Smash Bros announcer voice actor calls out Japanese audio fans

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>A lot of these folks have been working for years if not DECADES on their craft
Then why are they so shit?

Smash 4 really boosted his career. And he's only like 23 right? But he's become one of my favorite VAs of late. Really liked him in Persona and Fire Emblem Warriors.


This is the part where we go "Sup Forums BTFO", right?

A little pretentious assuming the rest of the World cares about American VA.

>Voice actors attend voice acting academies, while making sure that they're visually marketable and able to do things like sing
>Just make an audition reel and live in a state like Texas

Enunciation and the ability to change your voice to suit a certain role helps too.

Quinton Flynn had a big spaz out on Twitter a few years ago as well because he got wind of people wanting dual audio in Metal Gear or something else he was in.

It probably partially stems from the fact that Jap VAs traditionally get paid more.

>faggot limp wristed beta orbiter calls out tiny dick degenerate socially awkward gook virgins

wow! such drama. how will these savages settle such a serious conflict?

>japanese game
>japanese characters
>japanese names
>english voice actors
Really makes you think.

Was there anything wrong with the persona 5 MC's voice? I dont remember.
You have to keep in mind that weebs will cry at anything that isnt in japanese.

Is he friends with the guy who voices Fox in Brawl/Smash 4 or something? Why is he so asshurt?

>boy who literally shits in his pants calls out anybody

This, it's amazing the skill range good Japanese voice talent have.


> Western Voice actors include people like Ashly Burch
> Not inferior.

Yeah, no.


Soyboy cuck

not understanding the language isn't an argument
you get the emotion and execution even without the language

an untalented actor wouldn't understand that though

It's not what you say but how you say it.

>P5 Japanese cast
>Highly regarded voice actors, including some of the industries most popular
>P5 English cast
>Literal-whos that caused the game to be delayed because of how bad the dub was
>"Why do you guys want Japanese audio????"

it is crazy that anybody things westerners view VAing as seriously as easterners

who the fuck cares about some literally who on twitter? fuck off
>b-but you care!
i only care enough to tell OP to stop talking about literally whos on Sup Forums

good shit there.

While what he says is right, if the english dub is so mediocre or even trash, then the alternatives like japanese will obviously be superior due to process of elimation.

He's right, weebs are insufferable faggots

voice acting in japan is a huge industry with a lot of competition
american voice acting is just a few fat fucks with no talent who half ass their work because who cares, it's just video games, what do these nerds know

He says like 3 entire sentences the entire fucking game and the rest is just him shouting "PERSONA" or various grunts so, no not really. Persona 5's dub isn't even that atrocious. The only issue I had with it was that Futaba's VA doesn't really fit her at all but it's not like she delivers her lines poorly or anything.

It's not that amazing. It''s just that jap VAs understand the second word is Actor, amd therefore should involve actual acting.
Not many VAs who're stuck on the vidya level seem to understand that part.

It's no even being an untalented actor, spending years listening to both English and Japanese voice acting will teach you the difference, unless you are an actual aspie who still can't tell the difference. I am not saying all English VA work is shit, just most.

yet nigh every single one of them sound identical, if not exactly the same. all that tens of years in training doesn't do any good if you sound exactly like twelve thousand other VA's.

You forgot
> join a union

elaborate on that

And yet squeaky voice 1 is the exact same as squeaky voice 2.

it is an argument though, something as simple as word order tremendously changes the meaning of a sentence, someone that doesn't understand the language has no idea what's going on in that regard.

As much of a hateboner you have for her, she honestly isn't a bad voice actor.

Limited range, I'll give you that but pretty good at the type of character she does.

>Hirasawa yui

The amazing part is shit like being actual good singers, which still blows me away.
You're shit at identifying voices then, sorry to say.

I refuse to believe that any human being on this planet is dumb enough to think that the LA anime dubbing scene is more competitive than the seiyuu industry

Why would you just make yourself seem retarded if you actually want to make a point? Fuck off

heh EOP

You may be right but I'm fluent enough in english to tell you your voice acting sucks :^)

I feel the same about western VA. Most males sound like whoever voiced the TMNT original animation.

I'm sorry you can't differentiate tones and timbres.

His opinion doesn't matter since he is the worst announcer out of all the games.

you literally cannot prove me wrong without cherrypicking obscure mid-90s underground bullshit and you know it, go to bed

This all makes the assumption that the person making the criticisms doesn't know Japanese

How can we prove you wrong when it's a problem with your ears/brain? We can point out difference voice actors all we want but you will still say they are all the same.

There isn't a single good show in that image

Luffy is voiced by an old woman and she is great.

I can recognize hundred different VA so I guess you're wrong and should check your ears

None of them are any better than the other. samey shit my friendo. sorry its hard to admit I know.
Yet delusional weebs like yourself will argue to the end of the earth otherwise.

