Not even a year in and its already better than the nes, gamecube, and wii u

>not even a year in and its already better than the nes, gamecube, and wii u
what went so fucking right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Decent marketing desu.

Cool controllers. Decent marketing.

You talking sales or quality? Because it's certainly not quality. It still needs many more games.

Anti shilling from fanboys

Any console normally needs a few years to build up a decent library

Great for playing after chugging a pound and a half of soylent while jamal fucks my wife

not the dreamcast

>better than the nes, gamecube,

Whats the point of posts like this? You weridos run jokes into the ground faster then Sup Forums


And I agree, but then you get posts like OP's which show how silly they are.

I like that my childhood console was the SNES and N64, but as compared to the PS3/360/Wii U era, I'd say the PS4/Switch era makes me almost jealous of the kids today.

(You) keep posting this dead meme expecting people to actually care about (You)r post.
It died like 2 weeks ago, bury it already.

Better than N64 you mean.

absolutely not

Dreamcast didn't have a life of a few years

This meme would bother me less if Sony and Sony Pictures didn't exist.

no shit sherlock

Switch has like 2-3 games after a year.
The rest is just ports.
I mean it's great if you never owned a WiiU but so far I'm only interested in Odyssey

The wring was on the wall for the Dreamcast before it even launched.

>Better than the Gamecube

Shut your fucking mouth

Aside from Mario and Zelda, what exclusives does it even have?

>2 games
>better than NES

youngfag detected

That's better than every console and handheld released since DS


xbox 360 had amped 3, pgr 3, kameo, and condemned faggot.

Seriously. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

They choose quality over quantity

Odyssey, XC2, and M+R are better than Condemned faggot, flustered MSfag. Also

>They choose quality over quantity
>Many of the games people got were rereleases of games from the Wii U

>I mean it's great if you never owned a WiiU
And that's exactly why so many ports from the wiiu isn't as big of a deal as a lot of autists bitch about.
There's still wiiu owners crying about botw being on the switch despite it selling like seven times as much as the wiiu version, all those people didn't get a wiiu and that's the point.

who gives a fuck if its better that wasnt the point dipshit

>Portstation with the same as Wii U's value except it's portable(tm)

>And that's exactly why so many ports from the wiiu isn't as big of a deal as a lot of autists bitch about.
>It's okay then Nintendo does it

>better than NES

I can accept the other two, but that's a step too far, user. If you right at this moment said I could only have one console and its library for the rest of my life, and the options were NES and Switch, the answer is still NES.

I didn't get a shitty wii u

cuz the nes, gamecube, and wiiu are trash consoles thats why.
its like comparing the ps4 with the switch hence the overwhelming diference in either raw power and popularity. and its not even in the same generation.

>hence the overwhelming diference in either raw power and popularity.
Isn't the Switch more popular than the PS4?

Let's put fanboyism aside for a moment.

Are you saying, from a business standpoint, that nintendo should have not released these games on the switch when they get five times as much or more sales on the switch than on the wiiu?
Nintendo would be downright stupid not to.

>confuses quality with quantity

Switch already has two games that score higher than just about everything else that has come out this gen. Both of those games are the pinnacle of their genre.

What you meant to say, is that the quality is there, but the switch needs more games overall.

>better than the gamecube
Yeah, no. I don't care what anyone says, the gamecube had some of the best games of all time on it. Until the fags at Nintendo put those games on the switch for virtual console, gamecube will always be better.

>that score higher than just about everything else that has come out this gen
>Actually giving a shit about review scores and not just to make other people mad
What happened to this place?

>best games of all time
>doesn’t name a single one because he knows he will get laughed out if the thread

>Both of those games are the pinnacle of their genre.
Odyssey yes, anything else? No.

And no, it needs more games FOR said quality. Take any other console for example and their games, multiplat or not. They have far more quality games to play than the Switch due to sheer variety. The Switch simply does not have a strong library right now. One or two games do not give enough reason to buy an entire console.

>cool controllers
the Joycon are actually pretty cool. Playing MK8 at the airport with a friend is actually really fun

sure thing kiddo, wait I meat fat old nerd who grew up on the gamecube era and still keeps playing with ninety consoles on their 30s what a lame and delusional crap are you?

I still hate how they compromised the design of the main controller just for that feature

I just made you mad and that’s pretty good.

>he thinks because I quoted a meracritic score I somehow only care about game reviews
>he thinks I haven’t already played both games and concluded their genre domination on my own

If I use my own opinion as evidence you would just attack my character, so you get my opinion along with the opinion of the rest of the game community outside of Sup Forums (where everything sucks and no good game has ever existed)

Nice try, but you’ll have to work a bit harder to discredit me than that.

