Tfw find it hard to go back to older games, not because of grafix...

>tfw find it hard to go back to older games, not because of grafix, but because you constantly get overwhelmed by emotions while playing
>tfw can barely concentrate because constantly thinking about the era in which the game was made in and desperately wishing to go back

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I don't get overwhelmed by emotions, but NFSU2 gives me a similar feeling because of how dated it feels driving 2000s ricemobiles to the soothing tones of rap and numetal.

this is autism at it's finest


user. m8.

t. gen z faggot who plays games to be nostalgic and never actually grew up in the 90's - 2000's


Thanks for the blog! I'm glad you get so emotional over videogames that you felt you needed to share it with us.

know that feeling, user. I tried to play Vice City last night and kept thinking about how much simpler my life was in 2002.

>Be poor all the time during 1998-2010
>Now that I finally have money all the good times and good games are fucking over, the online communities gone and everything is dead and shit
>Only a few good games left

know that feel

what were some of the games/communities you lost?

>the online communities gone
There's always Sup Forums

this only happened to me with Guild Wars 1 because the music is too good. Everything else is just like "hey hey I don't remember this, das cool"

LOOOOOOL what a virgin incel autist lmaoo kys yourself fammy

Burnout 3, burnout revenge 360, playing ps2 games with friends (I actually had friend s to play with back then just no fucking money or consoles), ps1 shit, n64 shit. I basically missed all the good shit. Now I have been emulating eevrything but all by myself since all of them moved away or got married and have families. I got all this money and games and nobody to play with. I sometimes do play with Sup Forums but they are dumb and don't know how to do online with emulators, you have to babysit them.

Don't kick him while he's down, user

A garbage community filled with memesters and poor console warriors it's something I guess

>starcraft 2 rp custom games
miss staying up all night on summer break doing shitty sci-fi roleplay

I miss the custom minigame servers in CS:S.

Sup Forums has been gone for a pretty long while user


Pls fuck my pucci

OP, you need therapy.

Therapy is a meme, it is a waste of time and money.

You can't go home again, user.

It's actually impossible to play old Tony Hawk games without getting at least a lump in your throat.

I have a different feeling. I feel like shit because of how fun it was to be a kid and have so little responsibilities.

It's helped a few crazy people I know become significantly less crazy. Probably doesn't work for everyone, but definitely helps some people.

>tfw broke down crying while playing chrono trigger

It's on par with saying you can't walk outside because you get too emotional about all the bugs you might be crushing under your feet
ie fucking autism

>when you have a dream about the girl from school you were in love with again
Waking up is always so hard when you just want to go back to sleep forever.

If only I could go back with all my money to be able to buy myself modded ps1, n64, gba xbox black with modded hard drive and flashcarts for them.

>mfw never had romantic feelings for a person
Being emotionally stunted is pretty ez mode

What's it like being socially inept?

It only hits me in the mornings when I'm still in dream mode with impaired reasoning ability.

I fucking love having emotions, man. Wouldn't trade them for anything, they make games so much more fun. Unrequited love is fucking nothing in the grand scale of things.