Normalfag redditor cucks leave

So Japanese academies are the CalArts of voice acting?

>Gintana, Nicrobros and Sailor Moon are bad

Putting aside Jap VAs, I can understand English ones so I know they are garbage.

>A no talent nepotism hire like Ashley Burch gets roles out the ass

Why would I ever take English VA seriously if they don't



Let's be real about that for a second though, user. Tin-eared faggots like the guy you're arguing with aside, the number of jap VAs who are good singers has been pretty low.
And nowadays it's kinda moot anyway, since media companies just view games and anime as vehicles to push their new idol groups and babymetal wannabes.

>english VA sucks massive ass
>WTF why do people want Japanese dub
Truly a mystery.

that's what the subtitles are for, it's not like you're sitting there listening and not having any idea what the fuck they're saying

Honestly, in my head i still remember hearing Johnny even though he was the mc in 4.

motherfucker better not be defending dubs the likes of Fire Emblem Fates because god damn those are bad.

Amazing range right there.

Thats because the niggers who make these charts are all giant fucking casuals.

English isn't my native language, and there's rarely a dub for my language

Why should I prefer the dub of one foreign language when I can use the original voice track?

Nice argument firendo. sorry you're too much of a brainlet to provide any additional input in words.
Weebs truly are the saddest species.

America has Hollywood so voice work isn't as in demand or as refined as other countries.

Nah man this is just about hearing and comprehension now. There really differences between peoples' voices and while there can be imitations people rarely have a same natural voice to another person. If you aren't around it for long, you won't notice it. This can extend to facial features to since people have a hard time telling asians apart. This is why you're a racist calling them all slant eyes or all blacks thick-lipped overbiter and while you can be whatever you want to be, you're pretty fucking ignorant.

>You can't tell they're bad VAs because of the language barrier! They're actually just as bad
No. You can tell.

watch more anime

Aoi Yuki is crazy. Sometimes I recognize her right off the bat and sometimes I never do until I happen to look it up. Her strained autism voice, like her Valverave and Dance in the Vampire Bund roles, are my favorite.


lmao maybe they could just take acting lessons instead of whining

Oh shit is this the dub thread?

Contributing a new and upcoming classic

Guys, let me present some critical evidence.

You don't need to be able to read Heian poetry in order to get the "feel" of Japanese, i can understand some Japanese and it's better to hear if the game is Japanese because the game is Japanese. It's like watching The Sopranos with a Japanese dub and subtitles, it would completely lose a lot of it's atmosphere

Where is he now?

It's true, I could watch more but those 3 cannot be called shit by any means.

>you can't understand it so how can you possible think it's good!
>I can't understand this but I know 100% objectively that this is SHIT

Oh fuck off. English voice actors suck dick 90% of the time.

>chinese electric batman

Bad VA work in NA games mostly comes from traditional actors basically refusing to do it. Apart from big budget animated movies like Dreamworks/Pixar/etc...most are entirely separate communities of "actors".
As a percent, more Japanese VAs are ex-TV/play actors than in NA titles.
Then the issue is funding. Localizing teams are generally low budget processes on rushed schedules.
Ultimately nothing changes because those who don't care...will either buy the game/show anyway or they'll watch/play the dub. Win/Win

Japanese dubs can be shit, especially when it comes to dubbing foreign stuff, just like American dubs can be shit when it comes to dubbing Japanese stuff.

>Smash Bros announcer

>Japanese game
>American Characters
>American Names
>English voice actors

Really makes you think...

I'm glad I don't have shit taste like you.

I refused to watch that show because it wasn't in its Italian dub. honestly what a shame.

>Sm4sh announcer
>Persona 5 protagonist

Looking at his face and his age, saying he's a VA prodigy would be a massive understatement. Probably the best VA out of the younger generation that's voicing anime/game characters these days

Yes how could it be possible that the entire industry is inferior. Surely american cars are just as good as german and hollywood is just as bad as bollywood, just with a budget. It can't be any other way, it's literally impossible

Yes, that's the point I'm making. How you interpret it is kinda up to you, but you're gonna lose a lot in translation either way.

I have no idea what this is supposed to be evidence for besides that japanese people can speak a language
Voice actor in Japan are always going to be better for the simple fact that VA for video games and anime is treated like an actual profession and not a dead end job

Western voices are too human, its gross. There's a disconnect in the japanese voices, so my inability to form connections with people doesn't get in the way of enjoying it

Except it goes both ways. I can't stand weebs who just automatically say the sub is better without even hearing the dub.
>Yeah I watch the sub because it's superior
>"I thought x did a good job, what didn't you like specifically about their voice acting?"
>I didn't even try watching the dub lol, I know the sub is better

Also a fuck ton of the girls in subs all sound the exact same as they yell high pitched as shit

That's completely fair.

All of those are literally who’s if they all sound the same