Was it autism?

was it autism?

It was magic!
and fake memories.

but the theme of v3 was lies, so how do we know they were fake memories at all?

True. The videos of them doing the interviews were certainly faked as they didn't match up to the opening scene at all.

>people still think the tapes were faked.
When will brainlets learn?

They literally had to be. In the intro no one knew why they were there while with the tapes/ added flashback they did. Had to be faked.

i'm under the impression anything in the game can be fake unless proven otherwise.

mahou ja...

Donkey lips a cute.

>tfw there’s still barely any good porn of Himiko, or any of the V3 girls besides Kaede

can't be helped when your the best girl with so little screentime

I love Junko!

I love Tsumugi!

It's worth noting that Kaede was still called Kaede in the prologue, so the 'real' names in the audition tapes don't really make any sense.

>Likes: Small Spaces

I'd fill up her small spaces with my magic wand if you know what I mean ;)

what do you want to see in the next Danganronpa game?

Because of the prolog?


>they say they were kidnapped, even though the tapes imply they volunteered
>cospox could be a load of shit - tsumigi could have faked these audition tapes.
She is still probably autistic though but a cute autistic :3

I'd put Tenko into a full-nelson hold if you know what I mean ;)

I love her stinky sister!


I love Kirumi!


>even though the tapes imply they volunteered

They explained this at the same time, they didn't know what the fuck was going on. I'm pretty sure they didn't know Team Danganronpa kidnapped them off the street if they're picked.


Best V3 girl.

Why did Shuichi and Kaede have their supposedly 'fake' names though in the real prologue?

Just really really dumb


This would've been covered in the final case properly if it was actually important

So no