So how long before people start getting banned for winning too often?

So how long before people start getting banned for winning too often?

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Blizzard already caps you at a near 50/50 win rate though

Yeah, but what if somebody found a way to break past that and start actually winning at a rate that their skill allowed?

I always see this but never understood.
Explain. How do they force a 50% winrate on you?

when you start winning they put you vs higher ranked people, or pair you with lower ranks

Only way to have a good ranking is to play as a premade 6 stack. Even then you can still get the instant disconnect bug & be banned from comp for 30 mins+

better question when is this shit game going to die?

When the tumblards get bored and move on to a new game

>when you start winning they put you vs higher ranked people,
That's how ranking systems work, yes. What do you expect, your opponents levels staying the same while yours increases?

>or pair you with lower ranks
90% of the time theyre grouped up with someone who has an even higher SR than you.

This isn't some grand conspiracy of blizzard trying to force a specific win rate. You just fundamentally misunderstand how rankings work.

Play 1 game against a enemy team comprised of total low bronze shitters you clearly outrank, you team are average, but not the best, WIN

Blizzards MMR """""Match""""" """""Making""""" kicks in.

Game 2 - One enemy is clearly around your skill level, you get 3 gold medals while your team are arguing about you picking the wrong hero while they use absolute trash off meta heroes. Enemy team is above average with one shitter perhaps. But absolutely wipe your team a new asshole, Blizzard and other devs expect you to coordinate this shower of shit you got lumbered with in an uphill battle of overall team average skill.
>"Wow this is how ranking systems should work"

Yeah no, forced 50/50 in solo ranked games is and always will be total and utter trash

>This isn't some grand conspiracy of blizzard trying to force a specific win rate. You just fundamentally misunderstand how rankings work.

You type like a pretentious fag and your shit's all retarded.

This is what overwatch fags actually believe. I've stopped playing this game solely because of the matchmaking. One third of the games were effortless victories, another third were completely helpless defeats, other third were the balanced games. Nobody can tell if there is a forced 50% winrate, or if the algorithm is flawed, or if they're playing the frustration and reward mind game, but games are no way near as balanced as they're supposed to be and this is all we should care about.

when paladins battlegrounds comes out

Brainlets: Le Ebin Bread
Plat Bread: Le Ebin Thread

What exactly do you think is the purpose of a ranking system?

Does blizzard monitor every game and pick out people with bad attitudes and throwers to toss in to your game if you win too much?
Does that really sound like it makes any sense?
You're just making excuses as to why you're still silver.

Shit happens. You might be paired up with people who end up fighting with each other instead of the team, ruining the game. You might be paired up with a Smurf that carries your ass. That's just something you gotta expect with random matchmaking.

The best any developer can do is to make sure everyone on the team has a similar ranking (or group average if people are queuing together).

Its not TF2 so never

You type like a moron that doesn't understand how chance works.

They even removed the lossed games amount from stats cause it proved that they enforce 50/50 win rate.

You might not realize but you're actually supporting what I said in my previous post.
Matchmaking is a shitshow. The people you get paired up with are random within a certain pool organized by rank. That means there's thousands of possibilities of what can happen in a match. You might get two players who otherwise would be good but end up in a clash of personalities.
Or someone who's just having a bad day and ends up tilting really easy.

This isn't blizzard forcing a 50% winrate. It's just people occasionally being shitty or great.

The most you can do is influence the match as best as you can. Or carry hard if you're just way better than everyone else.

>over 30 million registered players
>half of them are active players
Not anytime soon apparently.

What you're saying here is opposed to the devs official version. Then I was talking about quickplay which I played 99% of the time, so no rank pool here, only mmr even if you could say it also forms a pool. But as said, losses have been removed from stats sites in quickplay, I monitored them at the time and they were indeed around 50% in QP, but games were still hugely one-sided and it wasn't occasional. I used to look at the top of leaderboards, people had a winrate of like 65% in comp, but 50% in qp. Occasionnal skill variations due to being stoned or whatever don't happen often enough to have games that unbalanced that often.

the game maybe has 1 million players across all 3 systems. it will just live on blizz(tm) life support like all blizzard games do.

Literally everyone I know who still plays this or watches OW league is either an SJW or nigger.

You can't unless you break that matchmaking that tries to put equally skilled team against eachother and somehow manage to make the game think you're trash while simultaneously winning, if you start winning it'll think you're better than the teams you're being matched against and put you against better teams until it finds a level where your teams skill levels are equal to the other team.

Qp is a different beast entirely. A majority of players go in with a different mindset than comp.
Most people just go in to fuck around or practice a new hero. Team composition is usually completely ignored and people drop in and out of games constantly.
It's even more of a random shitshow.

The only thing QP has less of than comp is people that take it seriously, which (thankfully) also means less infighting.

>1 mil players
>life support

Oh wow.

>1 million players globally across three systems with no cross play
>anything but life support for a game of this magnitude

I've been pretty autistic with that and monitored people ranks in lots of the 12 people lobbies I've been put in. Ranks were all over the place. 2000SR mixed with, I shit you not, 4300SR, on a regular basis. Team compositions weren't actually a problem because generally both teams had a shitty one. As for hero practicing it wasn't actually true, people just picked one of their (usually) three mains. It's true though that less people were playing seriously as my little comp experience taught me that games are more consistent there, it felt like my efforts were worth. Maybe the solution would be to get rid of MMR in QP, I don't know.

Let's say you Play your first 10 matches (Placement) and win 6 of them - that means you have a 60% winrate. In your 11th match you get matched with Players with a significantly lower winrate than you, so that all 6 palyers in your Team have a 50% winrate on average. On both Teams. In theory that means you get fair and even matches. In practice, if you have a high winrate you get matched with Players who have lost a lot of matches in a row and are totally tilted and mad because they lose all the time.
This Problem is less problematic in higher ranks due to a slightly difrent matchmaking. (Diamond and above). In those ranks it's either Steamroll the enemy or get steamrolled.

How long until people get banned for shilling?

Assuming it's an equal split (which it probably wouldn't be, since blizzards fanbase is mostly PC), that's still 300k per platform.
That's pretty fucking active.

I have a 63% win rate as Soldier 76 in quickplay.

This please

I have a 75% Winrate as Moira and 80% as Symmetra (My Mains)

Legitimately kys