>still confusing quality with quantity

Just say more quality games already and stop pretending that the switch doesn’t already have 2 masterpiece exclusives.

>If I use my own opinion as evidence you would just attack my character, so you get my opinion along with the opinion of the rest of the game community outside of Sup Forums (where everything sucks and no good game has ever existed)
>Nice try, but you’ll have to work a bit harder to discredit me than that.
Is this on the autism spectrum? Legitimate question

user they're decent but they're by no means "masterpieces," jesus christ

Compromised how? Like the lack of a D Pad?

That’s like, your opinion man.

Everyone has a best games of all time opinion, retard. Also, why enter this thread if you're not a fan of all Nintendo games?

People like you need to be killed. You're a waste of space.

What two games are they?

From a business standpoint, yes, I do agree with you. Well, atleast we can confirm that PS4 is much better, ofc without any fanboyism

Why claim GameCube has some of the best games of all time if you won’t even name one so I can tell you why Mario odyssey and BOTW are superior?

Afraid I’ll be right?

>2 masterpiece exclusives

BotW lost my interest halfway through. The systems-based world and mechanics are great, but they don't fucking do anything with it for the most part outside of the shrines. They're just there. Can't play Odyssey so I can't say (but it's probably better than the boring shits the Galaxy games were)

Definately not my left joycon
Sent it now the second time to repair

Zelda and Mario of course

no one really cares what you think. the vast majority of people agree that BOTW is a masterpiece. just because one person thinks SM64 is shit that doesnt mean its a shit game.

Lack of dpad and the straight-up positioning of the analog sticks and buttons. It just doesn't feel good in my hand to use

Zelda isn't exclusive, user

Huh? Yes it is. Cemu

Good thing the Switch has more than just 2 good games

>MK 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Xenoblade 2
>Fast RMX
>Bayonetta 2

>Disagea 5
>Sonic Mania
>Rayman Legends
>Rocket League

*soy con

>no one really cares what you think. the vast majority of people agree that BOTW is a masterpiece.

We'll have to see what people actually say about the game a couple years down the road when the real honeymoon period is over. History wasn't super kind to Twilight Princess (but this game is definitely better than that). It's also not an exclusive


>MK 8 Deluxe

Asymmetrical is best

This user gets it.

Twilight princess didn’t get GOAT claims at any point in its life. I’m pretty sure since it’s launch, people agreed that it was not as good as wind waker and not very good for a Zelda game in general.

I don't recall being able to play as an inkling in the wiiu version. :^)


I'm not hating on the switch, champ, I fucking have one and both of those games. I consider them both to be amazing games as well, so settle down autist. I never said anything negative about it so why are you getting so defensive? Jesus Christ. There can be more than one best game of all time in a single series, you realize that right? For example, everyone shits on Sunshine for its tropical setting restricting the level designs to a tropical theme but that doesn't matter to me at all, I still feel like sunshine and 64 are on equal footing and both deserve the title of best game.

>Asymmetrical is best

You aren't trying to say asymmetrical stick placement relative to each other, right? Cause that's not what I was saying at all. I mean this

What the fuck does that even mean

>We'll have to see what people actually say about the game a couple years down the road when the real honeymoon period is over.
It's been a year. And BotW will win the GDC Award next month.
>History wasn't super kind to Twilight Princess (but this game is definitely better than that).
Meh I would argue that it has. People were quick to call TP out on its stale formula back then. Now, having played 10 years of absolute shite across various systems, people like it now.
>It's also not an exclusive
Neither was TP. I don't get this 'exclusive' thing? They're Nintendo exclusives. I don't recall anyone crying that Smash 4 was available on the 3DS as well as the Wii U. But people hold up this exclusive card against the Switch because ?????

Lucky you that you have toddler hands. I had to get a fucking pro controller because the fuckers are tiny as ants in my hands

>there can be more than one best game in a single series

That’s not how the word “best” works champ. Sunshine was 100% derivative of sm64 too so it could never be as good.

>I don't get this 'exclusive' thing?

Just a response to them saying the Switch has two masterpiece exclusives

>Sunshine was 100% derivative of sm64 too so it could never be as good.
>Something needs to innovate for the sake of innovation to be the best
Do you like what Nintendo's done for Paper Mario too?

>not how the word "best" works
According to who? A dictionary? Some faggots reviewer? I decide which games are the best games of all time to me, nobody else. Is that such a bad thing for someone to like two good games equally enough to cherish them both equally? This console warring cancer has deluded everyones minds into thinking everything has to be number 1 or only one thing is better than the rest. Fuck that.

Everyone should adopt my opinions and return to normal. I'm tired of this constant shit flinging.