What are some games where the MC is a pussy slayer?

What are some games where the MC is a pussy slayer?

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The Witcher

It's funny how people like Chris get that permanent guilty look on their faces like they feel guilty for existing.

GTA: San Andreas, God of War (old series with black-looking Kratos instead of the current white babysitter), The Witcher, Sword Art Online (japanese self-insertion).

These charts always annoy me. The white guy on the right looks like Brock Lesnar. Most people do not look like Brock Lesnar.

>mediterranean women

I need one, bros

>mediterranean woman top left
Arabs look like THAT?

is that his ex?

>all white men are widefaced slavs

>Chris-Chan unironically makes more money and get more pussy than pan pizza rebel taxi
Ha ha ha ha ha

Halo 3 and Halo Reach

No, user. Even if he is an internet celebrity, he isn't getting a girl that attractive.

Stan Lee's stolen character, that stereotypes actual Africans, is praised by liberals. Pretty disgusting.

that's why I said ex because he did have one a long time ago.
I was guessing that was still her sticking around for moral support

Duke Nukem

A "pussy slayer" or a "pussy" slayer?

Pretty much every Persona MC

>Sword Art Online
Two years worth was a meme, SAO is as sexless as it comes.

MC has a 2D waifu

>a girl that attractive.
You are a living proof that a girl only needs to dye her hair and wear these stupid glasses to become ''''''''''''unique and attractive'''''''''''' and have an army of white knights

Knew this reply would come. Fucking every time a girl is posted here you prove to be girlphobes.

>making yourself look pretty will make people think you're pretty
Holy shit.

All he said was attractive. She's not ugly, calm down.

>pan pizza
>pussy slayer
Your making me laugh user. Only thing I will give him credit for is calling the new Devilman shit which it is.

>tfw you share the board with girl fetishists and girlphobes

He said it was ok.

Calm down, spaz. "That attractive" doesn't necessarily mean attractive.

Honey Select

he’s pretty pathetic desu