrong?
Try not having friends. Being alone and having money turns a person ugly inside and out. I used to pledge money to girls on Patreon just so I can get signed pictures from them in the mail. Twitch gives me a chance to talk to girls way out of my league. She doesn't know what I look like so I can talk to her without feeling ugly.
Depends on the streamer, I prefer the smaller channels (the ones that barely get 5 views per stream) because it feels more personal and you can actually have a decent chat with them. Also I prefer the male streamers, chat feels more genuine, probably because the viewers trying to beg for the females attention with whitty remarks and try-hard comments
I only watch for the T&A every once in a while, itʻs not like I donate/sub or anything
You know theres actual porn on the internet right?
Yeah those people are the worst. There almost as bad as people who spend all their time posting about video games instead of playing them.
Yeah, so?
I only watch others play games if they're griefing. Also, giving money to streamers makes you a shit for brains.
so why watch her
no because camwhores you control them, and go in private and they do what you say
for twitch streamers, people give them money just for the priveledge of the chance of the streamer saying their name, and theres no transaction, tis an actual donation, where camwhores its a service, you get something out of it
people like lirik fucking millionaires and fucking retards still "donating" to them like they need it
I wonder the same thing about people that come to Sup Forums
Why not? Both can get my dick hard, so which is irrelevant
Some like to watch sport instead doing sport. Some watch tv alone.
Everyone pays but here you can pay who you want to pay.
And you get some thank you and group feeling if you feel alone.
I like having twitch on in the background because I'm a loner and not interested in making friends, but I like to hear the sound of people talking instead of being in silence.
I gave a guy with an audience of 8,000+ people $500 yesterday. Maybe get a personality and one day you'll get big cash instead of whining about people who do.
Man the face she made, total amazing, it really gave me a boner
Can someone please explain why pic related is so popular?
he's not funny or particularly interesting, I really don't get it.
I have Starladder going on my second monitor but I'm barely paying attention to it.
>he's actually bragging about it
I do this too, I feel envy when they are having fun with their friend which I will never have
>can someone explain why this is popular?
>btw, I don't think it's funny or entertaining
>tfw i donated big cash to kaceytron when she was chubby and sexy and actually got rewarded with a meetup and sex
But he is not funny. And I'm not bashing his sense of humor, I'm just saying there's zero comedic output in his streams. Sure he interacts with audience, and is half-decent at games he's playing, but that's pretty much it, besides his persona
You might be somewhere on the autism spectrum, not understanding facial expressions or humor is a dead giveaway.
I didn't read one single word of that paragraph.
Even when replying. Lol.
great argument there. Why instead of attacking me try to convince me of your point of view
why do you like a streamer who doesn't even try to be funny and has obnoxious persona?
sure you did
It’s a fact that he attempts to be funny. If you don’t recognize that, then you probably actually are on the spectrum
Yea I guess I missed that one time
>not using twitch5
>giving clicks and ad revenue to attention whores
>actually donating
>not using ublock origin to block all the other attempted connections to google services and facebook/twitter spam
i weep for modern kiddos. they really don't know how to stand on their own.
Oh look THIS thread for the 10000000000000th time.
looking for some easy (You)s?
Sadest thing I read all year. Seek help fuckboi.
Good job you LoserCuck.
Because it's nu-Sup Forumscore